The GTW version of the Mountain King has arrived! Below, you can see both the regular and Avatar versions-
I figured this would be an excellent time to talk about how GTW will change up the WC3 hero system. We're actually not planning on modifying the system itself too much, as it works well mostly as-is, though we will change how heroes fit into the game as a whole, and we will change their roles. We're also adopting a new level system. GTW heroes will have 27 levels, with 4 6-level abilities and 1 3-level ultimate.
The GTW version of the Mountain King is similar to Blizzard's, but with some changes from physics and the addition of a new ability:
-Storm Bolt- The Mountain King hurls a hammer at the target enemy unit, sending it flying back from the impact, as well as dealing damage.
-Thunder Clap- The Mountain King strikes the ground with his hammer. He strikes with such force that enemies are thrown off their feet and take damage.
-Jump Smash- A variant of Thunder Clap. The Mountain King jumps in the air, and lands at the target location. As soon as he lands, he smashes the ground with his hammer, causing effects similar to Thunder Clap's, though weaker.
-Bash- A chance that the Mountain King will hit a target so hard that he will deal extra damage and launch the unit into the air.
-Avatar- The Mountain King transforms himself into a golden avatar, gaining an armor, hit point, and damage bonus, as well as becoming immune to spells.
So, how does the new spell, Jump Smash, fit in? To realize the full extent of how well the spell will fit in, one will need to play GTW to get the true feel for what it will be like. Basically, the new spell will allow the Mountain King to jump into a cluster of enemies, scatter them, and then fight them. In GTW, lines and formations will actually mean something (due greatly to shield bonuses and backstab; if you've got a line of Footmen, you want them facing towards the enemy as much as possible, but if an MK Jump Smashes in, your Footmen get scattered, and many may end up with their backs facing the enemy, giving the enemy easy backstab kills; plus, the enemy will have an inroad into your lines, and will be able to push through and exert their advantage), and the Jump Smash is just one thing that will help in breaking them. Ultimately, Jump Smash will effectively compliment the MK's other abilities. I'm sure many of you are already thinking of the possibilities that this brings to the table.
I hope that this new information has given all of you a greater insight into GTW.
very good work!!
Indeed I say. This looks very promising. :)
Keep it up!