Hi Guys! Development is going great here.
It’s finally time to introduce the thruster! If you consider yourself a Mechanic with a flair for skyward-bound creations or you just wanna mindlessly blast stuff over the horizon, this is the device for you. The thruster is great fun to use. Here’s our latest introduction video showing how the Thruster works step by step. Enjoy!
Really cool stuff, guys!
Let's say that I have my pockets full of money (I don't, but let's pretend :D ), when will you give me the chance to throw them at you???? :D
Hi, we don’t have a set date yet. But our aim is sometime end of this year
(repeated the question since nobody anwser it)
This game can't come soon enought.Will love playing it.I read the blog and subed to youtube but I can't find how the survival/singleplayer will be.Hope you post more info about those modes since they are my biggest interest.Thanks and keep the good work^^
Oh, didn’t see that one. Thanks for posting it again.
We are working on the survival mode right now. However we are doing a lot of changes to it still so we are not yet ready to show stuff from that mode. Hopefully soon!
Thanks for the reply.I'm enjoying the overall quality and presentation you guys put on the game.Soo much posibilities.I'm sure will be a blast to play:)