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Latest update from the warsword team. Release date: Q3 2018

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Dear warsword fans,

Progress report:

I am pleased to report that the game breaking bug mentioned in the previous article has been fixed and that gsanders has returned to continue his work on warsword. Both of these facts are enormous boosts to our timetable and we can say with more confidence that we are moving into the final stages before release. The team are very eager to release at the moment and we are ideally aiming for a mid to late August release time but in order to do that we have had to accept that some of our modelling needs are not going to be possible. Most of them revolve around caster armours and a few other items here and there but we have resolved to modify existing armours/items in order to fulfil what we need and hopefully in the future we can give each caster type a more unique look.

We will also have to delay plans for more quests (outside of random event quests), expansion of reputation system (evil not very fleshed out currently) and we won’t quite reach our target of random events (will release with around 50 instead of 60 planned). This is a worthwhile sacrifice in order to release. We will keep working on these aspects in the future.


As well as making the inner working of the mod as efficient as possible and looking at areas of the mod such as the economy and racial prejudice, gsanders will also be adding something which players have been asking us to add for years, which is diplomacy. It will be a hybrid version of diplomacy as not all features are compatible with the Warhammer world but we will try to bring you a version which brings as many kingdom management options as possible without compromising the lore too much. He will also be adding a few of his own features he has developed over the years such as more control over your kingdom patrols and caravan recruitment.

Chaos Dwarves:

Kraggrim has done excellent work creating the models for the chaos dwarf faction. All armour and weapons have been freshly made and we will post up some screenshots soon. The player will be able to choose chaos dwarves as a starting character and Polloio has written a unique character creation section for them. The chaos dwarves will not have their own skin so in order to make them playable we have had to settle for fake heads attached to the helmet. If you are a chaos dwarf ignore what your character looks like in the creation screen as it will be overridden by the helmets.

Other work:

Since the last article Burspa has made many new effects for the spells and work continues on this front intensely. It is unlikely every planned effect will be finished for release but we will aim to release more in subsequent patches

Marshal_157 has continued to optimise the models and also fix many issues with them across multiple factions. He has also created some new items as well.

Reworked Magic system

I have made some changes to both the AI and player magic system over the last couple of months.


Previously it was stated that the AI will always cast at the start of the magic phase and that all spell effects (including the players) will end at the start of the next magic phase. Now the AI can cast a spell at any point during the magic phase and not just the start. We have increased the length of time spell effects last for from 10 seconds to 30 seconds so that they can have more impact in battle and instead of all spell effects ending at once, they will each end individually after 30 seconds.

Mana generation:

The amount of mana you get from each magic phase can be influenced by the total encumbrance value of your armours. In the 19 – 24 range you will get an unmodified amount but with lighter armour you will get more mana and if you go over you will receive less. The values increase/decrease incrementally as your encumbrance goes down/up.

Casting Spells

The original system which I described in the previous article was based on the Warhammer and Warhammer quest rules of magic and while lore friendly, in practice it has led to some balance issues and issues around spell prioritisation and frustration in some areas of casting. To combat those issues and to allow a much wider range of balancing options for our spells we have changed to a different style of casting system.

One thing we said in the previous update is that the player can only cast 1 spell per magic phase (outside of minor magic missiles) but this has been changed to one of each type per magic phase.

The types are

  1. Buff

  2. Debuff

  3. AOE

  4. Summon

  5. Instant

  6. Major Magic Missile

When you hover over a spell scroll you will see these categories...

Mana Access Level: This is the level in which you can start using the spell in battle. You can still purchase the spell before you reach this level but it will not be available to use until then.

Mana Competency Level: This is the level where a caster becomes fully competent at all aspects of casting the spell. When a caster reaches this magic level they will not face a casting roll and the spell will be cast automatically except in these circumstances

  1. Caster has 23+ encumbrance (unlike mana this includes weapon slots)

  2. There is a 1 for the winds of magic roll

  3. Caster has a shield equipped (on back is ok)

  4. The caster is drunk

If any of those 4 statements is true then the caster will face a casting roll with all usual modifiers regardless of their level.

Spell Type: This will tell you what type of spell it is and whether it is ranged or centred at the caster. AOEs can be classified as explosive and aura. Explosive AOEs will damage anyone within the blast radius regardless of side whereas aura AOEs only target enemies unless specified.

Mana Cost: How much mana the spell costs when cast successfully. A failed cast will cost half the mana cost.

Casting cost: This is the casting roll which has to be made after modifiers if a roll is required

Condition for effect: Not all spells have this but if a spell has a condition which needs to be fulfilled before the effect takes place (such as a skill test) then it will say here.

