Post news RSS NEWS - Latest updates and 1.88.7 Progress

In today's news thus far, the Apocalypse mod team brings to you possibly incredible information to share! New UA mod versions and to be released on MOD DB! When? Well find out silly goose! Click the news to see more.

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In today's news...

The Apocalypse mod team wishes to discuss some stuff about version 1.88.7, what's happening, what's involved inside it, and finally some behind the scenes development and events/plans with UA. There is more to tell about the GRGE as well. More on the main channel, discord, twitter, MOD DB, and all kinds of stuff! With some good and bad news...


First and foremost, we know that right now, the current version, 1.88.6 is not on MOD DB. This is because this version is not a "well-tuned" version to play, it brought many flaws in our development and last minute additions were included, that it just went public without proper implementation. 1.88.7 will fix this issue.


We also are aware that we are not very active as current, but some team members behind the scenes are working on some top secret and good stuff to present to you guys for future works! Along with that, I Cylarne will try to be more active as time is now among me. As for the rest of the team? Uncertain I did not ask. xD BUT I SHAL UPDATE THE NEWS!!! :P

We want to bring active updates for:

  1. MOD DB
  2. Update the FAQ (It is quite outdated (also place in other places besides MOD DB))
  3. Discord
  4. Youtube channel
  5. Twitter
  6. Bad news on this part? The wiki for UA mod is probably going to remain sleeping for a long time. The reason being is, this mod keeps updating with newer and newer stuff and we want to get to the ultimate finish point first, GRGE. After that is even done, we are not sure if continually updating the wiki will be tedious? We may return to make it work after years of time.


1.88.7, also called the "Captain Shack update" version (as he plays IG like all the time on his channel and is to blame :P) revamps the Imperial Guard for the better. We understand that probably all units of the Imperial Guard feels mediocre, even some of the tanks like for example, the basic Leman Russ or Baneblade; feels underpowered and not worth the pay compared to other units. Also new units and stuff.

New Industrial CommandTaurox

This version will revamp all units for the better for IG but in a balanced way. How do we do that? First off, the required need to get Commissars, Priests, and Psykers is no longer necessary. They still exist, but is no longer REQUIRED to keep your squads strong. Your squads can withstand punishment on their own like every other faction (except Tyranids, but we don't talk about them, shoosh :P).

Balancing wise? We compare values to other factions. If we see something OP, like ... for example 700 damage at the cost of 60 req or UP, 70 damage for 600 req, we fix it. So far, the values for IG weaponry and durability is quite under powered (UP). There were mes sups somewhere during our development and we have since fixed them. You will find that both tanks and infantry are a lot more useful and viable than just building turrets (which were also fixed). IG and Eldar will also no longer require you to build depot or aspect addons before the construction of a unit in 1.88.7.

Kasrkin with Hotshot Volley Gun

1.88.7 will also include large (but simple to implement) revamps for Inquisition Daemon Hunters. We understand that their whole economy and tech tree is confusing compared to other races and is all over the place. IT is not simple and straight forward compared to other races and we want to fix that. At the same time, we also want the inquisition to have a different tech system and we haven't really figured out a way yet to make this work. Got an idea? Feel free to write your ideas in the comments and we'd love to hear! We also want to look at the balancing and uses of all Grey Knights.

FINALLY. Cosmocrat's and Salcol's work. Besides Eranthis who has been for the longest time giving UA some great content, (especially for the Sisters) Salcol comes in to play this time with the great assist of Cosmocrat. You may know who Salcol is? Well, he has been doing amazing work for UA. Including the inclusion of T3 and T4 Listening Post addons, commander wargears, fixing up some broken bugs, and doing an awesome job at keeping the mod updated. We concluded to let his work be introduced here as a fan made addon, BUT... some of his stuff is going inside of the base UA. Salcol's mod is a highly suggested mod to try out for everyone involved in the UA community, and his work will leave you speechless as there are many, many, many additions and content added to UA! Salcol, your work has been astounding and thank you! When it is released, do check it out at the first minute of upload!

"But Cylarne, what about GRGE?"

A lot of you are probably aware of GRGE. 22k views and still growing, you probably also realized at one point or another, we did not release part 2. :P The reason why we did not release part 2 is because we wanted to do something that might be conflicting with Games Workshop copyright. After investigation, it is not and we are planning to release part 2 of the GRGE. When? Not soon, but if you subscribe here, you will be the first to see it! As for GRGE actual release, we are not ready to talk about that and what is going on yet. First priority is fixing the few left broken race mechanics, getting our online stuff setup with our releases tidying up THB, THEN GRGE we will talk. So not for a while. But this is our plans for the future!

Youtube Channel Host: Lord_Cylarne

Lord_Cylarne, me, is hosting UA updates and UA mod casts. Even more so, I am expanding outward (slowly) to other games besides UA and showcase my latest mod developments of other games. I'm also working on my first video game but shhhhhh... go to sleep. :P With this said, the quality of videos is improving, a lot, and if you are a fan of the UA update vids, then you will be a fan of the vids in general as I am slowly making my videos to that style from here on out as many people like that style and I approve! In the future, this channel will be excellent. Come check it out and subscribe for more!

