The Development team has been working on these aspects:
At first the next patch would only have the new Roma Surrectum II enviroments, but then Wlesmana started adding units to the patch (like those you see on the images of this mod profile), and reworked on many of the models of the current units.
And now, Seth Krnell, the creator of the cities and buildings, has returned(YAY!) and he is remodeling some of the city models. The new ones are looking impressive, and he has learned a lot about how to avoid bugs and glitches when imported into RTW engine. While Bardo still adjusting the campaign maps, and helping Krnell to test and fix the cities.
So what was supposed to be a small patch just adding the new awesome Enviroments, will add alot more things that are gonna spice the game
At this moment lotr-tw team is working as much as at old times, and they think it is better if they forget about a quick release like planned, and to focus on the long term: units, environments and settlements that fit each other visually, and improved balance and gameplay.
So No Release date yet, but the next patch will hopefully have:
Improved Custom Cities
New RSII enviroments
New Units
New Campaign map Texture
New Historical Battles (like Battle of 5 Armies)
and a bit more balanced Campaign
Still no Pictures of the new City Models, so, hang on over there!
Thanks for reading!
i am so totally ready for this new patch
Can't believe the progress this mod has made. I remember when the city of Isengard was just a normal Roman city with all the buildings removed, a huge bunch of hills around the sides, and a black texturing on everything. The new models are fantastic, keep up the great work!
when it comes out?
when you have tested the updated version could you upload a pic of the updated caras galadhorn?
i can't wait to see it.
b.t.w. nicely done allready, keep up the good work.
will morannon be the black gate? now it is just settlement.
Yes, Morannon has been already modded and will probably be a special settlement. here's a pic:
thx, my bad i didn't see it.
but now i did, it looks really nice
i hope it comes out fast, i can't wait
i noticed when i played on minas tirith, i had 5 enemy armies, one of them wa behind minas tirith and didnt move or come attack, can you fix this and make it so they're all at the front? helms deep has the same problem.
omg i wanna play it now
RSII Environments? Nice! I'm currently downloading this mod and I'm anticipated to try it, would be quite nice to see RSII environments on here, since I've been playing that mod for a very long time.
When is this patch going to be released?