Post news Report RSS LET'S PLAY! Terminus Machina + Update

Multi-years coming Terminus Machina Post-Mortem. Plus, LET'S PLAY! Terminus Machina Competition! Plus, possibilities of future Terminus Machina updates / expansions / titles.

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First off, apologies to all loyal Terminus Machina fans, superfans, acolytes, Ameribank busters, et. al. for the conspicuous absence of updates.

Secondly, I'm happy to announce the:


Let's Play! Terminus Machina Competition

I've recently received a few requests for help completing Terminus Machina, which is apparently the, "Most challenging Deus Ex Total Conversion".

If anyone is interested in doing a solid Let's Play of Terminus Machina, I'll consider adding it somewhere on the TM website and/or to a News Update.

I'll give out some special awards for "Fastest Time", "Most Creative Playthrough", "Funniest/Most Entertaining Playthrough", if there are at least a few takers!

On that note: please comment here if you're interested in doing this.

Alright revolutionistas, Illuminati-busters and Hex Gen hacktivists: let's get re-installing Deus Ex! #reinstallsDeusEx

And now, what you've all been waiting for:


Many commenters have asked in one form or another, "If/when can we expect to see some updates or an expanded version of Terminus Machina with more maps, missions, and generally MORE of this game?"

As a preamble: Thanks for playing the game, and enjoying it enough to want more! I'm glad that so many people have loved it enough to garner such a high rating! Actually let's do a quick scorecard in celebration of Terminus Machina's achievments:

  • 9.6 rating on Moddb!
  • Almost 1700 downloads and counting!
  • 230 members!

Release Pics

YAY!!! Dystopic Cyberpunk Block-Party Time!

Now, onto the less sunny story. On completing Terminus Machina, I discovered myself suddenly in a life phase of mass-disruption, which included complicating factors such as:

a.) Needing to get a full-time job

b.) Having a family

a-b.) Needing to keep full-time job for the family

c.) Great Recession Depression 2.0 making all of the above more difficult.

As such, I discovered I would not have the time nor the headspace to continue game development unless I really tried to put out something with commercial viability. Basically, it was going to be difficult or impossible to make games on par, quality-wise, with Terminus Machina, unless I was making some money from the endeavor to keep my lights on, keep a roof over our heads, keep the babies fed, and all of that reality.

Real Burning

This is your life

I tried along with a small team of volunteers to put out a big expansion pack of levels and such, with myself as the distantly attached attache, providing directional, cultural, and moral support sort of like a Queen of England doing my "Royal Wave" of approval toward concept art or the Dalai Lama, briefly making appearances Forum-side to drop a few cryptic and possibly-inspiring koans of wisdom to the developers.

Unfortunately, this was probably unrealistic to even attempt, and I apologize to all the diehard volunteer TM modders who put work into building the Terminus Machina II ship only to see it capsized by Captain Silverspook's RL-storms and general unavailability. Absent at the wheel.

I realize now it was more difficult to materialize without the kind of continuous, undivided attention that I put into this total conversion from 2011-2012 when I created it.

Still, keeping my head down in a somewhat unfulfilling job far outside the scope of my college major (sound familiar!?!?) left me feeling like I was living life with blinders on.

There was a splinter on my mind, and it was the need to know what The Matrix is. Topple MJ 12 make awesome games.

Knowing that I would need to pursue any future projects as commercial ventures, and that the scale of a full-3D game in a -- let's face it -- archaic, tough-to-debug engine like Deus Ex 1 would involve world-devouring amounts of time, time which I did not have.

I would need to pare down the scope and shoot for something most likely 2D, with way less physics. So I began shopping for other engines and platforms.

I loved the equally cyberpunk Shadowrun Returns, and kicked around the idea of doing an SR module, but that turned out to be too difficult. I tried playing with Unity, but it also turned out to be too headachily beyond my reserves of attention to figure out how to do what I wanted.

Ultimately I happened upon Adventure Game Studio, and it was love at first point-n-click. Ability to release as commercial game? CHECK! Super-easy development with short learning curve? CHECK! Thus I began Project Neofeud:

Proto-J Version 3.0Robo-Junkie

Sentient Services

Here I could focus on the sci-fi / spec-fiction story, which was always my favorite part of Deus Ex/TM, without having to take on the many hats of 3D animating, mapping, programming, etc... So I started building the story, a kind of inverted Terminus Machina, where the AI and machines are not here to destroy us, but rather become a new underclass. "2033 - We create AI. Sentient robots arrive, but not as our Terminator overlords or our Singularity saviors -- conscious machines are humanity's unwanted bastard children."

So this is where I am now, deep into development of Neofeud.

What does this all mean?

There is always the possibility, but unfortunately I don't have the time at the moment for the scale of game development that an expanded Terminus Machina or Terminus Machina II would deserve.

I have been kicking around the idea of crowdfunding (i.e. Kickstarter campaign) a bigger, better, awesomer version of Terminus Machina which would feed a core "engine" of developers from 2D/3D artist to mappers to programmers, with myself as design director, spiritual guru, resident game Tyrant, etc...

