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What's changed, new, and other improvments to SSW.

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So currently the Rebels and Empire are about 95% complete, and the Droid Empire is about 55% complete. If I can just STOP adding new starships for the other sides, I can finish it faster.

I've updated the Starbase garrisons again and I also replaced the Asteroid mine model for GC with the Pirate Starbase model. It's still a mine, but has weapons now to defend itself. Only the GC version of the Asteroid mine is like this.

This is what the garrisons look like now.

«««Trade Ports»»»
****Rebel Trade Port****
6 ARC-170 Squadrons
4 BTL-B Y-wing Squadrons
2 Trireme Corvettes
3 Arquitens Cruisers

****Imperial Tradeport****
6 TIE Fighter Squadrons
4 TIE Bomber Squadrons
2 IPV-2 Patrol Crafts
2 Strike Cruisers

6 Dagger Squadrons
4 Freefall Squadrons
2 Gozanti Cruisers
3 Interceptor-IV Frigates

Scrapyards are the Droid's version of the Tradeport. Also has the salvage ability so whatever planet has the Scrapyards in orbit during a space battle, you'll gain credits from the destroyed ships.

««Asteroid Mines»»
Asteroid Mines have four turbolasers, 2 ion cannons, 2 lasercannons, and 6 Fighter Squadrons. They have a unlimited number of squadrons in reserve.

****Rebel Asteroid Mine****
6 Z-95 Headhunter Squadrons

****Imperial Asteroid Mine****
6 Nimbus-class V-wing Squadrons

****Droid Asteroid Mine****
6 Vulture Droid Squadrons

About a week ago I was testing out some stuff as the Droid Empire. I attacked Kuat(controlled by the Empire) with a fleet that consisted of the Merciless, 3 Munificent Frigates, 2 Wavecrests, 3 Gozanti Cruisers, and the fighter and bomber squadrons that were carried by the Munificents and Wavecrests. Kuat's defenses included, a Level 3 Starbase which had a garrison of
6 TIE Interceptor Squads, 5 TIE Bomber Squads, 3 Tartan Cruisers, and 2 Acclamators, plus the garrisons or the Tradeport 6 TIE Fighter Squads and 2 Strike Cruisers. Normally the fleet that I had would have easily took out that starbase if it was Vanilla EAW-FOC. I didn't do so well, so I quit the game before I lost that battle. Also the Empire had a Hyper V. Gun, which I think they built themselves, because I fixed it so the Empire didn't need a Heavy Vehicle factory to build a Hyper Velocity Gun. This just shows how much more powerful space defenses are.


Also thought about adding a few trade ships like the Legacy era mod. There won't be a massive economy system, just a few trade ships buildable from Tradeports. Already decided what they will be if I add them.

Barloz-class light Freighter

CR80-class Medium Freighter

Acclamator I-class Heavy Transport

LH-3210-class cargo hauler


Infantry are no longer in squads, but single soldiers. There some disadvantages to this like having to add more garrison slots to transports and barracks. For transports, I'm going restrict them to only carrying Infantry so a Gallofree HTT can't end up carrying 10 T2Bs. Now that I think of it, it makes more sense when each soldier takes up only one garrison slot on a transport, instead of a squad of 5 or 9 taking up 1 slot, while a single hero takes up 1. Indigenous squads will remain the same.

Also will be improving the transports, HTT will also have the Laser Defense ability. The Juggernaut will be remade into the Clone Wars variant. Based off the HAVw A6 Juggernaut It will have a Heavy laser cannon turret, 2 anti-personnel laser cannons, and 1 Rocket launcher. All this is based on the A6's stats I found on Wookieepedia. Transports now have 50 garrison slots.

Two new abilities

ION BARRAGE--Based off Thrawn's Assault, it diverts power to a ships Ion cannons to unleash a crippling barrage of Ion Fire. Useful for taking down ships with a lot of shield health like the Executor. Also causes the ships Turbolasers to have a slower rate of fire. The ability lasts 8 seconds. Currently limited to the Imperial Star Destroyer and Mon Cal Cruiser. Will replace the power to shields ability on the Mon Cal Cruiser.

