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In 2008, we thinked the world needs a game, which plays in the metro tunnels. Nobody believed in our vision.

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And later, I had a choice to present my idea for a gamedev company which have U3 license. They didn't show any intrest. What then? - may you ask. Well, it's a pity, that nobody interested in great ideas in my country.

But in another point of view this game theme is still a profitable concept, that's why Metro 2033 released in 2010, and that's why it got a sequel now as seen on's debut trailers site:

It's a bit ironic.

Back, when we started to create this mod, I was a newbie in the HL2 modding scene, but with friends, I had the opportunity to learn the trick and tools step by step. By they help, We, the Team was able to create a feeling, what you can see on the screenshots. Furthermore, even if the team looked me as their leader, I never feeled this "leader" title my own.

In the project's ~2 year, I met, and talked a lot of famous and less famous modders and journalists in the scene. I also find motivated modders with fantastic ideas but zero knowledge, and the opposit, smart modders with zero ideas. Realizing this was sad. However, Moddb also changed a lot since then. They started their steam like indie/mod game service know as Desura, and also they started IndieDB, as a community page for independent developers (or unsuccesfull modders). I'm not saying that, I was never think about creating an indie game, but what I saw here it wasn't very promising. Most indie games looks like an abandoned homeworks. I guess the ideology behind the "developers" are bad. Independent game development, today is a business. So the rules are similar as well as if you were a AAA developer.

I don't say that, every indie dev are stupid, but I see a lot of unfinished, unpolished, half done games. I just say, even if you are a good, talented, and you're smart enoug to make a "Cryis 3" like engine, you also should learn the business half of the gaming industry. Creating a good game, with appropriate tools is just one half of your success. Without marketing and well organized advertising your game will be just one star in the galaxy.
Nothing more.

Retuning to my mod. It reached the end of the line. Why?

Often other modders say, "there was a lot of small problems with the mod and/or the members". It's bullshit. In Kontroll, simply the idea was bigger than the human resources, for developing this mod.
That's all, that's why this good-looking mod ended up like this. Thanks to this small reason not only Kmod, but other mods fail.

I'm not sad. Not at all. I learnt a lot. About modding. For science...

PS: I thank you, all of you guys, who liked and followed this mod's progress.
End of line passengers, please leave the train!

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ptc5010 - - 334 comments

Aww, that's quite the shame. Either way, good luck in the future.

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ALIENwoods Author
ALIENwoods - - 187 comments

thank you

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Biodude - - 2,029 comments

I really liked this game, my thing is when nobody believes in you, you push on through, and screw everyone else's negativity

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ALIENwoods Author
ALIENwoods - - 187 comments

I pushed this mod as far as it worth it. I'm very gratefull to everyone who beileved this mod's success.
I hope, I will be able to continue it as soon as it will possible.

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Mr.Walrus - - 5,806 comments

Very sorry to hear that. The development of any project is often incredibly difficult, especially when they're unique, like Kontroll was...

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ALIENwoods Author
ALIENwoods - - 187 comments

This comment just like others is the closest to my heart :). Creating somethin unique, and loveable was very difficult in a big community like this.
I hope that, somedays I will have enough source to finish this mod.

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jjawinte - - 5,064 comments

A very well written article ALIENwoods and a refreshingly honest read. I hope all that you've learned serves you well. All the best for the the future.

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ALIENwoods Author
ALIENwoods - - 187 comments

I was very happy, to being a part of this community, with Kontroll.

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Matt_Bak3r - - 347 comments

too bad indeed.

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Otter. - - 1,355 comments

Kár érte, ambiciózus projekt volt. Úgy látszik a fantasztikus szinkron tudományomat nem csillogtathatom meg a pár száz forintos mikrofonommal :)

Én is terveztem a nyárra Source motor tanulást, és aztán egy mod elindítását. Meglátjuk, hogy mi lesz belőle. (Bár az méreteit tekintve egy kisebb projekt lenne.)

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ALIENwoods Author
ALIENwoods - - 187 comments

Csakis olyanban gondolkodj amit teljesíteni is tudsz :).

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MMmaster - - 71 comments

"simply the idea was bigger than the human resources, for developing this mod"

Never give up! ... Unless you find better things to do in your free time.

You can always cut things out or release the planned "too ambitious" MOD in chapters.
I did the same with Hangover. I am nearing finish with about 1/5th of the initial ideas I planned for the MOD. This first chapter will be about 1 hour gameplay on 3 maxed out maps.

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ALIENwoods Author
ALIENwoods - - 187 comments

1 hour gameplay and 3 maxed out map is very good ;). I don't give up, i just have others thing to focus.

"Focus Neo, focus!"

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56er - - 1,253 comments

Well, I'm not the guy of much words, but you can't just leave a mod like this dead, it good some much feeling and basicly good karma, there will possible be people to help you out. I honestly don't know much about coding or stuff, but I guess I could map a bit, or draw some bad concepts, or other stuff (bring you coffee so you can work on :P, idk) anything, but give this mod up! It's like saying:"Well all those guys who bitched about this mod were right...."
Well I have talked a little bit to much now, but you get my point....

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ALIENwoods Author
ALIENwoods - - 187 comments

It's very nice what you say about modding :). I'm happy to see people like you, who are able to work until the lasts for a mod.
Hmm... I never thinked that Kmod's fanbase is this strong, it feels very very good :).
Even if I like to, i can't work on this mod now, because i had other thigs to focus on. I simply didn't want you guys, to wait for the updates for ever, maybe its hard to say something like this, but its better, to face the truth, than turn away from it.

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xXMaNiAcXx - - 4,807 comments

This mod's idea was really good and I saw that it could really get good, but then you started to don't give us any updates and I felt worried, I forgot about this mod and remembered about it last week. When I checked my updates today, I saw "End of the Line", and this was really sad.

If a person can think about something it isn't impossible, it can be hard but you need to be strong enough to face the problems and beat them with your intelligence.

Well even though I have never modded anything I follow modding since 3 years ago, or more, and I see that what most teams face as problem is lack of enthusiasm or when facing a problem they just give up without trying. This mod had so much potential, just don't give it up this easy.

Is Metro 2033 disturbing you? Don't give it a f*ck, prove that even a single modder can be better than a whole professional team.

Well, if you ever make another mod, I will want to follow it, you really do hard work on a mod, but anyways, it sad to know about this.

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ALIENwoods Author
ALIENwoods - - 187 comments

Basically, Metro 2033 isn't disturb me much, I used this game as an explame to show how low our possibilities in business (exspecially in my country :/).

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KEEP_IT_UP! - - 1,444 comments

just the best for future projects, may the force be with you, neo! you monster! ;D

loved the progress and unique atmosphere.

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ALIENwoods Author
ALIENwoods - - 187 comments

Understood :)

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SPYFF - - 150 comments

Good music for bad news:

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ALIENwoods Author
ALIENwoods - - 187 comments

LoL. :)

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TrooperHUN - - 57 comments

Nem ismerlek, de külföldön sincsenek olyan fejlesztők akiket portfólió nélkül egy érdekes ötlet miatt támogatni kezdett volna bárki is.

Mindenesetre sajnálom hogy ez lett ennek a modnak vége.

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SolidFake - - 1,200 comments

meh, this had a lot of potential :(
Anyway, you said quite the truth about that most mods and indie games fails due to too highly set ideas compared to the available resources.

A lesson learned I'd say ;)

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EnterpriseG - - 629 comments

Not sure what the game was...was there ever a release?

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