Post news RSS Imperial Civil War 1.1 Closed Beta Released

The release of the closed beta has arrived for registered members on our forums.

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The beta has been released to members on the forum. You must be registered to view the topic.Click here to go to the thread.

The final version will be released in early January, most likely on the fourth.

The Thrawn's Revenge Team

Galen_Marek - - 358 comments

I don't mean to be a critic but, I don't see any changes from the 1.0 version. Can you enlighten me?

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.Corey. Author
.Corey. - - 3,735 comments

AI is fixed, every single space map, planet texture and spacedome has been redone, SSD has been tweaked, Phalanx, Chaf, ISD, Dominator, Song of War, Knight Hammer, E-Wing and Syca bomber have all been redone, Furion and Scarsiss fighters have been added to EotH, Tector and A9 to Imperial Remnant, Defender starfighter to New Republic and Nova and Miy'til bomber have been added to the Hapans, as well as several dozen other minor changes.

This was all listed in the topic linked to in the news post, did you read it?

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Galen_Marek - - 358 comments

I'm sorry I didn't, haha. Oh and There is several missing text issues on some the Imperial fighters. Just so you know.

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Slornie - - 302 comments

Can you post any bugs/issues in the bug thread provided on the forum with as many details as possible - skirmish or GC, era, map (if relevant), etc.

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Nathris - - 147 comments

the download link is broken

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.Corey. Author
.Corey. - - 3,735 comments

It isn't broken so much as the host sucks. Too many downloads so they cut us off. We'll have a solution as soon as we can.

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Enceladus - - 471 comments

The beta will not be available for most of the day. Sorry for the inconvience.

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Enceladus - - 471 comments

The beta download is now available again on the Thrawn's Revenge forums. Only registered members of the forums are able to download it. Please remember to post any bugs you find in the appropriate forum thread.

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CommanderArggee - - 251 comments

I am on the forum but I still cannot reach the download...

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gen4321 - - 1,034 comments

Awww can't you make it available here?!?!

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Slornie - - 302 comments

V1.1 will be released here when it is finished. The beta is forum-only because it is a test version not yet ready for public consumption.

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KillerAsunai - - 455 comments

"The final version will be released in early January, most likely on the fourth." :D:D:D:D nice joke guys

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Slornie - - 302 comments

Unforeseen circumstances and other commitments have delayed the process somewhat.

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LordXizer - - 30 comments

Gentlemen, first of all let me say what a great job you and the entire TR team have done on the mod so far. It's the best one I've ever played and I love the time period with the warlords. You are true artists.
That said, I have downloaded the beta and have noticed some bugs. You mentioned you would like to hear about them as the beta is in testing phase to find and correct these glitches. Here are some I've noticed.
1. The AI builds only one type of unit.NR builds nothing but Fleet Commanders in most of the GC maps.
2. The Dominators are the size of a corvette and trail smoke like they are damaged you cannot destroy them. You blow up the hardpoints but they wont die.
3. The Imperial star destroyers have petrograph lizards all over the hulls.
4. Borleias and a few other space maps dont load but glitch out.
5. In Hunt for Zsinj you can build Nightsisters on Dathomir but they disappear as soon as you finish building them.
6. The Knight Hammer is still gray.
7. Hapans only have the units they had in V1.0.
8. Turbolasers and shield generators dont work for EotH. you can build them but they do not function.
9. Warlord Zsinj and Pentastar Alignment dont build ground bases or units. They barely attack anyone and when they do they get destroyed.
Anyway I appreciate all your hard work and I realize you have work and school to consider on top of this. Thanks again and I look forward to playing the full V1.1 when it is released.

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.Corey. Author
.Corey. - - 3,735 comments

Make sure you completely delete 1.0 before installing 1.1

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LordXizer - - 30 comments

Ah, I see now. Thank you.

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