Post news Report RSS [NEWS] Feedback and suggestions: Part 2

Hey guys, I hope that you enjoy the latest installment! I wish to have some more feedback on the mod, what you think about it and what needs to be improved. I've made some questions that you can answer down below, and I'd be glad if you took your time to do so. Please don't be shy, you're a part of this mod too. Try to be specific and keep your answers short (but not too short!).

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Hey guys, I hope that you enjoy the latest installment! I wish to have some more feedback on the mod, what you think about it and what needs to be improved. I've made some questions that you can answer down below, and I'd be glad if you took your time to do so. Please don't be shy, you're a part of this mod too. Try to be specific and keep your answers short (but not too short!).

1. What do you like about the mod and why?
2. What parts do you not like about this mod?
3. What would you like to see in the future?
4. What do you think about the game balance?
5. What do you think about the new creatures?
6. What do you think about the new weapons/armor?
7. Is there anything else that you'd like to talk about?


Next in version 2.7
* Bitter Coast overhaul: Part 1
* Weapon speed overhaul.

Thanks for this year!

Post comment Comments
beccthewreck - - 353 comments

1. What do you like about the mod and why?

I love how different you've made everything look, I love the dozens of new items, I love the new enemies... It's great how much more lively the towns look; like real places. imo.

2. What parts do you not like about this mod?

No major complaints here. A few niggling little problems here and there though. Some of the balance changes can be good in some places, while others just feel like significant "nerfs". I was pretty disappointed when I found that the Mudcrab Merchant isn't as useful for trading. I'll let you know if I can think of anything else.

3. What would you like to see in the future?

Definitely more of Oblivion. I thoroughly enjoyed my short trip through the Deadlands. More realms, or just more of that, would be awesome. I'd also like the see the towns get bigger and bigger. That's a great feature of this mod.

4. What do you think about the game balance?

It feels more realistic, but some of it bugs me a little. Can't really pinpoint anything, but it just feels like the game is way harder.

7. Is there anything else that you'd like to talk about?

I've seen a couple of floaters around. There's a rock just outside Ald-ruhn that you can see underneath. The Colovian Fur gloves have a bugged first person mesh. Also, compatibility patches for a couple mods would be nice. Less work for me ;P

That's all for now.

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trancemaster_1988 Author
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

I know it's a lot harder with this mod, although that was my intention from the start!

I'll fix the Colovian Fur gloves in the next update, suprised that I didn't notice that one lol.

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myxale - - 666 comments

1. What do you like about the mod and why?
-Breathes life into the usually barren vanilla-scape
My positive reaction to, say the Suran Docks, is an perfect example of what i mean. And what I like the most about MR.

2. What parts do you not like about this mod?
-Sometimes an Area is too dense clustered. Despite making it look good and authentic, it makes some places a chore to navigate.

3. What would you like to see in the future?
-More of the same I guess. MR is on the right way IMHO.

4. What do you think about the game balance?
-Balance was always a tricky thing in Morrowind. Subjective at best. And players have clashed on that matter more often than not.
Wakim's stuff was enough IMO. But on the other side, every balancing Mod can be power-gamed if the player wants to. What I'm trying to say: don't focus on that part too much.

5. What do you think about the new creatures?
-Fit right in. The Giants are my favorites.

6. What do you think about the new weapons/armor?
-Me Gusta :). But more care should be taken not to undermine lore.
Sometimes less is more. (hey, crazy rhyme:)

7. Is there anything else that you'd like to talk about?
-How's the weather in your part of the Globe? ;)

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trancemaster_1988 Author
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

Thanks for the great feedback myxale!

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Guest - - 700,078 comments

Is there in the mod crafting / housing / bank / fishing / more under water stuff (creature, cities, ...) / necromancy / more spells / oblivion - skyrim way of casting spells / mounts / dual wielding ?

Well, if not, that's something that could be added ! =D Loved morrowind but that's a game that really needs to be heavily modded to be truly enjoyable.
The magic system was always a bit annoying to have to change back and forth between sword and magic.

So I think this mod should merge other features that would make the game more like it's younger brothers too. But that's just me, Morrowind is already the best for many reason :) And congratulation for all the hard work !

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Volumed - - 169 comments

There are enough mods out there that do the same thing just google for it.

