After all the hours—nay—decades it took us to develop this mod we are proud to bring you Master Blasters Beta! We’ve included some download links below so you can get to the killing (aka: frustration) as soon as possible! If killing is your business, and your business is suffering from the recent market downturn… consider this the high-yield dividend game you’ve been looking for! (eat your heart out Jim Cramer)
Here are the links:
::Our ModDB Profile
Here on the Master Blasters team we regularly troll around looking for suggestions and feedback from our mod. So therefore, we invite everyone to hop on over to our forums and post whatever is on their minds, whether that be your latest blog on Britney Spears’ rehab developments or flaming us for tainting the prestigious Half-life 2 community with such a rubble of a game. Whatever the case, like a midget at a urinal, we are going to stay on our toes and do our best.
And finally, we’ve included a screenshot of what your screen should look like after installing. If you've gotten this far, congratulate yourself.
See you guys in game!
ahh yeah loving the ref for the shemale vids thread...but maybe u shudda said something along the lines of "I hope you spot my reference to a certain popular thread" in your news post...for all those people who didn't see the shemale thread
had to bust out the shemale vids joke
LOLOL WTF is on your desktop???!?!?! "She_male Vids" Tsk Tsk, Kinky kinky lol.
"she_male vids"
ahahahahaha you perv you
who doesn't love a good she male vid
Bahahaha SURE its a "joke"
what's up with the she male vids man?
You guys must have missed that when it went around the internet a month or two ago.
Just played a bit, crashed after a few minutes but, was pretty fun while it lasted.
I've posted up a guide on how to play over here ->
Oh yeah, the in-game tutorials were really well laid out and informative btw.
it sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wat does...the mod? if so could you tell me why? i havent dloaded yet
Arnold.. fucken win :D
It was pretty fun from what I played, a bit fast for my tast, but fun nonetheless. And, sgt::sam, please restrain from posting such a comment, constructive critisism is accepted, not flaming.
loving your pr :D going to dl your mod now looks fun.