FURTHER MORE: Frequent uploads. I may be stating too much, like an improbable goal, but if there is a chance, I want this thing to be a full time job. This is of course a LONG term goal and is stating a lot. We'll see how the future turns out.

Discord, MOD DB, Twitter, and another Discord

Those websites will be a little bit more active on our end. We'll be bringing you guys more UA updates on those channels. So if you are interested, come check them out! This bit of news is short as I just got tired of writing the news and need to relax. :P But this is it in a nutshell!


Relicnews is closed down. Lord Cylarne (me) is interested in knowing the cost per month of buying (or pitching in) and affording relicnews. If you are the owner of the forum or are under any authority of owning it, please, please PM Lord_Cylarne today asap. I'm willing to revive it or at least help out if I'm unable to afford it entirely, thank you. :)

Spread word! The creators are not well known in comparison to our mod. Examples? Well, here is some UA content you won't find anywhere else if you are subscribed!

Comments  (0 - 50 of 60)
HooLBeaTz - - 73 comments

GOOD!!! I've been waiting for news from the development fields for a very long time!
UA Team fellows!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+11 votes
Beaver-Titan - - 118 comments

Great News as always! My suggestion for Inqusition is a system (like CSM,Demons and SM) where you can choose to go in the Grey Knight Direction against Demons or to put Deathwatch-Kill Teams in the Field. I've seen many good Deathwtch Models in the Codex Mod. Also the DW needs a Buff for killing Xenos - maybe this could be difficult to implement. I think its the best way to get all three Inqusition-Ordos in (Maleus, Xenos and the Hereticus-Sisters).

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Ghost49X - - 1 comments

Further more which ever ordos you choose, I'd like to have the option at a later tier to go the radical or puritan routs. Will you use fire to fight fire and get daemon weapons and daemon hosts or will you stick to the puritan side? Each ordos should have access to different radical/puritan upgrades, for example Ordo Xeno should have access to some radical Xeno technology.

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Dovahkiin2123 - - 13 comments

I'd much rather have IG infantry weak as always but the Baneblades fixed. They are actually weaker than the Leman Russ' weaponry and are not quite worth their cost

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remolachacontenta - - 8 comments

Hi cylarne, I have a request for your mod.
Could you implement to UA the mod "Survival maps" and addapt it in UA terms for those ones who search a extreme defense?

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Lord_Cylarne Author
Lord_Cylarne - - 7,166 comments

That is a great idea.

Reply Good karma+9 votes
epic40k - - 276 comments

GRGE - GeoRGE the insane necron? GReGory the Evil destroyer?

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cafrank95 - - 201 comments

my idea of what the Inquisition should be is about a large line of cheap troops backed up by space marines ether death watch or grey knights there build tree looking like something this.

T0 building: power plant, turret (same as IG's), Inquisition out post (LP), Inquisition HQ, armory, barracks.
T1: Astarte teleporter (picking ether DW or GK is tec up T1.5), armor drop zone (builds a few IG vehicles) , thermo plasma gen.
T1.5: Astarte aromr drop zone (builds a few sm vehicles), air support tower (builds all aircraft)
T2: Inquisitorial vault (supper heavy and titan builder also has a few up grades)
wall, bunker, can be upgraded with a heavy turret(quad H.bolter or lascannons).
T3: supper weapon, some sorta saner/radar.

unlike others there tec-up is slower but there are less. you don't need to do T1.5 to go to T2 its just there to pad out getting there better stuff. there unit roster could look like this
T0 penal troop (has a T1.5 upgrade to make them a good meat shield), IQ body guard (make them a bit better), Servitors (default builder make the outher a T1 sargent for them),
T1 IQ storm troopers, grenadiers, sentinel, chimera, T1.5 more IG stuff
T2, (more DW or GK) baneblade (normal, and trans port cant hold SM), landrader (Phobos and crusader) T3 titans, storm and hell hammer.

death watch troops are better then default SM troops but aren't as good as they end up have scout team, kill team, assault kill team, heavy weapon kill team, term kill team, assault term kill team. there vehicles are taken from SM vehicles.
grey knight's roster stays the same but dose not have all of the SM vehicles (no support vehicles like arty or land speeder).
srry for this being so long

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RomRomRya - - 300 comments

That looks like a decent idea. I especially like the Death Watch part(hard to implement though).
But, wouldn't the grey knights be particularly weak against heavy armour/defences? Without SM vehicles they would be quite exposed to be completely steamrolled.

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Lord_Cylarne Author
Lord_Cylarne - - 7,166 comments

Thanks for the comments and suggestions guys!

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Bronx9146 - - 66 comments

I remembered Last time you guys showcase some Bunkers, IG HQ from DOW II if I recalled and so on will they be featured in later patches or not?

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Guest - - 706,692 comments

where is the salcol's patch's mod

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bardicheassault-07 - - 64 comments

Lol never really had an issue playing with IG. I think they're one of the stronger factions but okay =P. What I do wonder is about those grav guns and their ridiculous damage. Those need a serious nerfing.