Dual wielding and another magic system are really hard to make close to impossible to make right/working the combat is hard coded not a lot can be done about it.

I'm not sure if you mean to change the combat completely but the role a dice combat is what makes Morrowind, Morrowind.

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trancemaster_1988 Author
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

Volumed is right, there's a lot of other mods that do this already. I wouldn't be able to implement something close to that level myself.

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cookiemonster16 - - 10 comments

I haven't played around with Morrowind Rebirth to answer all of the questions.
1. -I like how it brings new life to Morrowind.

2. -How Tamriel Rebuilt doesn't fit and work perfectly with Morrowind Rebirth.

3. -It to work better with Tamriel Rebuilt
-Ground cover/Grass
-Take advantage of some of the features OpenMW will allow

4. -Haven't played enough to answer

5. -Haven't played enough to answer

6. -Haven't played enough to answer

7. -Why don't you make Morrowind Rebirth an .esm, since its difficult to make add-on's as a .esp.
-Whats your opinion on OpenMW and would you ever make it exclusive to it, if it allows greater freedom and better results?

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cookiemonster16 - - 10 comments

More for 3. - Add a few purchasable house(nothing extreme)maybe a boat house:D
- I like the idea of bank but don't know how useful it would be. Maybe if money had weight?

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EricBoyceU - - 563 comments

1. What do you like about the mod and why? All the landscape changes, and new buildings in towns n cities, new resources in armor and weapons ... needs more NPC's and extra quest

2. What parts do you not like about this mod?- Everything is intergrated... I really like the gameplay changes and would like a seperate .esp for them like BTB or Wilkins Game Improvements. And wish the landscape changes and added planets and trees were a seperate .esp like Better Stonewood Pass or Bitter Coast Overhaul.

3. What would you like to see in the future? - I would like Immersive Chargen incoperated into Seyda Neen or you can used my mod Census & Excise Office intergrated into Seyda Neen! Shamless plugin on my WIP! Maybe the list of mods I mention in the forumn ... Better Bodies, Better Heads, Better Clothing, Abot Animations of Boats, Silt Striders, n Gondolas. Dn 1st person enhanced, Diane Casting Animations, Morrowind Children, Animated Morrowind 1 & 2! Spectacular Sorcery! Etc...

4. What do you think about the game balance? - A serperate .esp so I can see the changes like other armor and weapon balance mods.

5. What do you think about the new creatures? - More creatures and resources.

6. What do you think about the new weapons/armor? - More armor, clothing, and weapons in resources.

7. Is there anything else that you'd like to talk about? - An expansion to caves and temples ... there too short, need something bigger not like Daggerfall, but may at least three times the original map.

(8) Morrowind Comes Alive v5.0 for the original heads or v7.0 which requires Westly Head Replacer.

(9) Portal added to every daedric temple not just Bal Ur... more like Oblivion.

(10) More Races added for Player Character ... I did this with my mod Census & Excise Office but it really adds to the file size, perhaps a serprate .esp like Westly's Races or Sablegirl, etc.

(11) Weapon Shealths Unleashed


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EricBoyceU - - 563 comments

(12) Tamriel Rebuilt 1.5 Sacred East ...

with SilgradvTower and Blacklight ...

with the unofficial TR Map 4 Heartland just released on the Bethesda Forumns ...

and with Lokken Mountain...

and PR Sea of Destiny moved...

Will all look good with Morrowind Rebirth!


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trancemaster_1988 Author
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

Won't happen. I do not intend to merge this with a load of mods, I want things to be unique in Rebirth rather than taking ideas from others, resources excluded (and they have to be somewhat lore-correct).

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EricBoyceU - - 563 comments

I don't think better bodies n heads would break the lore .. or the main landmass!

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trancemaster_1988 Author
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

No, it won't break the lore, but I don't want to include the main landmass. And I'm positive I won't have any permission to do so either. Besides it's far from completed and it would be a huge mess updating with every new release. I think they deserve the credit for their own creation rather than being included in a mod-pack.

Like i stated previously, I do not intend to turn this into a a huge mod-pack loaded with diffrent mods, they can be downloaded separately if needed. I do appreciate your feedback though.

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Lukegriz77 - - 120 comments

1. This is how morrowind was supposed to be. When i enter a building, or an area, it feels natural almost real. That's what i love about this mod.

