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Important notice about my recent discovery.

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It came to my attention recently that a "widescreen patch"( there is 2 of them already ) was released on github.

So my message is:


I`m not going to comment on the quality of those patches, just use them at your own risk. If a mod crashes on startup, now you know why.

Marek33 - - 3,893 comments

On one hand, it's great to see that there are two patches already, but its way better to have a one proper high quality patch, than multiple ones.

However, considering that one is on the Github, hopefully there will be more updates and maybe that one will be great. I'm not sure about the one from the Crymods thou, since it seems that one didn't change everything from what I remember.

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Szczekus Author
Szczekus - - 380 comments

This is a very crappy situation for us as modders. Most casual players or the ones that just get into the first Far Cry, will simply use the patch, then try out some mods, get a crash while trying to run them, then say what a piece of crap a mod is because it won`t even launch, and move on.

Mods that use their own widescreen solutions will suffer the most.

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pvcf - - 4,949 comments

i actually plan to release the mod with full game, patched, but with missed fc.exe and without original level folder.
as far as i remember, that are the conditions so you avoid the "game"sharing problematic and stay more or less save in the modsharing corner.

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Szczekus Author
Szczekus - - 380 comments

So we`ll have to copy it on top of Far Cry? If that`s the case, then you`re still affected by this. As long as the "patch" is inside your Bin32/Bin64 folder and you run the game from there, it will load itself automatically.

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pvcf - - 4,949 comments

no, you have to copy the fc.exe in the stand alone mod ;)
i'm aware of the patchproblem, so thats the actual solution.
unfortunately i plan to release also a patched fc.exe which supports 4gb memory usage, which is important for opcl, (you know, otherwise you can't use higher texture resolutions). but we will see.

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