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News about the new development phase of the Vector Thrust.

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I have an important announcement referring to the change in the production that I've mentioned before in the forums.

In the last weeks the production already entered in maximum speed because it is intended to release in the first quarter of 2014. (and yes, it will be on steam, yay!)

In the last month VT gained the support of a publisher, this is really great news and I believe this was possible thanks to the support of all of you.

They will provide resources to make the game better and they are not interested in limiting the “artistic freedom” of the game. (they only requested multiplayer mode, but it was already intended to be added if there was a possibility). This and releasing earlier than initially planned tightens the schedule as there is plenty of stuff to add before we can meet the set date of release.

This leads to the only downside I see with this. Because this will be a race to the finish line, and as it was a request from their side, the alpha funding will have to be concluded.
While I’m a bit sad about this, since I was enjoying a lot this style of development, I will respect their request.

However, while the alpha funding will be closed, I’m interest in providing a few more meaningful updates.

I’m very grateful to all of you and I want you to know that even if I couldn’t reveal any information until all was set, I am and will continue to be looking for your best interests.

But don’t worry, all the alpha supporters until now will receive the final copy of the game so that is not really an issue. I will also continue to be present here and I will provide support with tutorials and news, however it will be several months without any playable update.

As for your suggestions, I always enjoyed them and I’ll be grateful if everyone continues to provide them. However like I said before, the schedule for the release is very thigh, there is a lot to do, but if is any free time available it will be used to address some of your suggestions.

Also because of alpha funding will be concluded, I’m very interest in making the mission Editor flawless before the updates end, so all you can keep entertained while there is no more updates.
Since the F-22 is so popular, I believe it’s the best plane to add in the final updates (but it won’t be the only one).

With this said, it up to you if you respect or not this new development. But I’ll accept any of your opinions and either way I still will be very grateful to you all.

But stay tuned, more reports will follow.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 54)
MyHatismyFriend - - 343 comments

So do you have a totally "free" reign over game development and design? It's important that they do not limit your freedom to develop the game how you choose. Good luck with getting everything on track and published nicely.

While the art style is going to remain the same, please remember to update the graphics and afterburner/explosions, etc. effects- they were one of the things that the Greenlighters didn't like.
Also remember to include landing/take-off, Anti-Submarine Warfare, Infiltration-Reconnaissance, MOAR SUPERWEAPONS for us to use in our campaigns, and GUI and Hangar updates. Remember to stick the F-14 in there too >:0.

If you're stuck on Multiplayer gamemodes and stuff, the Forum Section has a ton of great ideas. Here's hoping for a unbuggy and well-optimised multiplayer.

Finally, if you need any descriptions for new weapons/aircraft, you can grab me here or through my email.

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timeSymmetry Author
timeSymmetry - - 948 comments

Thanks for the support, but also thanks for the remainder, there a lot to add but there is still a lot to improve as well.

As for the publisher, I was also concerned at first that they could force the game to go in a direction that would stray away from the initial goals, but that doesn’t seams do be that case and up to now I have the good impression on them.

And about the multiplayer, you can be sure that I’ll use the forums to draw inspiration and probably ask you all what do you think is the best approach to balance the disparity of the aircrafts' performance in the multiplayer mode.

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CayceG - - 4 comments

The best way to 'balance' the disparity between plane performance is simple.

No Player vs. Player multiplayer.

Make multiplayer co-op only in large scale battle scenarios or skirmishes.

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szboudreau01 - - 697 comments

Or, with PvP (which I'd love), limit the battles to tiers, like say, Tier 1 (Beginner planes like MiG-21bis), Tier 2, Tier 3 (more capable fighters, like F-104), Tier 4, and Tier 5/God (Su-47/74, P.125, etc)?

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bornloser - - 269 comments

No need to go that far. All you have to do ban indidividual planes and weapons, Timesplitters style. One server might be running a 5th gen free-for-all while another can limit the players to fishbeds and starfighters. Then if you put server mods on top of that then players can rebalance every plane in the game to their heart's content. And if you still don't like that there will also be people running coop servers.

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IbizenThoth - - 89 comments

I believe that in addition to tiers, one might want to make the system fairly conducive to team play, and keep the number of players per team relatively small, say three or four, since large numbers of players only mean massive lag for a game like VT, where position data is extremely important. Tighter, more interesting combat would be preferable to large, and pointless furballs.

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szboudreau01 - - 697 comments


Also, maybe different MP game modes, like, say.. Base Defense, CTF, KOTH, Team KOTH, etc.?

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Nergal01 - - 1,608 comments

Many game mode ideas have been discussed already (including some ridiculous ones), might want to make a thread there to share your idea.

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bornloser - - 269 comments

I'm not sure lag will be that big a problem with arcade physics. If it is then the server host could limit team sizes themselves but they should have the choice to do so.

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lordarabil - - 44 comments

also make multiplayer gameplay a tad bit slower. otherwise it would get wayy too fast and chaotic and dizzying.

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bornloser - - 269 comments

I'd add it as an option but not make it default.

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Wheaton_Adams - - 68 comments

If it's on Steam, I wonder if you'll be able to use an authorized copy of Steamplay, so the game's netcode would be clear, smooth and use Steam's port instead of having to waste time developping a netcode of your own.