2. If I had to pick something I do not like about this mod it would have to be that they're are no new/random npcs around. For instance the Balmora market is supposed to be a bustling marketplace but the only people there are vendors, you, and the occasional guard. I know there are mods to add npcs but i feel like you could remedy this.

3. So in general i would love to see more npcs across the map. Also cities are big but i feel like they could be bigger!

4. I feel the mod is balanced and requires no work there

5. The new creatures add to the game and fit in perfectly. Well done

6. I love the new crossbows defiantly do more weapons and armor!

7. Keep up the good work!

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trancemaster_1988 Author
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

I'd love to have more NPC's around, I really would. The only problem with adding more NPC's is that you'll loose a lot of frames per second. I think we'll just have to wait until OpenMW is ready!

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EricBoyceU - - 563 comments

You can delete those post on the main page, since they are posted here in the news forum with the others. No need to have them twice! Look forward to whatever you release in the future. I'll keep my mega-mod on my hard drive ... with merged plugins, since no one wants to host it or do something similar. Thanks for listening to my wacky ideas....


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Executor-64- - - 1,288 comments

im probably going to sound likea parrot :)

1. like everything it does... more buildings, places, stuff...

2. there is nothing i dont like that you have done, maybe i dont love the fact that it's growing over the borders of landscape/architecture/occasional npc
(it's like an overhaul, but it overhauls several different areas of the game without any category in mind...)

3. guess what i would like to see in future :) go on guess :D
support for any upcoming weapon system mod (re-doing effectivness of weapons,armor,potions ect. if the mentioned mods needs that done)

4. balance is ok i guess... personaly I'd like it to be harder, because it would remind me im not the centre of the universe
(i play FCOM mod for oblivion and have gotten used to being killed alot)

5. new creatures - again nothing i don't like that you've implemented so far... love the creature boss idea :)

6. weapons/armor
same as above

7. nothing i havent already chanted about
making room in cities for skyrim-style crafting mod perhaps
(or including a version of mod where that room is made)

thats it
wish everyone a good celebration

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trancemaster_1988 Author
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

2) So you mean that I should focus more on a specific area before moving to the next one?

4) I'd like to make it even harder, but I doubt everyone would like it that way.

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EricBoyceU - - 563 comments

The game needs harder npcs, you can fight animals for an easy kill and skill upgrade. Caves, Temples, and Tombs need to be expanded with more enemies.

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Executor-64- - - 1,288 comments

you got a point there...
i love morrowind, but the skill system really sucks. Skyrim on the other hand has a skill system that is much more natural, but i dont like it either
(too simple, taking away stats like str intelligence agillity and replacing them with hp/fatigue/magicka is just stupid, the "perk" system is taken from fallout series, and that just sucks-ima fallout 1&2 fan)
thats why im browsing through some skill mods for mw atm, looking for something like skyrim, but with stats, and (being a d&d fan too) making stats more important in game, like a mage not being able to swing 2h hammer because of low str ect, or personality having a role in persuading someone during a quest ect.
so if anyone heard of such mod let me know

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EricBoyceU - - 563 comments

There are lot balancing mods on fliggerty and morrwind mod history site ... for armor, weapons, races ... I use BTB game improvements myself.

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EricBoyceU - - 563 comments

Will Bittercoast Overhaul ... include Seyda Neen? Its been ignored for a long time, going back to new cities mods, very little has changed in all these years!

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trancemaster_1988 Author
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

I don't think Seyda Neen needs another overhaul really. It's supposed to be a pretty small village. Much has changed since new cities project lol, I suggest downloading the old Seyda Neen expansion on PES then compare it to the current Morrowind Rebirth build ^^

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Executor-64- - - 1,288 comments

yeah hla oad is a major village (as it should be) and it has grown significantly since vanilla

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usernamed - - 3 comments

- add more personality to the NPC.
- add more item.
- add more quest.
- add more event like holiday event.
- add features from other elder scrolls game like building your own house, write your own books, open up your own business, marriage, have kids/adopting, etc.

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usernamed - - 3 comments

there's so much more you just have to think outside of the box. if morrowind construction set can't maybe openMW can

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TheUnbeholden - - 3,620 comments

the first point on NPC personality, that is covered by other projects, its one of the things he won't touch right along with the combat system.

