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By this fresh news I would like to present a new storyline concept arts as illustration of the Past Age and the Reset.

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By this fresh news I would like to present a new storyline concept arts as illustration of the Past Age and the Reset.

The United Governments (UG) as a single organization representing the interests of all mankind became known to citizens only a few years before the Reset. By the time alien ships had appeared above and in the cities of megapolises the United Governments were forced to go public about their existence. For 2 BR years heads of the majority if countries possessing nuclear weapons, officially confirmed the existence and powers of the United Governments as an international organization representing the interests of the Earth and all humanity instead of the United Nations (in fact, being a political, economic, scientific and military elite of the society).

Barely half an hour later heads of the UG, having prudently taken refuge in underground and underwater bunkers, made the only choice, though a hard one, - nuclear weapons should be used. To demonstrate the determination of humanity and its strength the targets chosen were the destroyed capitals with merged with them alien spacecraft. Since all ground-based nuclear missiles had been destroyed, the challenge of attacking was conferred to the submarine and underground battle forces of the UG.

The earth shuddered under megatons of nuclear explosions, reacting with extraterrestrial objects, and giving rise to the chain reaction in the atmosphere. The surface of the Earth turned blazing with little suns, billions of people were instantly killed, the Earth’s crust was set in motion, the poles shifted, the seas dried up, radioactive smoke shrouded the dying planet bulging at the seams. This was the moment that scientists and prophets had predicted - the end of the world called in history as the "Reset".

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SinKing - - 3,119 comments

I am always very impressed with your concept art. Well done. For some reason the president looked like Arnie to me at first glance, I guess the bushy eyebrows do that ^^

Does your concept artist have a deviantart account or something where I can see more of his work?

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MrNixon Author
MrNixon - - 311 comments

Thanks, SinKing. Usually our arts are results of efforts of several people. I mean I work on an art with 2-4 artists as "kapellmeister" pointing composition, style and objects. That is why our arts have the same style. But the most active artists are in our permanent team. You can find them on Deviant Art:

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SinKing - - 3,119 comments

Wow, those two rock! Saturno likes big booty :)

Instantly bookmarked! Thanks for the links and good luck.

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