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Sorry, but I couldn't help it that we went on summer holidays :P

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So, yes... I haven't been doing anything for a couple of weeks and now you know. I returned today from my summer holidays and thus I can make changes again! There is but 1 problem... The last thing I did, adding Seraphim potential in the 4th mission, is complete. And well, I can't remember anything I was doing afterwards if I did start something else :(

So I'm asking you for help once again. Would you guys like to give me some ideas? :)

I'd also like to ask you once more if there is anyone with knowledge of editing the Supreme Commander 2 campaign like I'm doing with FA. Please look and comment here ;)

SoaringHawk - - 30 comments

maybe make so rhiza actually rebuilds her base after she is nuked in the last mission and beef up the seraphim defences next to the rift

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gregory1001 Author
gregory1001 - - 217 comments

Unless you didn't notice this, Rhiza will rebuild her base at all times, even after the nukes ;)

And is that seraphim base too weak? I never really did anything with it :s

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SoaringHawk - - 30 comments

I know you didn't but with rhiza helping it seems to easy to me

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Medora - - 19 comments

The third mission is by far my favorite, but the north east Seraphim commander sometimes takes forever to push through Princess Burke's defenses, making the objective not feel nearly as dire as I think it should. If I had a request, then, I suppose it would be stronger attacks by the Seraphim commander. Also, is it just me or does that commander just stand around in one place assisting the same one or two air factories?

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gregory1001 Author
gregory1001 - - 217 comments

I made most of their attack squads a bit larger, and rebuilds of the first 2 defensive lines has been disabled ;)
Hope this helps!

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Medora - - 19 comments

You mean in the 15 June V3.2 update? =d Since I did not apply the update to mission 3 I may have overlooked it in that update. I'll have to give it a try. Thanks!

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gregory1001 Author
gregory1001 - - 217 comments

No no, I did so today! :D

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Medora - - 19 comments

Cool! Is that up for download already? The latest patch is shown as V3.2 on the downloads page.

By the way, what patch is this from: Do not recall ever seeing that building with Thalia in it.

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gregory1001 Author
gregory1001 - - 217 comments

No, not yet. I'm sorry...

And that is still to be released. I added that building only a few days ago ;) I'll get a release online soon again, but I didn't do that much for it yet the past 2 months because I had a busy schedule. I didn't find it worthy of a release back then, but now with the noticable changes, you won't have to wait for long anymore!

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Medora - - 19 comments

Please take your time. I know there are a lot of things I would love to do right now that I can't because of work and school. Even with SC I only have a small window during the weekends to play, heh.

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