Post news Report RSS Interstellar Marines: SITREP - Week 010

Another former employee from the Zero Point family returns, SARA is fully operational and is currently being filled with tons of research images and the IM:Deadlock development is getting up to speed. Find out more in this weeks SITREP

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Team debriefing

Kim (ZPSHicks)
Game Director

"Currently jacked-in stitching together a couple of Mood Boards (Deadlock Reference Research) which I was really hoping I could share with you guys/girls this week, but they'll be online next week instead.

We've nailed a few ITO Training Ground concept drawings in the past, but just have to dig down again getting our hands dirty with everything to make sure that we plot our ambitious course on achieving the right type of setting, mood and canvas for our continued journey into Project IM (Starting with Deadlock). To move this conceptual work forward on the art creation side of things, I'm extremely happy to announce that Andreas Von Cotta our old GURU conceptual artist is back on the team working freelance (Back after having worked about a year at CCP on Iceland).

Getting closing to the speed of light and still picking up speed! :)"

Mikael (heks)
Lead Programmer

"Today we _finally_ got our servers fully up and running in the dedicated server room — don't ask why it took so long; it's a convoluted story!

I won't miss the noise of three servers by my side (as if Kim and Nics' vocal noise factor aren't enough...).

Despite inadvertently having spent wayyy too much time on this, there's a few upsides: a) We've got a proper backup procedure now (redundancy FTW!), b) Potential downtime will be much much shorter in the future, c) Old server software has been updated and last but not least d) We've freed up a bunch of disk space for production use.

So this concludes the chapter on "get your infrastructure straight, mister!". I (and the rest of the team!) can finally get back to 110% dedicated Deadlock development.

Now, where was I?"

 A fairly clean office for a change in the occasion of
A fairly clean office for a change in the occasion of "A Return of The mighty Anders Antoft" :)

Anders (cptKickASS)
Game Artist

SARA: Entry mismatch. Subject appears to be offline. No record stored this week.

Jess (NecroSonic)
Level Designer

"I have been quite busy during this week cooking up a new map. This time it is a purely indoor map as Kim has stressed that we need to be able to deliver an awesome indoor multiplayer experience. I have however gone out of my way to set the new map apart from what you saw in Running Man.

The challenge for me regarding Deadlock is to stage the maps in relation to the setting of the underground training facility. The main issue is to make it believable while at the same time making it visually interesting and engaging. Most shooters create multiplayer maps based on various settings from the singleplayer campaign. This means that you have the benefit having a visually rich environment with a lot of props implied by the setting.

The challenge with the training scenario of Deadlock (where all the multiplayer games is part of the overall story as the training of the marines) is that settings created for such training would probably be rather scarce on props that would add detail. For example: Why would there be a lot of exposed cables hanging from the ceiling or lying on the floor in this training facility? Why would there be monitors and computers along the walls? Etc. In order for the rooms and battle arenas to work gameplay-wise you need to put something in them to create cover and hiding spots but it can’t all be crates as this would make for a very dull and uniform map.

I know that Kim has the answer as to how to solve this but I would like to hear your ideas as well. Fire away!"

Nicolai (Reese)
CEO & Composer

"For the love of creativity. Audio, here I come at last. All major admin tasks complete and its down to the daily and somewhat minor running admin tasks.

Besides currently spending time trying to dig a music composing hole of creative solitude for the next period of time I have also started to play around with the audio part in the Unity engine. It's been a while since I last worked with in-game sound design (back in the UE3) but the team has big faith in my skills to adapt to this engine".

I hope I'm soon able to release some new versions of the ongoing music pieces as well as a follow-up in form of the Music Dev' Blog Part 2,- as well as some initial audio tests of some kind. Kenneth left me some good basic tutorials as well as a nice handover presentation, so I should be up and running fairly fast on that part". Summary

Picture of the Week 0036

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All the best,
Nicolai (Reese) & the team at Zero Point Software

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