For those of you out there who are interested in things like this, Garrys Mod (MotY 2005) is now available via Steam for the incredible price of $9.95 (Plus tax) if you have a Steam game already installed, or as a bundle with CS:S for $24.95 (Again plus tax).
If you're curious about how this affects its standing on Mod DB, we will still continue to support this as it is a modification of the original engine. It is, however, now listed in the games section which will enable you all to add your own mods (Modmods?) and addons to this site and our sister site, Addon DB.
As a side note, Steam now accepts PayPal for purchases so all you people stuck with debit cards and bank transfers can buy games.
He (unlike many other mod makers) never said he would not sell it if he was offered to do so.
Garry said that if he was not able to sell it, he would stop making updates to Gmod 9 since it just takes too much time now days, and he also have to work.
Not to mention that gmod 9.3 is still free, and if you don't like to spend 10$ you can still play it.
Liking it so far, but it's very buggy.
Err...ive got a debit card, now how the hell do I slide this thing into
Worked with the feckin'g ATM :(
Can't wait to here some reviews
- Just go through the normal 'buy game' option in Steam. You can select PayPal from the payment methods, and you are then taken to a page where you can enter your card details. Switch/Maestro and Solo debit cards are accepted, not sure about Visa Electron.
Don't you think that Garry's mod sorta "sold out" by doing this?
Why not? I mean, isn't trying to make a profit off of what was free selling out?
Sigh. Why does everyone think that Garry sold out? To everyone who says it: If you made a mod as popular as GMod in your spare time, for fun, and then got offered a license for an industry-standard engine worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and money to keep going exactly what you were (that is, developing it for fun), would you turn it down?
I say good on Garry for building something so successful that he's been offered a chance to sell it
well you can still play the free version and 9.95 is what you would spend on a meal at McDonalds so I believe it is good for the industry to have shining success stories like this.
I love all the new features, but christ is it ever crashy.
"By -Wraiyth | Wed 29th Nov, 2006 @ 7:27:27pm
Sigh. Why does everyone think that Garry sold out? To everyone who says it: If you made a mod as popular as GMod in your spare time, for fun, and then got offered a license for an industry-standard engine worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and money to keep going exactly what you were (that is, developing it for fun), would you turn it down?
I say good on Garry for building something so successful that he's been offered a chance to sell it"
Snagged a press copy from Valve, but it crashed on me before I got a chance to play it any.
Anyone who condemns Garry for "selling out" is an idiot. He's doing something he loves and getting paid for it. Isn't that what most people want in life? To have a job doing something they love? If that's an affront to your morals, then just don't buy it.
Most the "u suk garry" comments seem to come from kids too young to understand how the world works. Probably haven't filled a job yet, much less a bad job. You usualy get paid to do work, the work you do usualy sucks. If you get paid to do something you love, that's awesome. :)
I read somewhere that Garry was going to stop working completely on Garry's mod, but Valve decided to approach him with the possiblity of having it become retail.
Not sure how accurate that is, but if he didn't "sell out" there wouldn't be any more updates to the game and it would be even more crashy, and more of those stupid "viruses" that people try to make would be spread with the old, free version.
At least now it's updated. I'm sure that any crashes that happen now just need a little patch. From what I've read, most of the game runs using LUA scripts that just spam the console when they crash, instead of the entire engine crashing.
If I had a computer that could run this, I would completely buy the game. Especially with the new tools. Hovering = awesome. No more guessing using the thrusters and having a completely broken plane.
OMG 10 bucks!!!
Guys if you could afford Half Life 2 and loved Garry's previous mods then why would 10 bucks make you angry and start saying things like selling out. To me I think you just can't be bothered buying it cause you're really really lazy. You should be congratulating Garry no telling him off.
A definate buy from me. ^_^
I'm not saying he sucks. I never said that. I don't think he should've sold it, is all. But to me, I just think he lost some credibility by doing that.
Getting paid to do something you love is what we all strive for. That's not selling out.
"Oh noes, he's got da moneyz from da laborz. He goez money getz, he'z a greedy f00k!11!!!1½"
That's how some of you sound in my ear. Don't talk about ******* credibility. No Garry's or a new Garry's for a ridiculous small sum, what's wrong with that?
