Hi Galactic Survivalists,
Today’s update is focused on the survival aspects of Empyrion. We significantly improved and extended the food system. The new food processor is the central device with which you can generate a multitude of different, multi-layered recipes reaching from a simple bread over veggie burgers to dinosaur steaks or pies.
At this moment, we have integrated almost 20 different recipes that will be extended over time. However, before you start cooking, you have to go out there and gather the ingredients on the different planets. You have to try in order to find out which plant is edible or poisonous.
Would you eat this plant...?
... or this one?
Maybe this plant gives you some rare ingredients for a medicine?
Seems not to be poisonous...
In addition, we integrated special plant grow lights:
Without these lights, your plants will not grow indoor and will not produce the fruits that might save you from starving...
In the next update you will see the new water shader on which we are currently working and some other goodies that are waiting for you...
Thanks for reading and stay tuned.
Eleon Game Studios
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well, if the planet its secure enough i would rater do it outdoor XD
Excellent! :) Keep up the good work.
hey... the first plant is from Stargate SG1 :)
Hey the first white bulb plant is from Stargate SG1 :) I was the guest