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The goals currently listed are currently not finished. They will be the current goals of the team contributing to the project.

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The Witcher Kings

video games 00353519

Main areas I NEED help desperately in!!!

  • Full compatability with Crusader Kings 2 version 2.4.5.
  • Incorporate all DLC of Horse Lords wherever necessary.
  • Extensive bug-testing required once fully compatible.

Current objectives

1. Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes, and Dryads (more soon to come)

  • Add oppression system to influence all non-humans stance towards humanity.
  • Allow two paths for non-humans, assimilated or free. Newborns are assigned their parent's political stance until they're adults.
  • Free non-humans hate assimilated non-humans and vice versa. Unable to co-exist with each-other unless they openly proclaim one view or the other.
  • Pogroms cause most non-humans in the effected province to more than likely flee to the Scoia'tael.
  • Assimilated - All non-humans satisfied with the way things are, they despise free non-humans for causing the distrust and violence of today. May become free or join Scoia'tael through the oppression system. Upon being conquered by Scoia'tael the assimilated non-humans in the province can either choose to join their free brothers or flee from the war-band to a neighboring province.
  • Free - Non-humans born outside the realms of men, they speak their language, dress as they did before human incursion. They are either made ( through oppression system ) or born in a free land inheriting their parent's ideals. Upon being conquered by humans, they either flee to free lands, or join their assimilated brethren if none exist if they don't join the Scoia'tael to find a new homeland or if they scheme on their liege and are banished and no more free lands remain they will become assimilated as well.
  • Custom portraits made for all of the non-humans and add two sets for each race, once set is for the assimilated non-humans ( human themed appeal ) and the free non-humans ( Scoia'tael themed appeal ).
  • Allow more co-operation between the non-humans, allowing better co-operation between them in the Scoia'tael.
  • Add more diversity to the races: more miscellaneous events, decisions, etc.
  • Add more to the Scoia'tael making them a bigger deal in the world allowing them to actually gain land as a united force, and allow any non-humans to either be for or against the Scoia'tael, either free or assimilated. Also allow all non-humans to join the Scoia'tael through oppression system. Also, add a trait to show their alignment with the Scoia'tael and allow free non-human nations to sympathize with the Scoia'tael and join their wars of reclamation. They can also fight for any free non-humans against humans. Also all Scoia'tael uprisings will be joined by the Scoia'tael command itself and any sympathizers willing to help. This cycle adds a loop of war between the old and new races. (Needs discussion)
  • Tweak the combat tendencies of the races to match their respected Race.
  • Add proper mixing of races and assign proper icons ( down to the most in depth, allowing all mixes ).
  • Add other minor races: Bobolaks, additions to the dopplers making them more interesting, Trolls, Vampires,Dragons, and Goblins.
  • Allow Bobolaks to join the Scoia'tael.
  • Add mining system for Dwarves.
  • Add farming system for Halflings.
  • Change lifetime of the Aen Seidhe and Aen Elle to live to be 325-425 years old, yet only fertile for their around the same time as humans allowing old infertile elves.
  • Allow "Expel Elder Races" decision. This forces all non-humans to leave the province leaving their holdings and money behind. You must be a racist. Non-humans either choose to join Scoia'tael or to simply leave to a new homeland.
  • Free non-humans can declare ware on any human nation, allowing all holdings to be taken by the attacking non-human to recolonize with their respected race.
  • Allow all of the non-humans a place in the Scoia'tael to rebuild their race. By making their rebellions not only consist of elves, but all other races, but only the Aen Seidhe can be at the very top.
  • Add Non-human district as a special building in the major settlements throughout The Continent, this building should be able to allow assimilated non-humans to be born there.
  • Give non-humans their respected military bonus, Aen Seidhe - majority archers, Aen Elle - majority archers, Dwarves - majority heavy infantry, Halflings - majority archers, Gnomes - majority light infantry, Bobolaks ( when completed ) - majority heavy infantry, Trolls ( when completed ) - majority war beasts, Goblins ( when completed ) - majority light infantry.
  • Change Scoia'tael revolts to take whole duchies and all the holdings and gives it to the Scoia'tael.
  • Custom building lists for all non-human groups.
  • Custom building portraits for all non-human races.
  • Add events for non-humans to be inspired to join Scoia'tael.

2. Humans

  • Custom Portrait sets for the different kingdoms.
  • Possible look into Government changes to certain kingdoms.Allow "Expel Elder Races" decision. This forces all non-humans to leave the province leaving their holdings and money behind. You must be a racist. Non-humans either choose to join Scoia'tael or to simply leave to a new homeland.
  • Allow "Expel Elder Races" decision. This forces all non-humans to leave the province leaving their holdings and money behind. You must be a racist and intolerant. Non-humans either choose to join Scoia'tael or to simply leave to a new homeland.
  • Allow "Expel Witchers" decision. Allows the imprisonment and execution/banishment of all Witchers in the realm. If all members are killed the school will be disolved, only able to return if a wandering Witcher with the required traits/skills/money/prestige/piety can re-create the title and become the master of the school. Must be a racist and intolerant.
  • Allow "Expel Mages" allowing the banishment of all magic users and confiscating their belongings. (Requirements still in the making)
  • Allow tolerant human rulers to change the crown laws to tolerant, entices more non-humans to relocate to your realm.

3. Things that need done:

  • Full comparability with Crusader Kings 2 v2.4.5.
  • Extensive testing/bugfixing.
  • Add more provinces to the kingdoms in the northern part Nilfgaard.
  • Incorporate all DLC where nessicary.
  • Look into changing up governments for the different where applicable.
  • Add colonization system.
  • Add a new monster hunting system where the monsters are actual characters, if possible make them assemble like a host does in vanilla CK2 to invade a empire/kingdom/duchy/duke ( but instead of conquering the land the creature declares a "hunt" allowing them to take prisoners that will be killed in the creatures respected manor and gain skills after every war/kill the monster achieves, and will be able to capture lords/courtier/family members instead ) and allow a decision for the hiring of a Witcher or monster hunter to hunt down the creature and kill it before causing harm or any real problems. This allows less peasant revolts against the ruler because of monster presences within the realm. Instead, the actual creature invades and causes havoc, then goes into hiding, only to return later until it's killed, although there's a chance of the county the creature invaded being destroyed, causing it to become a ruin that is from then on ruled by the wilderness until a ruler decides to rebuild the settlement and become it's new ruler.
  • Make Scoia'tael incursions more likely next to ruined provinces, this encourages colonization.
  • Add the various Witcher schools ( Bear School, Wolf School, Griffon School, Cat School, and Viper School [That's all I believe correct me if I'm wrong] ) with their individual members and leaders and assign them to a certain region of The Continent giving them their respected holding if stated in lore.
  • Add monster hunters. Anyone can hire them but they're far less effective. Few succeed at this job, but those that do try and succeed gain their skills very quickly. Eventually able to request apprenticeship from a certain Witcher school to gain the title of Witcher.
  • Add new Witcher system allowing apprenticeship to skilled monster hunters and allowing the recuitment of new witchers into the world.
  • Witchers/monster hunters hire able to command troops during a monster incursion.
  • Allow "Expel Witchers" decision. Allows the imprisonment and execution/banishment of all Witchers in the realm. If all members are killed the school will be disolved, only able to return if a wandering Witcher with the required traits/skills/money/prestige/piety can re-create the title and become the master of the school.

Note to all:

We are currently severely lacking help on the project currently. I ask you the fans and community, please, contact me and I'll assist you on getting started on our mod. We are looking for experience and talent.

The link to our public SVN repository is :

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