Post news RSS HL2:DoD News Realease 10-31-06

Hey everyone, I just wanted to tell all of ya'll that the development of the MOD is paused right now. Here are the reasons: 1. I need the code that tells my MOD to load the files from the DoD:S .GFC file 2. I need some model animators to make some animations for the Axis and Allied soldiers and

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Hey everyone, I just wanted to tell all of ya'll that the development of the MOD is paused right now. Here are the reasons:
1. I need the code that tells my MOD to load the files from the DoD:S .GFC file
2. I need some model animators to make some animations for the Axis and Allied soldiers and for the guns
3. The MOD team is a team of just me. I have alot to do right now (homework, etc.) and a 1 person team can't get alot done fast

Those are some of the main reasons why the production of the MOD is now paused, though I am still working on the video, but I don't know when I will able to finish it.


:devil: Happy Halloween!:devil:

TheDaw - - 2 comments

Best of luck!

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Auldbreck - - 31 comments

what you should do is go to and put together a team to help it is a good place to put teams together

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Mr.R - - 16 comments

Wish I could help, but really, I cannot animate, model, or do anything. :(

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