I think some of you should atleast grow up, get a job before whining about it going commercial.... So, mommy can't pay you for it? Awww, booohoo. If Garry could decide, he could've dropped Garry's way back at the first versions, so be glad he even went this far for free. Take a look at reality and check how money projects that actually started out as mods, or similar, that turned out commercial in the middle of pre-release.
Yeah, ummm... I thought he sold out too in the beggining, but then I realized, you'd be calling everyone who had dreams of making it in the "professional" part of their industry sellouts. Calling NBA players sellouts because they worked hard enough to make it to the next the next level. Thats what Garry has done. Made it to the next level
But is this what he wanted from the beginning?
To the point - This game rocks.
Well worth the 5 quid. I know it was to me ;)
And YAY Paypal. I can finally buy thru steam!
Does it matter? Ok, I agree, I also was on the "Charging for a mod? No #$%king way" bandwagon, but now I'm of the opinion that if he can charge $10 for this mod and people buy it, good on him.
I'm guessing he didn't plan it this way from the beginning, obviously, so he didn't start "Garry's Mod" with the goal of selling it. It like it was just a fun excercise to see what he could do, and it gained massively in popularity. However, if Valve see potential in selling this mod, and even gave him the equivalent of a full engine license to stop him walking away from it, then I say the change of plans is cool. If I was in his shoes, I'd be thrilled to bits that my little hobby/experiment has now started to bring in some cash.
Besides, I don't ever recall there ever being a promise he'd never charge for it.
Billy think of it this way, We have our man Bob here, a fictional character. He starts out playing basketball as a hobby, but he gets so good that everyone likes to watch his games. Bob, who realizes he has the opportunity to go to the NBA, pounces on the opportunity, because even though he didn't necessarily want to in the beginning, he realizes that this opportunity is the greatest that he will ever have. The people who love to watch Bob are now sad (that would be the people who believe he sold out) because they don't get too see him play live any more without paying hard earned cash for a seat at the Toyota center or some other basketball arena. Gary realized his dream out of a simple hobby. So no, he wasn't wanting to "turn pro" or make a retail video game from the beginning. But wouldn't we all be crazy not to take that opportunity if the time ever came?
its a tired topic of calling things like this 'sellout' --- i mean its way off --- selling out means to radically change something to gain mass popularity...however this mod was already very popular and from what i understand the retail version is relatively the same as the free...and speaking of the free version...the fact that its still available throws the term out entirely.
now if he was approached by valve or whoever and was told in order to strike the deal he would need to drastically change the gameplay and maybe even make the original free version unavailable...then that may be an example of selling out.
anyways---glad to see its released...ill prolly be grabbin it at some point er other
There's a difference between being successful and selling out. I mean, if he thought of doing this from the beginning, I wouldn't be so keen to him "selling out." If this is what he wanted to do this from the start, then good for him! And I think it depends on where Bob grew up. Especially if it's like, a poorer neighborhood, because then he's gotta chance to live in a big house and be rich and stuff. But he had nothing to lose, as there--
Ehh. Forget that "Bob" example.
Uh oh there's a grammar error, better fire the guy who wrote the announcemen!
Anyway, yeah what a lame move... Capitalizing on some small mod like that... Oh well, I'm sure older versions will be available still on other sites.
What an overworked topic.
BillyChaka, what is "selling-out" to you? I don't entirely understand how your mind works (I picture two cavemen throwing rocks at eachother) but if you could elucidate, maybe we could understand where you're coming from. So far you havn't defined a threshold or bounds of what you consider to be Successful or Selling out. What is the difference to you?
Well all Garry has done is turn a hobby, something he loves, into something that is also successful :) Nobody who has a hobby ever would think of taking it to the next level, but in rare cases such as Garry's, he did. Garry had nothing to lose by not doing it, but he had everything to gain ;) by doing it, thats where you are mislead
Garry will sell out once he uses his name or product to endorse something that he doesn't believe in. Like if Garry went on Peep Show...oh wait, he seems to like that...
This mod has some potential