Post news RSS Egozi (the dog) 01.08.2001 - 10.09.2018

Note, this article have not much to do with actual modding.

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Egozi memorial3

Note, this article have not much to do with actual modding.


Today (10.09.2018, not by the time this article will be posted though)
I've lost a dear friend of mine, one of the most import friends who been with me for the last 18 years, in the most joyful and "hardshipful" moments of my life, always there for me, always stays loyal,



We saw each other grow together and were more like a family than friends, things were not always easy and perfect (especially in the last few years) but we managed to overcome many things,

Till one of us reached his limits...
But was not left behind.



Egozi (My dog),
Thanks for watching after me to the point I grew to be the person I am today (wish you could've seen me becoming something better though...),

Modding KW won't be the same without the core member who I've been named my username after.

You will always be in our hearts and we will never forget you.



Go ahead and take a bit of rest for now,

IMG 20170528 WA0001



So we will hopefully meet again someday and I'll come to wake you up.



Thanks for your time.

AlphaZulu - - 460 comments

R.I.P Pupper, you will be missed.

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PurpleGaga27 - - 2,069 comments

Now I know how you got your name, named for a dog, but I am sorry to hear that.

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FekLeyrTarg - - 1,041 comments

My sympathies for your loss.

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Ahrimansiah - - 3,238 comments

the worst part of life is losing dear ones and sadly this part is unavoidable! may he rest in peace

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⭐NourEldin - - 666 comments

I am so sorry to hear that

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D.Va-N - - 418 comments

Oh man, sorry to hear that :c
Stay strong, brother!

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Gbdf - - 6 comments

I'm sorry to hear that...

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egozi44 Author
egozi44 - - 2,234 comments

Thanks people, that mean a lot to me

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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