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The first CATW (Classical Age Total War Mod). Dating back from November 2007, started in May by "the old team" and played only by a bunch of guys. Totally unknown in TWC or the .org communities. Only in French, custom battles on vanilla.

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This very early version was all about the looks of the mod, without changing any code, or so little.
The original installation called for a basic copy-paste of the folder on data and standard vanilla launch. Not mod-foldered when it was first released in 2008.

What's in it then ?
-New factions illyria, galatians, pergamum
-New icons
-New skins for ALL UNITS
-About 200 New units. UI pics but missing descriptions (in progress).
-new music

It was light. This little bugger was 520 mo unzipped, and only 171 mo with 7z. Will not clutter your hard drive for sure !!! How TO PLAY ?: The archive version 01.1*: Load a campaign, use any "starter campaigns" and they will run the good old vanilla game, but with catw01 stuff. (only available from the catw01 page in

Changes 16-17/11/2018:
-dmb file > /catw01/data for textures
-Proper music file for new music
-Proper campaign (vanilla map)

Fresh start 264 BC, three new factions.

catw02 back in 2008 introduced new factions (Galatians, Illyrians and Pergamon) replacing the Roman families, now united. RS2 veg; Better water, better sky, new strat cities, new strat characters has been added. So catw01 is a strange mix of catw 01, 02 and 05.

TESTED WITH STEAM !!! (not with the disc version)

Like all previous modfoldered catw mod it's pretty simple and straithforward:
1-First things first: Make sure your vanilla Rome TW or Alexander is clean. Compatible with other mods, through.

You can even run several catw in the same folder.
2-Unzip (with 7z) the little bugger in your main folder
3-Pick up your preferred shortcut depending if you want to run it on RTW 1.5, BI or Alex exe and drop it on your desktop or whatever you want to run it from.

That's it. No joke.
If steam is activated and the little bugger refuses to launch, verify you can run it as the admin.
Also, by default the shortcuts are: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Rome Total War Gold\RomeTW.exe" -nm -show_err -mod:catw01 -movie_cam
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Rome Total War Gold\RomeTW-BI.exe" -mod:catw01 -show_err
So check it's the right path. If not, correct it after right-clicking the shortcut and in properties check the target. There is also an alternative "steam-friendly" launch. Go to your RTW steam shortcut (in "games"), right-click in the menu hit property.
Then in "set launch options", fill: -nm -show_err -mod:catw01 -movie_cam
Or (BI): -nm -mod:catw01 -show_err

Have fun an report any issue. Happy Xmas !

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