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trancemaster_1988 Author
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

Like Unbeholden already said, I won't add personality to any NPCs' as it's covered by other projects. I have however altered dialogue to fit better with the new stuff added in Rebirth. I've also corrected several descriptions that were incorrect.

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Schinigami92 - - 62 comments

1 This is a great mod, basically I like all changes ..
3 In the future I would like to see more changes to the range weapons: more new bows and crossbows used by NPCs, new types of arrows / bolts ...

I think it could be very nice to see some of the grass in the world of morrowind attached to additional esp file. It is available a whole range of different models of the animated grass for different regions. There is a possibility to use some help of the generator ... such as Morrowind Mesh Generator. I know it can be time consuming, so the grass may appear for a longer period of time maybe it will be in the release version 3.0 .. [-;
4 The new game balance, as for me went in this direction as it should.
5 Is good to see a greater variety of creatures.
6 I think it is always a good idea.
7 I think that you have done a really great job. Certainly you made joy for many fans of Morrowind. Keep it up!

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Guest - - 700,078 comments

1. I like the new stuff, and the less bare and barren Vvardenfell.
2. The lack of ways to change items into currency. In my most humble option, getting money was hard enough. This is especially with regards to the museum. (and to a lesser extent Creeper and the Mudcrab Merchent) although I understand your points, I just thought I'd weigh in.
3. Maybe a comprehensive change-log, and list of features. This isn't a game feature, but I would love to see it. In-game, you have done a fantastic job, keep it up ;p.
4. Very subjective. Personally getting cash in the only major gripe I have.
5. Cool, and pretty fun. A little hard to know what all their new abilities are and do and mean?
6. Very cool.
7. OK, this is very specific, but why can I not enchant a constant effect levitate? I remember being able to in the base game. Is it a bug, intended or a balance fix?
Thanks for this very cool mod!

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Jaker17 - - 2 comments

1. What do you like about the mod and why?
I absolutely LOVE the new look to the cities. Especially Balmora and the area just outside Vivec. Absolutely beautiful.
2. What parts do you not like about this mod?
I really dislike the balance changes, that alone made me stop using this mod.
3. What would you like to see in the future?
An alternate version with only the visual changes and expanded cities. I doubt it, but it's worth a shot
4. What do you think about the game balance?
As mentioned above, I really don't like them.
5. What do you think about the new creatures?
I actually didn't get that far in and wasn't aware there were new creatures.
6. What do you think about the new weapons/armor?
See answer above.

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trancemaster_1988 Author
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

Why didn't you like the balance changes?

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Jaker17 - - 2 comments

Ehh, it's mostly just me. Not an actual problem with the mod itself. I just liked the way it was in vanilla.

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shaol - - 120 comments

Is it possible to add some mod for better textures and which one would your recommend? I love this mod but the textures are awful.

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condemned84 - - 2 comments

First, I want to, and also must tell you that what you're doing is very good. Your mod is one of the best projects for Morrowind, if not the best. Here I have to stop, and say why I'm writing it. So, for me, the best-looking project is Tamriel Rebuilt, but because it has a very slow "creating time", I should say that your mod acquired the No.1 place in my opinion.
However, I am not writing for this, but in the case of Morrowind Rebuilt. These are not working correctly together, so I want to ask you, to do something in this case, if it's possible. Perhaps you would be able to create ships that are going to the Mainland, or something like this, but it's not as important as doing some bug fixes. I think a lot of us would like to see these mods running together properly.
Thank you!

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trancemaster_1988 Author
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

Could you specify the issues with MR and TR? I'd like to know more details!

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demonknightlord - - 20 comments

I love this mod, but it's missing some things that I think would really enhance the Morrowind experience.
If you can implement the MW Main Quest Enhancers, that would be awesome, because MQE is not compatible with other mods that change landscape.

If you can't fully implement a mod, it would also be cool if you could add some features that would make the developing storyline more prominent such as: sixth house markings on imperial buildings, and raving sixth house priests, and people lining up in Tel Fyr for a Corprus cure, more blighted creatures, etc.. this would enhance the MW Rebirth experience ALOT.

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trancemaster_1988 Author
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

Valid points! I'm definitely gonna try to make the storyline more exciting by adding house stuff as it progresses. It's just that I'm still working on other stuff that I belive is more important right now!

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