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Khoran_Gutsplitter - - 1,389 comments

Lorewise Grav-guns are actually rare with most chapters only having 4-8 of them at best. They make up for this by being powerful against anything that isn't considered "light" or "medium", infantry or otherwise. They're basically automatic terminator killers and have been known to even fell titans in some cases, this mostly applies to the grav-cannon.

The best way to balance these imo is to make them considerably more expensive and restrict them to only 1 per tactical squad. Also they should be restricted to tier 3 or 4 so people don't cheese early on in the game. Damage should definitely be lowered, but not too much when it comes to heavy/super-heavy vehicles and buildings since that's the role they primarily excel at.

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Hiarch - - 22 comments

Stoked. Thanks for the continuing effort. IG is one of my favorite factions to play as!

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Pacoprak1234 - - 16 comments

The Orks needs balancing too, they are too weak compared to factions like Chaos, SM

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Euphoria_21 - - 488 comments

What does GRGE stand for??

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Khoran_Gutsplitter - - 1,389 comments

Grand Release: Gold Edition.

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mikhaelcool7 - - 5 comments

Bro - I see you like on every mod XD

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RomRomRya - - 300 comments

It's quite refreshing to finally see a proper update plan from you guys. Love it!

Keep up the great work and ******* never give up on this mod))

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GOBERNADOR - - 2 comments

Can you texture the imperial guard skins please? : c its my favorite faction, your work in some units in tematic of textures are incredible, but in the imperial guard, the basic units are ugly ... Please add the criminal legion or the Steel Legion, whatever, and change the name of the doctrines of the guard to some similar to the space marines model, it is beautifull.... Congratulations for the big job, have hispanic fans here...

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DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr - - 551 comments

Is Dark Eldar been tuned to be more badass? Or are you still spamming mandrake squads as the scout unit? This mod is more about massive blobs than about tactical assassin units, right? Get the titans and SuperWeapons first, and you win?

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Scary24 - - 1 comments

dude i really like your jobs and you guys make really great work.But i have some problem :
First im using 1.88.5 and Chaos Demons are so OP and they need some balance
(i won against 3 insane bots )
Second Bots can hit your base and soldiers with global spells and skills without seeing you
Third please improve game tips and tricks !
and i should thank you all for made this game great again with that mod
i hope you guys will read this !and how can i donate ?

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bluewario - - 417 comments

Really really nice..

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Admiral_Gaarn - - 27 comments

I would like to think that I had something to do with the IG being buffed :D

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simonecarletti4 - - 1 comments

It's good news that IG will be buffed. Cos in short game he have big problem to compete with other race. But it's also true that IG Titan have no equal (except caos demon and dark eldar), and for other race is impossible compete in long game.I hope that they work also on this, balance all race in any game fase.

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mortdelol - - 2 comments

Hi people, i have a really interesting question for you ... I tryed to find the answer myself but nah men ... Didn't find anything.

So here is the question : Does this mod work with the NO LIMIT MOD ? (Normaly it should since the no limit mod works with mods that adds other races).

I'm a really big fan of the no limit mod and oh boy ... When you have a strong comptuer, it's like never ending battles.

I will try that in two hours since i have to wait the downloads to be over (But basically, all the no limit do is removing the caps from the game so ...)

Will work ? Wont work ? We will see that in the next episode of Dragon Ball Z (lol)

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emperorprotects - - 9 comments

may the emperor guides you ua team , thank u for this marvelous work, it s still my favorite war game rts.
I just have one question, i remember an arena mode with 20 waves to kill like in dow 2, and this map was just so good, there were some base building against waves too , do u think we can play it again soon?
the emperor protects.

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MrKindCat - - 90 comments

Somebody check this out is it still alive(

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Khoran_Gutsplitter - - 1,389 comments

I can tell you this: It's NOT dead until the creator of the mod (Lord Cylarne) officially states it's dead. It's been nearly 2 months since he has logged in sure, but he's probably quite busy with RL. Regardless the other team members are still working Behind the scenes in silence so work is still being done, although at a slower pace than usual. Just remain patient and we'll see what happens.

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Guest - - 706,692 comments

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Steelbeard - - 15 comments

I bet this question has been asked and or answered but will unique Imperial Guard Regiments like the Elysian Drop troops or the Armageddon Steel Legion or even the Death Korps of Krieg be added to the mod with their own play stile being more concentrated on their specialty?

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kappa21 - - 48 comments

hello Cylarne i would like to know if they will add the centurion-type armor

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Guest - - 706,692 comments

Hello.And approximately when you plan to exit this mod ?

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Guest - - 706,692 comments

I would love to see ether new primaris units for space marines or a new race of them

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jeeyone95 - - 20 comments

Can you post any updates? Please

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Superjew92 - - 10 comments

um was that the sounds of a stargate opening i heard at the end of the firing of the weapon in the video, still realy looking forward to the release

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KalidhoS - - 50 comments

The Legions of Terra demands UPDATE!
In the Name of the Emperor!

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theDM - - 2 comments

Don't you plan to get models of necron canopteks from "Warhammer 40k: Space Wolf"?

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