FORCE REPULSE--- Based on the force attack from Force Unleashed. Combines the Shield flare particle with the Death/Bombard SFX. Targets both infantry and vehicles. Limited to Darth Vader.

Rejected or Failed ideas for SSW

I had I a lot of ideas for the mod when I first started, but some ideas didn't work at all. One of the ideas was to make it where reinforcement points had an unlimited reinforcement range, allowing ground units to land ANYWHERE on the map. That didn't work to well, it caused enemy ground units to move near the edges of the map and stay there and not capture mining facilities or attack. That idea came from someone mentioning on filefront forums that they wish you could land ground units anywhere on the map. Something tells me they already knew it wouldn't work.

Another failed idea was for ground transports to have the hyperspace ability, so they could jump to hyperspace if they got caught in a space battle. This is based off when you're trying to attack an enemy planet and before you get a chance to launch your ground assault, a enemy fleet shows up and your ground units are caught in the battle. This would allowed the transports to escape, while your fleet took care of the rest. Turns out when I tried this, the game treated the transports as destroyed and I lost my ground units.

Still mostly trying to find and get permission for certain models, like the IG227 Hailfire, General Grievous, and Magnaguards.

New Main Menu Music

Some of you may recognized it as the music the Gamorrean Guards rock out to in Lego Star Wars II. It's where you have Luke build a Jukebox in Jabba's Palace and it plays a different Imp March theme. The Pig Guards also used their axes as Air Guitars.

For those who are waiting to see them(if you are), the 501st/Vader's Fist will deploy right into battle with him. I realized since I removed the squads and infantry are now just individual soldiers, the 501st can be deployed without have to do anything special for them to be deployed with Vader. I also might give some other Heroes some Infantry to accompany them.

Hmmm...I think I might be able to get a demo out soon. Don't expect anything too big.

Past the 25,000 page view mark and have 95 watchers for the mod.

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Admiral-Ash Author
Admiral-Ash - - 1,812 comments

Is my mod really that bad that no one is willing to comment?

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tadek13 - - 6 comments

i created an account just to comment. dont know much about this site or its features but a few months ago i stumbled across your mod, and check from time to time. i think it has potential to be one of best if not best, honestly. i like the idea of tradeports. I have one question though, it's regarding the A.I.
Have you considered changing it around to make it more random and smarter? I have done this on EAW and FOC because without changing it , it was always doing same thing, building same ships, same strategy etc. and it got boring after like 2 hours of gameplay in G.C mode. I also changed population value of every planet, from 5 to ranges between 40-125 depending on how populated planet was. but A.I would always retreat... no matter how many ships they had.

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The_Rider_1 - - 406 comments

i just want to say, the transports could do this. in an old version of ultimate empire at war, Booster Terrik could escape, andd live to tell the tale. you could also check the moff kallas mission in regular empire at war.

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G3nesis_Prime - - 116 comments

Just found your mod and reading through all the stuff, just want to know have you done any re-texturing of the models and are there new particle effects??.

If you've already answered sorry but like i said just found the mod

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Admiral-Ash Author
Admiral-Ash - - 1,812 comments

No new effects yet, but they're are new textures. I don't really have the ability to make new effects or textures.

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tadek13 - - 6 comments

another thing i might suggest in my humble opinion several more heroes for each faction would be nice, although i have no idea if its hard work or not, im not much of a modder. just simple text and xml files is what i can change haha..
but most important thing is A.I.
i am sure you know how to change it but if you would like some tips on how to make a.i better let me know,, i'll be happy to help with some basic things

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Admiral-Ash Author
Admiral-Ash - - 1,812 comments

I've added a few new heroes for both the Empire and Rebels. Check under features to see the what I've added. I don't really how to improved the AI, but it seems very had hard right now anyways, even on easy. I've never tried medium or hard, have enough of a challenge as it is.

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tadek13 - - 6 comments

yea i apologize i saw the new heroes and i was pretty suprised to see Dash Rendar ,, really cool. i liked him in Shadows of the Empire,,
i will take your word for the challenging part of the game, but changing a.i if you will want to is simple, you go to the data files and search for conquer opponent plan, building strategy, etc, and just switch somethings around.

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tadek13 - - 6 comments

how is the mod coming along??

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