The maps provided with The LOUD Project are an important part of what allows the LOUD AI to be what it is, and we've been working with the OzoneX Map Editor for FAF (Forged Alliance Forever) for quite some time now. As the editor has recently neared completion, it was important for us to get all our maps updated to be compatible, not only so that our map workflow is streamlined, but so that others can contribute to their enjoyment of FA by making use of this superb tool.
Your updater will update all the necessary changes, and we apologize in advance for the number of downloads this will involve, it's well worth it in the long run.
In other news, we're still working tirelessly on finalizing our integration of BrewLAN, and moving the project along in other areas - so you'll find a good number of bug fixes, tweaks and tiny revisions included when you update.
You make an awesome job for an awesome game !
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Yeah, Ozonex's Map Editor is cool. It's still a work in progress, but most of the editor is complete.
If you get any problems holla Ozonex either in the forums, slack or the Maps&Mods; FAF Server in Discord. He has his own channel there. glhf
link to Server :