A couple of preconditions would need to occur, before the TM reboot, though. Namely:

1.) I'd need to finish Neofeud. It's almost too much just working on Neofeud, working a day job, and shuttling kids to preschool etc., so doing both simultaneously would require me to become Doctor Manhattan or produce an ACTUAL quantum teleportation/time machine. I.e.: not possible.

2.) I'd need to find a new engine, or some work around the extant issues of the DX1 engine and IP issues. As much as I love DX, I think I'd need to take Terminus Machina II to an entirely new engine, one which might make things easier to implement and debug, and less legally un-sellable (Eidos or Squeenix or whomever owns rights to DX and so we can't sell Terminus Machina). Again, the old Maxim: "Time is Money."

Release Pics

Artist's rendering of what happens to Terminus Machina non-supporters

So the TLDR: a reboot/resurrection/full-length version of Terminus Machina is possible, but it depends on several factors including the kind of support that can be rallied by the fans.

So please, keep on spreading the good word and thank you again for making this mod possible! I surely would've given in to The Man(s In Black) sooner and ceased and desisted on Terminus Machina development except for all of the encouraging words from you all. Just hearing one positive comment can make it all worth it!

Besides words, if you have donated to Terminus Machina in the past, bought the soundtrack or do donate in the future, please let me know. I am also trying to compile a list of such supporters to add to the site, as well as a spot in the credits of Terminus Machina, when I get to doing an update. Any donation amount is appreciated!

Oh, and before I forget: a special shoutout to Deus Ex: Nihilum, the most awesome and faithful total conversion of Deus Ex in existence. Period. Don't be a philistine tool of the System: go get it, NOW!

Also, special thanks again to the post-2012 release Terminus Machina devs:

AlphaCodeOverride for undying support in terms of testing, cheerleading and a whole variety of other contributions.

JCDenton2000 for some great mapping work

xen0phile for taking on programming tasks after I tapped out in 2012.

AlvinD2008 for putting together some great modeling and animations.

Post comment Comments
FastGamerr - - 581 comments

Terminus Machina was always a cut above the rest. Challenging and most rewarding to everyone willing to really get into it.

Thanks for the compliments, my loyal man, I wish you the best of luck with this Let's Play campaign as well as the Neofeud project. And remember, you'll always be NUMBER ONE. ;]

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SilverSpook Author
SilverSpook - - 331 comments

Haha... Yeah, apparently NUMBER ONE is half of a "Bad Guy Ensemble" TV trope. I'm sure I'll be remembered, for decaaaaaadessss... :)

Hope your webcomic and other projects are also going according to plan as well. :)

Reply Good karma+4 votes
FastGamerr - - 581 comments

Unfortunately, it's not, but I wouldn't say my fire has been put out yet. Just you wait. ;]

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SilverSpook Author
SilverSpook - - 331 comments

Do let me know when you get another bonfire going :)

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Rakym - - 159 comments

All the best with your projects. I contributed some bad voice acting to TM back then. I havent played it yet, but will some time in the future for sure.

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SilverSpook Author
SilverSpook - - 331 comments

Thanks Rakym! Oh yes, I think you were the disgruntled McSwift's employee, right? I can't even remember if I made credits at this point but I'll have to add you in there if not.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
AlphaCodeOverride - - 13 comments

Hi guys, I was browsing the comments, and saw that some of you were having trouble getting the game to run, with window dll issues and such, so i made a video explaining how to get it up and running. I don't know how many others have had issues with Deus Ex and Windows 8.1, but i had to make a few tweaks to get Deus Ex to work at all on my computer. I prefer Windows 7 though. LOL Anyway I thought I would post a link here to the video which I put on Youtube. Sorry in advance about the video quality, My camera and my old LCD monitor's screen don't want to get along, but I tried verbally explaining what i did as well. I hope it helps. :)

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AlphaCodeOverride - - 13 comments

Oh, and a quick update for something i said in the video about UnrealEd...I mentioned that for windows 8.1 to run UnrealEd, you had to install VC redistributable 5.0, but its actually Visual Basic 5.0 Runtimes. I just wanted to clear up any confusion that might cause for those who lookup VC Redist. 5.0 and don't find anything. :P

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salizar-ombrelune - - 83 comments

Have you thought about using the new Unreal Engine ? You can use it for free and even sell your game, as long as you give a 5 percent share after the first 3000$.

From what I have seen, it is quite powerful !

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SilverSpook Author
SilverSpook - - 331 comments

Hm, that's a possibility! I think I've downloaded UE once but never actually built anything in it. I could have another look.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
TheUnbeholden - - 3,620 comments

Nice idea! I can't remember ever seeing a really good playthrough of Deus Ex, but I'll ask around, the LPers I know.

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SilverSpook Author
SilverSpook - - 331 comments

Thanks! I'm considering doing a Let 's Play myself if I get some free time. I'll of course be disqualified by default for having the creator and therefore having access to all the secret cheats bug exploits not to mention thousands of hours of plates ting experience :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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