Post news RSS Militia SuperWeapon

Well I am going to make some new militia special powers and Sciences, I would like you to come up with some ideas on this, 2 specials that I Know of. Ofcourse they need the Repair Science, and then a thing like the rebel ambush that spawns partisans, some with Uzies, rifles and pistols. So please volunteer

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Well I am going to make some new militia special powers and Sciences, I would like you to come up with some ideas on this, 2 specials that I Know of. Ofcourse they need the Repair Science, and then a thing like the rebel ambush that spawns partisans, some with Uzies, rifles and pistols. So please volunteer some new specials for my mod, just no outragious things like a bomb that spawns 400 nukes, so be reasonable.

Sticky - - 1,619 comments

How about 'Rally the People'? It could spawn X number of people at this or that location.

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Vanguard Author
Vanguard - - 129 comments

That is what happens with the fundamentalists (partisans)

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Vanguard Author
Vanguard - - 129 comments

A new Idea for their special weapon, since they wont actually have one that does damage, a building called Civilian Resistance HQ it spawns 3 or 4 Fundamentalists every 2 or 3 minutes. What do you think?

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ice4 - - 69 comments

hmmm ... thay can some spec soldger (like rebels, but this guy could have C-4 and thay already steal and attack only we you older them... ould capture the buildings in sec's) and units could be cheap

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Demonmaster - - 5 comments

how about an B2 Spirit with 10-25 bombs and cost around 4000-8000 takes 6.00min and need strategy center.

and an Il-78 MIDAS with a big napalm bombs and/or redguards cost 4000-8000 takes 6.00min and need propaganda center.

and an old An-12 CUB with bombs for GLA cost 3000-6000 takes 5.00min and need palace.

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Demonmaster - - 5 comments

and an old An-12 CUB with bombs for militia cost 3000-6000 takes 5.00min and need Special building like stategy center.

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Vanguard Author
Vanguard - - 129 comments

Guys it's a Militia, they are civilians, how would they get hold of any of that stuff, none the less have very good bombs.

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Alpha-026 - - 63 comments

if ur thinking about a militia superweapon how about some kinda atillery strike

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Alpha-026 - - 63 comments

an site with abot 20 atillery cannon firing rapidly for 5-8 seconds
reload time:3:00 minutes

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Alpha-026 - - 63 comments

for science how about 10 civilian planes firing machine guns and unloading 2 small bombs each plane

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