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The makers of the ETF have decided to call it a day .. which does not mean the end of the mod... It Has Been Fun.... Posted by : Hitman on Sunday, February 19 2006 - 5:13 PM As most of you have been able to tell, development on ETF has ended. I would like to thank the entire community for their support.

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The makers of the ETF have decided to call it a day .. which does not mean the end of the mod...

It Has Been Fun....
Posted by : Hitman on Sunday, February 19 2006 - 5:13 PM
As most of you have been able to tell, development on ETF has ended. I would like to thank the entire community for their support. I am happy to see the mod is still being played. While the development has stopped their is still an active community playing in both the US and Europe. The following servers are usually active: (US Server)

KinderGarten: (Euro Server)

Railbait has added a few new maps and adjusted their configs. Head over to Railbait and check them out.

At the same time Mullet Man has taken over PlanetETF and is keeping that going. He has maps scripts and and many other things. Go visit Mullet Man over at PlanetETF.
Also spontanetf has games being played most of the day.

Go visit #spontanetf on Quakenet for more information.

Now onto my personal thanks. I would like to thank all of my fellow ETF Dev Team members. Without their hard work this mod would of never even seen the light of day. Thanks goes out to Canabis and Slothy for doing all of the code (and you gotta admit...1.6 is pretty damn good). Vilepickle for all of the hard work he put into this mod before release. Without Vile it would not of went out when it did. Shuriken, 5anny and Ghetto for the nice long "talks" we got to have over gameplay and the direction of the mod. LavaGod for getting us the permisison to do this mod. DrEvil for the bots and the rest of the DevTeam (sorry guys dont feel like naming all of you).

I still play and so does a few other people from the Dev Team. If you see us stop say hi.

This does not mean the end of ETF far from it ... in the past 2 weeks we have seen 7 new maps released mainly ports from qwtf and Q3F but more on the way.

New maps include .. Spamtech, 2night3, Ginc Castles, Inert, Engineer Battle, SoftCore Hideouts and a few others..

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