Hello all,
Everyone on the mod has been working their hardest and as a result we have some nice looking to stuff to show you.
Fury, the newest addition to the team has produced two rather stunning barney models and dux has skinned them to make them look even better.
Snotball's MP5 is now on show and this was also skinned by dux. We also have one new level screenshot as well.
Also i'd like to add that Dark Raven over at Frontline Message Board was kind enough to interview me and you can read that here.
Check the full images in our media section and feel free to leave comments in the forum.
Is that second guy a black op or some sort of robot op?
Neither, he is one of your allies. They are some of the Facilities Security Forces deployed to maintain order and deal with any situations that may occur.
You could say that the old Barney's has got a major weapon upgrade ;)
Yeah, that MP-5 is beautiful