InfinityAdmin has A journal update dedicated to eye-candy screenshots!
With regards to the screenshots:
Don't hold your breath: the final game should look even better. Mostly missing are the fresnel reflections of the environment and some ambient occlusion ( local, smooth shadows ).
The technical bit:
The framerate is abysmal. As mentioned in previous updates, GPUs do not support HDRI + FP16, and the RGBE code path does nott support shadows yet. In order to make a "best quality" possible, reuse of the old fp16 code has been utilized, so antialiasing is done by supersampling a x4 times bigger buffer, ie. render to a 2048x1536 texture. The bottleneck is mostly in the shaders; with the framerate at 10-15 fps range on the ATI; whereas on the NVidia card ( 7800 GT ), the rate is improved (around 40-45 fps), but still not very good for a single ship.
The model:
The ship is around 100K triangles and was modeled by Supernova. All i can say is, it's an incredible work. Perfect modeling, no smoothing problems, no mesh errors, and an insane quality/balance of details.
Model 2:
A large carrier - the galactos is also rendered using basic generic textures
For comparison:
The Flamberge dreadnaught (super massive battleship) compared to the a large galactos carrieris put side by side using generic textures, and is very small in comparison
Very very nice, everything about this game is impressive. I think its about time I started to keep a decent eye on it :)
its already in-game and runs on todays computers. Just wait and see!
Shaping up to be the best game ever, imo.
I think the only suitable word at a time like this is wow........
And btw, and i'm seriously concerned about the performance you're aiming at. If the whole world of infinity will be this detailed, the game will be almost unplayable in dense sectors. It really looks good, but in the end you can't scale down models, only textures. And this will become ugly. What do you intend to do?
Wow, congratulations for this nice model. But i think the number of thrusters is a bit overdone, or will this ship fly at an according speed?
Scratch trust me, we know what we are doing ;)
Also remember this is a next-gen game that will be released in 2 or maybe 3 years. It still has to look good at the release.
The best looking standalone on Moddb
best looking on Moddb :P
and you can scale down models with something called L.O.D.
but it wont really scale down so you can see it
it scales down when its further away.
so if im close to the ship i see it in 100k triangle
but if its far away
i might only see like 30k triangle
Exactly :)
every screen comes out is better than the last.. impressive!
I'm not sure 100k polygons is going to be suitable even in the next generation of games guys ;)
Looking amazing! :)
jesus those ships are of epic scale. I get chills just by looking at them, you guys are blessed! keep it up.
I just find it funny. That some of these models are going to be so big that they are used as maps. I guess that makes the frame rate better hunh.
How about a video of this ship? I'll never be able to see it this detailed in the next 4-5 years. ;)
technically, it's not a mod, it's a game in itself.
As for the amount of polygons on the ship, and the "abysmal performance"....I think that those 2 kindof work with one another on that.
100k polys for a single, is this game CG or is it a game? try making models that modern day computers can actually handle.
As for the ship costing an insane amount in the game...well, so are alot of the ships in both X2 and X3, and yet people have fleets of the things.
People will figure out a way to get lots of cash, and they will buy lots of big arse ships...don't underestimate gamers, they WILL go above and beyond, and you'll probably find that alot of these gamers will have fleets of these ships.
But...yeah, that's kinda outside of the box, considering that no gamer would ever want to buy more than one ship, let alone one at all, if their PC is average...the pro gamers usually have pro systems, because either their daddy and mummy bought it for them, and they spend their lives in the basement or attic or their computer room, and they generally don't have a life.
So yeah...I dunno what I'm talking about now, because right now i'm out of it...i'm so dead right now, too tired, to stressed with stuff....i'm going to explode....BOOM!
That's amazing guys. Now I wanna slap another visual delight award on Infinity, but I guess we'll all have to wait. Good going, though.
I'm not sure 100k polygons is going to be suitable even in the next generation of games guys Wink ;\)
Project Gotham Racing 3 on the XBox 360 features cars that average 100,000 polygons each, and cities/tracks that are in the millions range. It's already released today and the XBox 360 is less powerful than a high end PC. In 2008, you can bet those numbers will be pretty standard.
Keep in mind that level of detail ( LOD ) is automatic and reduces complexity in the distance. Also keep in mind that massive ships such as the Flamberge will cost an extreme amount of credits in game, hence it's very unlikely to have more than 1 on the screen at the same time ( hell, it'll already be unlikely to see one at all ! ) :)
No it didn't. Models in the 100k range were however used to generate normal maps, and were used in the some parts of the menus , I believe.
Yes, they did. Please read:
I want to add that you are focusing on one thing ( polycount ) while the bottleneck is ( and will likely remain ) in another place, ie. the shading/fillrate. You see, your video card is working asynchronously: that's why it's so fast compared to a CPU. This means that the framerate you get in the end is basically limited by the slowest element running on your video card. If you are shader limited, you can increase the polycount *for free* until you get geometry or bandwidth limited.
Your average video card today ( ie. not a high end one ) can easily transform 50 millions triangles per second. At 100 fps, that means you can have up to half a million polygons per frame. That's assuming there is no shading, fillrate or cpu bottleneck of course, which would be useless in a game. Infinity aims at 250K polys per frame in average. X3: Reunion, which shipped this year, already has ships in the 100K range and is heavily cpu limited. If the ships were 1/4th of those values, you wouldn't get a better framerate.
I think that if Jesus made a game, It would look like this...
is that a jesus stick you have in yoru hand ,or are you just glad to see me? :) (in reference to Eko in lost)