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Our Game Designer - Rodrigo Salvay - tells us about his job, and what he thinks about the videogame industry in Argentina.

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"I work for SP in the Game Designer position, altough I make scripts and stories too"
What's your main responsibility in your area?
"My main tasks is to create setting and environments for future games. I also develope intresting stories within those settings for the player, do the combat systems and game systems in general, all supporting a single global theme, transforming it in a unique experience. These mechanics, as well as the story around it, are a priority when it comes to design a new game."
What tasks are you doing at this moment?
"My tasks go from researching existing systems, testing them and understand them, to dissect them in its bare components to obtain a deep understanding how it works, even I try different games to incentivate my own creativity. Once that's done, and taking one of the predetermined settings, it's time to create the systems. At this stage I focus on developing different mechanics, testing them over and over and see how to combine them in my quest for the perfect balance."
How long have you been doing this profession?
"I do game designs and game system designs for 8 years now, although doing it for videogames only got me for a year. Before that my specialty was tabletop role playing games."
What results you expect from your area's perspective, with Reinforcements: Chronicles?
"When it comes to my particular's simple, the main objective is that the player enjoys a chronicle and is looking forward to play the next one. In the other hand, I have the objective to create mechanics and systems that get the attention and engage the players at the point that they want to go deeper and specialize in those systems."
When it comes to you area of expertise: What's different about Reinforcements: Chronicles from other games of the genre?
"Whats different about us is our bookshelf experience, the way we deliver the games, the way of playing them, collect them and the way in that the player can immerse in the legends of the world, both quickly and in a couple of steps. All these are features of Chronicles. Another one is the brand new CCP (Customizable Combo System), of my authorship, that makes this brawler stand out above other games of the genre. The classic theme of killing waves of enemies acquires a new meaning, bringing with this CCP system a great tactical advantage over the usual hack and slash. The outcome is that the players can express themselves, and customize their battle systems."
In relation to your area: How would you describe what the player will experience with Chronicles?
"I think it would be like a roller coaster, it will have an initial impact of the presentation and the theme of Chronicles, that probably will be a pleasant surprise. After that, being in command of a character in a brawler, the expectations will be very low; but after a while the game will unfold in front of the players and with the Customizable Combo System they will feel engaged and wanting to go deeper in the possibilities the game offers. There are also other surprises, both small and big that they will know when they play and complete some of the Chronicles."
What do you think are the main challenges related to your position in the industry?
"The inspiration it self. In this area if you run out of imagination or ideas, basically you are out. You will always find other people with new ideas that may be better than yours, so the biggest challenge is to keep the creative level, the imagination going and the innovation flowing."
What do you think are the key differences between Southern pixels and other enterprises?
"I think that whats differentiate SP is our particular approach, what we want and what we want to do, that somehow breaks the mold a little and I think it differentiate us in many ways."
Do you think Southern Pixels can be influential to the industry? In way sort of way?
"We can be of influence to the industry, and in several ways: breaking molds, going where no one has gone before and being original. Making the Argentina Industry to produce games with never seen mechanics, that work well and appeal to the players."
What can the player expect from Chronicles?
"They can expect a great game, that will bring you endless hours of joy, an innovative format that will allow to browse plenty of stories and characters without the need of putting 6 hours in from of a screen. A liberating format that allow them to play as they want, where and how they want it. Also they can expect a set of interesting and innovative systems that urges to play and go deeper to master but do not forces the players to do so. I think that's what the player should expect when he launches Chronicles."

Coming soon we are going to be posting more interview with other team members of Southern Pixels, so stay tuned!

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