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Latest progress and new feature report for the upcoming release of warsword conquest

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Greetings Warsword fans,

It has been a couple of months since our last article so the time has come to inform you of our progress and also reveal some more features from the new release. In terms of where we are since last time not much has been made due to other commitments for our modellers. But we still have new models we can show that were made some time ago which we will post soon.

Marshal_157 has done some incredible work optimising our resources to help the performance of the mod for those on hardware which has struggled in the past. This has come in the form of new LODs and reducing poly count without any impact on quality. He has also been improving the quality and performance of our current textures among many factions, especially chaos and the Empire.

Burspa has been making some new particle effects for the spells which will enhance the visual quality of the mod while also working on a new mount for the mod.

Significant testing has begun since February and a lot of issues have been dealt with. There is a major issue we are having currently which must be fixed before we can release, it has not been rectified yet but we hope to bring good news on this for our next article.

I apologise for the amount of time it is taking to finish things for this release and get it out to the players. All the time the team can spare is being put into the mod and I am grateful to all contributors who are helping to work through the list of things which need to be made. We will get there.

Dwarf runesmith

We initially said that dwarves will have to wait for their feature but with the modelling slowdown I found the time to add them in. Now if you are a dwarf and you have over 500 renown (magic skill is useless for dwarves) you will have access to the dwarf runesmith.

In the runesmith you can purchase runic items which can then be used to create a special item of your choice (only these items can be runed, not normal items from merchants). There are 4 kinds of items you can buy from the runesmith: Hand held weapons, ranged weapons, armour and banners (which need to be in the top left inventory square to work in battle).

Each item may have up to 3 runes and some runes can be added multiple times to increase effect

You can only ever buy 1 of each master rune

You can only repurchase a master rune if the item gets looted or the runesmith destroys the item it is currently on (you will get some gold if you trade in your items)

You can only give dwarf companions runic weapons

Melee weapon runes

Master rune of Snorri Spanglehelm: +5 to weapon swing speed

Master rune of Skalf Blackhammer: +20% damage (applied in battle)

Master rune of Alaric the Mad: +5 damage, no ward saves or ignore pain allowed when equipped

Master rune of breaking: Chance of destroying armour when equipped

Master rune of swiftness: +10 to weapon swing speed

Rune of fury: +2 to weapon swing speed, 2 Runes of fury: +4 to weapon swing speed, 3 Runes of fury: +6 to weapon swing speed

Rune of cleaving: +2 damage, 2 Runes of cleaving: +4 damage, 3 Runes of cleaving: +6 damage

Rune of dragon slaying: double damage against large enemies, 2 Runes of dragon slaying: triple damage against large enemies

Rune of smiting: 50% chance of double damage

Rune of might: +8% damage (applied in battle), 2 Runes of might: +16% damage (applied in battle)

Rune of striking: +2 weapon master when equipped, 2 Runes of striking: +4 weapon master when equipped, 3 Runes of striking: weapon master 10 when equipped

Rune of fire: +1 damage and fire damage

Banner runes

Master rune of Valaya: +2 magic resistance

Rune of dismay: Nearby allies cause fear

Rune of courage: Nearby enemies become unbreakable

Rune of santuary: +1 magic reistance, 2 Runes of sanctuary: +2 magic resistance

Rune of spellbreaking: attempts to dispel all magic effects on the battlefield

Ranged Runes

Rune of accuracy: accuracy increased by 10%, 2 Runes of accuracy: accuracy by 20%, 3 Runes of accuracy: accuracy increased by 30%

Rune of burning: +5 damage and fire damage

Rune of Skewering: accuracy by 20%

Rune of penetration: +12 damage, 2 Runes of penetration: +25 damage

Rune of reloading: +75% reloading speed, 2 Runes of reloading: +150% reloading speed

Armour runes

Master rune of Steel: +8 armour

Master rune of adamant: gain advanced ignore pain while equipped

Master rune of Gromil: +15 armour

Rune of fortitude: heals wounds at the start of a battle (and subsequent phases of battle)

Rune of shielding: 4+ ward save against ranged and magic missile attacks

Rune of preservation: wearer cannot be poisoned

Rune of warding: 6+ ward save, 2 Runes of warding: 5+ ward save, 3 Runes of warding: 4+ ward save

With these options available we hope you have fun creating your own selection of personalised special items which can give you the advantage over any enemy.

Chaos Dwarves

The dwarf kingdom are not the only dwarves which have benefitted from the latest update. Introducing the chaos dwarves as a faction has been a popular request from players and we are happy to announce that the chaos dwarves will indeed be a fully fledged faction in this update.

