Post news RSS Meet the companions: Derrick Hawk

By this update I am glad to represent you one of the companions of the protagonist: Derrick Hawk.

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Hello people,

As previously mentioned, we're going to spend a lot of time on the thorough development of companions, each with their own unique personality, goals, moral principles, background, and plot twists. Our goal is to make them as real as possible, and in this update we're going to introduce you one of them: Derrick Hawk.

We're also going to give each companion a unique AI, and while you'll still be able to 'control' them (meaning you can click on them and give them an order, such as move here, shoot this target, etc.), whether they choose to follow your orders is another matter entirely.

Each companion will decide their actions based on a number of factors, such as trust, loyalty, fear, etc., and make a decision as to whether or not they want to cover you, heal you, die for you or betray you. The player's stats are also taken into account here, where certain skills and special abilities can allow you to influence the way your companions think both in dialogue and in combat, and all these elements will be taken into account.

Derrick Hawk, age 42, is a solitary man who lives on a secluded ranch with his daughter and father-in-law. He always wears a hand-made bracelet, engraved with the name 'April,' and occasionally knows how to wear a strange exoskeleton armored suits from the Past Age. A master of blending in, his past is a mystery to the locals of Deadstone, and most steer clear of him.

So, you've seen our concepts and you've heard a little bit about him, but in spite of further spoiling the story we'd like to give you a freedom of guesses. What's strange and interesting about him to you? How do you think he wound up in Deadstone? What is his story? His motives and his alignment? Feel free to post your thoughts and guesses here on the After Reset RPG forum: http//" target="_blank">

Thanks for your backing and stay tuned!
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AudioGhostX - - 585 comments

Looks a lot like Sharlto Copley in Elysium, pretty cool.

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MrNixon Author
MrNixon - - 311 comments

Yeah. Has smth. from Joel and David from The Last of Us.

Bought PS3 to play that game and Beyond 2 Souls. Those 2 games worth it.

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MasterJason - - 854 comments

Woah Woah Woah

...Can our characters wear Shrouds? if so this game is already game of the year.

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MrNixon Author
MrNixon - - 311 comments

Yeah. Your character will have separate slots: for clothes, for armor, for backpack. Cloaks use the last one.

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Skitzomaniac - - 78 comments

Still following this amazing game. I can't wait to play it!

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baszermaszer - - 446 comments

Those Elisium armors were pretty cool and the whole awesome art direction of that movie.

These concepts are easily on par with Wasteland 2's.

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No_Sanity - - 3 comments

OK, this is a blatant copy of Elysium's Kruger, basically copy pasted. Right after this:, another blatant copy after Cerberus Assault Trooper from Mass Effect 3. Come on what is this? I know you take great pride with the Nixon nickname, but that guy is remembered for lies and Watergate. Judging by how you hype your game, you are on the right track. How about making something original for a change?

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AudioGhostX - - 585 comments

If you've been following this game for quite a while, you will have noticed that just about everything thus far has been ripped off from something else. Whether it's the story, people, or simply armor. I'd just get over it, not everyone is original or creative.

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