Cool Down Time: This is the amount of time it takes before you are allowed to cast the spell again (there will be a countdown next to the spell name). Times very from 45 - 180 seconds. Minor magic missiles can be cast every few seconds. If you fail to cast a spell then the cool down time will be 30 seconds until you can try again.

These changes will allow for a wider range of decision making for the player both in terms of character setup and in game spell tactics.

Poisonous spells

The spells which give an ally poisonous attacks will now do so permanently for the rest of the battle.

Thank you for your continued support for the mod and your patience.

Nameless Warrior

Post comment Comments
Tardik_cz - - 170 comments

Cant wait. U have pleased Tzeentch :D

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CtoSicarius - - 72 comments

You guys make me really happy

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tcud87 - - 12 comments


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Ra30R3 - - 397 comments


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Kruxed - - 21 comments

My itch continues to itch but that satisfying scratch draws nearer

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hailmyself - - 57 comments

By Gork and Mork, dis truly a good newz!

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

U have done a great job with this mod, thank you for your work!

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Teeff - - 101 comments

The addition of spell casting will add so much replay value, good stuff.

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Memenotyou - - 33 comments

Good to know that Gsanders is back, he is one of if not thee top modder.

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Phosphor1 - - 1,473 comments

Not true but a compliment well delivered, if you mean it, is a pleasant start. There are better and there are less controversial. But I'm free, which the best ones aren't. I'm only high maintenance after troll attacks, but what matters now is grinding out Diplomacy merge. Everything is turned around inside this mod, so aligning snippets of code from one mod to another is a giant task. There is much concern that pieces of dialogs or scripts could get clipped, so its taking longer than for example Guspav's mod, where I simply replaced "everything" with another mod, compiled it, and then worked backwards to put as much of his mod back into my template (along with some of his bugs) to keep his "flavor". That gave me a 5 day merge but here will take at least 3 times as long. Also some of the files are twice as big as I expected, so that there is a risk of scripts getting defined twice, with time spent running down both copies and reconciling.

The one and only thing I will say though is this:
I at least tell you where I stand, what I am up to, why I think it doesnt work, etc. Everyone else gives a 1 line statement "worked on sea". I tell you in tedious, eye bleeding detail what got changed. Sometimes thats useful, and others its TL/DR. But at least you get feedback.

We're still hoping for an end of August release; I reckon 2-3 weeks for my layer, at least, plus time needed to test feebly plus time needed to retweak plus time needed for Nameless to merge my changes to his and then time (skipped last May 2016) to test THAT merge again, then you see it. Lots of time. But on my end, it means giving a rough draft to Nameless by this month's end -- but thats not the same as the version that gets shipped. Nameless Warrior and Kraggim, Burspa, and Marshall_157 really went to town. You won't believe all they got done in 2 years. Compared to that, I'm kibbles and bits...

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Memenotyou - - 33 comments

Well, in "my opinion" you are.

You took Phantasy Calradia and made it amazing. Your personal creations/code expanded the game farther into the fantasy realm than thought possible. I hold fantasy to be the most important aspect of games like these and thus, you are propelled to the top of the modders list.

When it comes to controversy, I spit on it. These days everyone is "offended" by something so controversy is created out of nothing and trolls are shitheels not worth their weight in **** so nothing they say matters to me.

You do good work, and deeds are pure gold so, yeah.

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Wendek - - 38 comments

Regarding the "explosive aoe" spells : do some troops have those, and how careless are they going to be with them ? I imagine getting KO'd by some random needless fireball from your mages could very quickly become frustrating for the player. (For your own fireball, you at least know that it was your fault if you hit a friendly, much like headshotting your elites with a bow during a battle)

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Phoulder - - 25 comments

This is awesome news! If only I could contribute to growth of this game. I'm too withdrawn to ask you for anything more than you already had done, although I have plenty of ideas in my mind. I think I'll just wait for the release, and first playthroughs. I'm hyping so hard I'm going to take a break, and just enjoy the summer, so my expectations won't hit the sky. Have a decent time doing your work, I appreciate that you didn't abandon this project. See you soon on the forum! Death to the Dark Gods!
For the Renegade God!

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InqusitorsWrath - - 19 comments

what about warrior priest recruitment? i haven't been around for a wile so i have no clue if they are recruit able now? my armies need spiritual guidance and i need to beat my enemies to a pulp with righteous harts and a blunt abject

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Ramazon - - 75 comments

Warrior priests are spawning in towns you own. Otherwise you have to free them from other parties, or capture them and recruit from among prisoners.