Any chances?

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timeSymmetry Author
timeSymmetry - - 948 comments

Yes, the game will use the Steam API for multiplayer, but will also use for achievements, leaderboards (arcade/challenge mode) and others.

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szboudreau01 - - 697 comments

What about non-Steam users? How will you deal with them and Multi?

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dhannemon13 - - 350 comments

And local ( LAN ) multiplayer please. For the slow internet user, and those who wants to play with their friends ;)

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Nergal01 - - 1,608 comments

There's rarely a Steam game with LAN play ability to begin with.

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D_M - - 39 comments

But if you use the steam API, what about the multiplayer of the Desura version ?

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Nergal01 - - 1,608 comments

Moreover, will the modding limited to Steam workshop only? I hope not.

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timeSymmetry Author
timeSymmetry - - 948 comments

Good question, I forgot to mention, but the mods and custom content for this versions will remain compatible with the final version.

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Maestra_Fenix - - 52 comments

Oh god, this game on Steam. Imagine the custom campaigns. Hell, I wanna try if it would be possible to do the XB-0 mission on VT.

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LesserAngel - - 150 comments

Getting a release on Steam is normally a good thing, so yay! (I still want my F-8, I don't care that it's older than dirt) So looking forward to release and I hope your publisher gives you the support you need.

By the way, WHO is your publisher now anyways?

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Nergal01 - - 1,608 comments

Deep Sil-

Oh wait. I'm not giving anyone idea.

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LesserAngel - - 150 comments

Deep Silver would be better than some other possibilities.

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timeSymmetry Author
timeSymmetry - - 948 comments

The publisher is Iceberg interactive.

As for the F-8, it is not in the “100% sure list” but it still is one of those aircrafts that highly interest me. But you will be know if it is added if it is announced in a report a usual.

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bornloser - - 269 comments

Never heard of them. That's probably a good thing.

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Nergal01 - - 1,608 comments

AFAIK they published Stardrive too.

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Lupus_of_nox_noctis - - 1,088 comments

Theyve published a whole bunch of awesome Indie games actually, Endless Space and Stardrive, Terraria I think and even Frozen Synapse. Theyre pretty alright in my books

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CayceG - - 4 comments

For what it's worth, I gave you a list a year ago you said you'd incorporate. The F-8 was on it.

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Bakelit - - 396 comments

will you be able to port your desura version over to steam?

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timeSymmetry Author
timeSymmetry - - 948 comments

Custom content yes, but for saved data I’m not sure, maybe it will be added a way to import the saved data.

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szboudreau01 - - 697 comments

I was going to give an entire reminder on what a Publisher might do-but it seems I don't have to say that, considering that they put a release date on..
I'm just gonna say one thing, then!

At least it's not EA.

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bornloser - - 269 comments

Would there be any way for players to create new features post release? Something like scripting or a full sdk? Not sure how to explain my suggestion better, just that the less is hardcoded the better.

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Nergal01 - - 1,608 comments

I'd like to know, at certain time (either several months after its release or after the final game has been released on Steam), will this 'final alpha version' made available as free demo?

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Endymion_FRS - - 10 comments

Congrats, I'm happy to hear this. The admittedly short time I spent in the alpha a couple months ago was a fun time and I'm definitely excited to see what the final product looks like!

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Deyren - - 3 comments

Great news!

Will there be an option to "transfer" or bind already bought Desura's game into/to my Steam account?

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Nergal01 - - 1,608 comments

More importantly, will it be released on other digital distributor that isn't Steam? (let's say, GoG?)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Nergal01 - - 1,608 comments

Another question: will missing features like these:
-non-working gun reticle
-animated engine nozzle
-landing gears
will be implemented in the final update?

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szboudreau01 - - 697 comments

I hope so!

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redout22 - - 21 comments

This is fantastic news! Can't wait to see what some helping hands can do with this!

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OrangeFr3ak - - 98 comments

How do we move from Desura to Steam then?

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MyHatismyFriend - - 343 comments

We'll probably be getting a steam gift code or something.

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lordarabil - - 44 comments

Awesome news TS!

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Bergdwerg - - 2 comments

Wow congratulations! Just a small question, will our version stay on desura or are we forced to move too the steamplatform?

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szboudreau01 - - 697 comments

It will stay on Desura, I know it-Times wouldn't be that guy.

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dhannemon13 - - 350 comments

If the game uses Steam API, it must use Steam app ?

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Nergal01 - - 1,608 comments

"Yes, the game will use the Steam API for multiplayer, but will also use for achievements, leaderboards (arcade/challenge mode) and others."

Read first pls. It's right above your first comment.

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szboudreau01 - - 697 comments

Still, how would non-steam users be able to go on Multiplayer?
I know nothing of the Steam API, so..

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bornloser - - 269 comments

I have no idea but you can run half life mods on desirable even though the base game is on steam

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bornloser - - 269 comments


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HunterRuZ - - 13 comments

Hi all! I wanted to ask this question: will this game translated into other languages( e.g. Spanish, Russian etc)?

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Nergal01 - - 1,608 comments

AFAIK aside English there's Portuguese and French so far.

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HunterRuZ - - 13 comments

Well, Yes

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