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Added Characters, Asteroid Destruction, and working Lasers!

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Good Day Everyone,

We have added some characters to provide story content.

  • Ms. Ksenzulak as the Station Mechanic. She will be installing all the upgrades on your ships.
  • Mr. Chance as the R&D Scientest. He will be helping ISADOR with research and development.
  • ISADOR - The Station's AI research assistant (no characterization for him)
  • EGARIA - Your implanted AI assistant.

MechanicR&D Lab Scientist


Lasers are now implemented and shoot wherever you tap.


Asteroid Destruction.

Destruction graphics now working when you tap on the Asteroids, and work with the Auto Target system. Auto Target buttons light up when active and while recharging.




That's it for now. Will be working on varying Aasteroid types and fine tuning the amount/speed of Asteroids. Working out bugs in the R&D system. More to come!

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