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polloio - - 3,977 comments

Technically they do no "spawn", you first have to own a city for the Empire (or imperial culture) and then build a War Academy there. They'll start spawning in your garrison every week.

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Storander - - 253 comments

Cant wait to play it!

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Phosphor1 - - 1,473 comments

I could say "neither can I" but the honest truth is I played it heavily Tuesday and again today. From Tuesday I found a mistake I made in sea traders that would corrupt a city (turn port cities into sea traders) when there were no friendly ports available at that town's trade routes.
I fixed that today, I think.

Then I fixed 3 different issues with caravan recruiting - incorrect half recruiting, incorrect update of queue each day, and incorrect non-display of the option at the town menu. Now all three are working fine, letting me pull around 27 or so recruits 3 times a week to towns. Pity there isnt anything like it yet for castles.

Then came being my own king and testing chamberlain, constable, and chancellor dialogs and functions. Constable training went well; I did close a hole in recruit dialog, since I want to disable the diplomacy recruiter, who isnt working in the code base I use. Probably trainers are working for the Native tutorials, and bandit camps spawn correctly, respawn correctly, spawn bandits of all 18 types correctly, and recover from being closed correctly. Its been worse.

Enterprises decay profits when too many of the same type are operated by the player; that decay responds in real time when one of the enterprises temporarily is shut down by war. Guild master in town estimates profits for each enterprise with knowing how many you have of that type operating, to give correct estimates. I'm satisfied with that.

Prejudice is working as I want it - influencing the length of peace, who to make wars with, and shutting doors to trade when your party mix displeases the gate guards. Persuasion correctly relieves some of that, so if your party was just barely into the red for net racial prejudices (some plus, some minus for example) then if you aren't too deep in the red you can walk in and trade -- assuming you're not at war of course.

Sea travel worked for me without glitches and the work arounds for sea battles seem to work, with prisoners and loot now happening. I still avoid them when possible as there are too many friendlies drowning for my taste but if they fall or get knocked back into the water you know they should drown. I'll see if lizard men can be set to swim better to not be killed by drowning, and otherwise adjust drowning to occur less when troops are in light weight armor. Remind me to do that next week.

I should try Kraggim's idea (or was it Burspa) to have prejudice lock out lords running to the nearest castle for shelter, such as hmm kaos running to empire to hide when diplomacy has them at peace for the moment, as prejudice would lock them out. So far the prejudice is enforced for the player but all the routines that check are general purpose. Thats another thing to check next week.

I'm also curious if some of the traders should have magic users, as broken trader caravans are probably the main source of getting troops for your party early game. Bandits tend to break traders and pile up large prisoner trains. We'll see what Nameless Warrior thinks when he gets back next week or so. So - as you can see, there are lots of experimental things, but its not finished -- and every last thing I mentioned might get scrubbed in the next weeks if it doesnt fit Nameless' vision. I'd say the kitchen is busy, the soup smells good right now. Maybe by this time next month, you'll agree. Maybe sooner...

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Phoulder - - 25 comments

Take your time guys, as much as you need. Thank you for all the efforts you put into this. The Outcast God may forsake me for those acknowledgements, but I feel it's right to do. Stay strong.

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mintz97 - - 181 comments

Will framerate be fixed?

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Ramazon - - 75 comments

It should be, they made some changes, especially with the script that checked who is on sea every few seconds.

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Nevermore-IV - - 2 comments

Checking back every day atm; the hype is real.

Love what you guys have created with this mod so far. I'm very much so looking forward to the update :D

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ivirital - - 2 comments

hey guys, can you add the Custom Troop Trees mod, please i beg you :D

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

Cant wait to play the update!!

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vkn - - 1 comments


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nooblordz - - 89 comments

Nearly end of 3rd quarter is it delayed or what?

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jimtheman - - 17 comments

I thought this was gonna be out in august

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

Just checked back in on this mod and the progress sounds great! I'm looking forward to the new major update, I hope its more better than ever!

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

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CrazyAng3l - - 80 comments

When is the mod coming out? it said Q3 but its almost Q4 still no release

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Myth1985 - - 1 comments

I've been checking this page nearly every day this September... Keep up the amazing work, guys. Excited to try out these new systems.

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

Sorry can someone pls explain me how to download this mode. Latest version

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

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wansha17 - - 4 comments

when will it come out though?

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humudu - - 25 comments

What is your current situation?

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asar6886 - - 2 comments

It came out already? Are these files in the section, they are up to date?

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Nevermore-IV - - 2 comments

For those waiting for the update, you can follow the mod under the 'profile' section to the right to receive a notification when the update's released. Something's evidently held these guys up. All we can do is give them our best and be patient.

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