Post news RSS Luftahraan Update #10 – 15/09/2013 (Heimfeigr)

Heimfeigr – the Tomb of the Sovereigns in Luftahraan - released as a stand-alone mod.

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Those of you that have been following Luftahraan, and these updates, for a while will know that Heimfeigr is a large complex in the Oessen Valley that houses the Tomb of the Sovereigns. However, unbeknownst to many citizens of Luftahraan, it extends much further than that – a locked door in the back of the Tomb area leads into a deeper set of catacombs that await the prepared adventurer in this stand-alone teaser for Luftahraan.

For this update we have decided to extract the dungeon portions of Heimfeigr from the main Luftahraan file and release them on their own, out of context, in the vanilla Skyrim worldspace. This is to give people interested in Luftahraan a chance to sample some of its content without releasing the (incomplete) city itself – we realise it has been a long time in the making and wanted to release something that was complete to reassure people that the mod is getting somewhere.

The Heimfeigr dungeon itself contains 5 cells, as well as its own soundtrack written by Stephen Webster, one of our composers. One of the most interesting facets of the dungeon is the final boss, but I don’t want to spoil that for you, so you’ll have to wait and find out yourselves.

The mod can be downloaded on the Skyrim Nexus here.

Brodual have released a short teaser video for Heimfeigr, which can be viewed below, together with Stephen Webster’s soundtrack.

I hope you all enjoy the dungeon, and that it keeps you going until we can release the completed version of Luftahraan.

BlasterLizardCo - - 614 comments

The game mod is looking absolutely amazing so far! I´m very interested in playing it! Awesome brother, I´ll keep looking at it!

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Taquito - - 394 comments

I'm gonna resist the urge to download now. I want to experience the mod as a whole. Looks amazing!

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VimanaExpress - - 571 comments

OH this is amazing! Downloading now, how can you wait??!

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