We have given the chaos dwarves the western Norsca locations of Goslor and surrounding castles (this will strengthen chaos as all of the lords who were there before and far away from Kislev will now share locations much closer to the front line) and we have also given them Albion as well and added a town and 2 castles on the island. They do have a couple of new troops and some new models which we will show later on. We are unsure at the moment whether the player can choose to be a chaos dwarf. We will clarify this later.

This position is not their canon position but we are not expanding the map and this positioning should help chaos (despite them losing territory) and also put more pressure on the dark elves.

The pirates are overrun

They initially took Tilea for themselves and now the pirate kingdom has fallen to the skaven horde. Every single Tilean location is now under the power of the skaven underworld and the pirates are now scattered to the wind, sailing off to whatever sanctuary they can find.

This doubling in size of the skaven realm has strenghtened them significantly (and they really needed it) and the pirates have replaced the chaos dwarves as bandits and mercenaries.

Chaos skin changes

Previously there have been 2 chaos skins, marauder and chaos, with only 1 being available to the player. Now all chaos troops will just be on the chaos skin and marauder bodies, armours and helms have all been converted to the chaos skin so now the full range of chaos items will be accessible to chaos players and we have freed up a skin slot for use in the future.

Sea battles

Sea battles in warsword conquest have been fundamentally broken for a long time. We have reverted back to the static battle we had a few years ago. It is not perfect, troops can sometimes fall into the water at weird spots but generally you are capable of having a normal, unglitched fight on them. It was either that or remove sea battles completely and we decided it is better to have them than not.

Fast travel map lag

This has been a problem for many players for a while and I am not going to make any false promises, it is unlikely we are going to be able to remove it completely. However I have made some changes and reports are that the map lag has been noticeably reduced from what it was in the past. This is just after a couple of changes, full focus will go on it right before release as it is the last item on my list. We will do whatever we can to ease the impact of this lag on your playing experience.

Thank you for your continued support for the mod and your patience.

Nameless Warrior

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 53)
XXachillesThEBEAstXx - - 295 comments

Thanks guys for the hard work i can't wait to play it.

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polloio - - 3,977 comments

Thank you for supporting us!

Stay tuned for more ;)

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Nocturina - - 68 comments

I think I'm more excited for this mod than Tamriel Bloodline's End

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Heresin - - 82 comments

Dwarves will be drunk to boot and runed to the teeth now, nice.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
polloio - - 3,977 comments

You can bet on it mate!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
jimtheman - - 17 comments

Cant wait to play chaos dwarves

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Teeff - - 101 comments

Per the article it looks like we won't be able to actually play them, sorry.

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Heresin - - 82 comments

Actually we will, take a closer look. :P Full scale slavery inbound.

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Celenos - - 54 comments

Always nice to have some news :D. I was also wondering if you planned anything new for Bretonnia (armors, magic, new troop tree, etc...) ?

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jimtheman - - 17 comments

A couple things I was wondering....

Will there be more bandit diversity and more bandit party on the map? because they are kind of scarce right now.

Will the Skaven have magic?

Will Wulfrik the Wanderer and Throgg the Troll King be vassals of chaos?Because it would be awesome to see them included.

And do you think you will ever expand the map in a future update?

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kraggrim - - 251 comments

AFAIK there will be more bandits, not sure though.

Skaven have 2 magic schools, you can read about them in the previous update about magic.

I believe Wulfrik is a chaos vassal, he probably will be just a generic lord in this update though.

Very unlikely the map will be expanded. Extra pathfinding processing means more lag, the parties to fill it means more lag...

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jimtheman - - 17 comments

thanks for the answers

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7ty7 - - 786 comments

I'm also looking forward to chaos dwarves and some slaver action.

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geolex - - 47 comments

To be fair, I've never felt the Sakven to be too weak, they seem to be more than capable to take some cities and grow their power.

The main problem I've had with them is their stagnation. I was able to negotiate a peace treaty with Bretonnia on behalf of the guild master, but the war with Wood Elves seems to know no end.

No trade routes are being raided so no guild master cares, and Skaven are just constantly fighting over the western most wood elves castle.

Meanwhile Bretonnia is invading the Beastmens and the pirates are in bad shape. If only I could get my retarded liege to stop this pointless war and take Marigliano and some Beastmens castles and cities as to shield ourselves from a new war with Bretonnia. But nope, the AI wants this far away castle that we're completely unable to defend, and immediately retreat to the underempire to celebrate that "victory". By the time the Skaven lords are sober again, the castle has been recaptured. It's just so frustrating. So I'm basically raiding the northern wastes with my hardened jezzail platoon, waiting for the Skaven to stop being orks.

It would be really cool if you added some diplomacy features, so that I could convince my lord that this is stupid on my own initiative.

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polloio - - 3,977 comments

We had that in plan (I mean Diplomacy) but has been taken to an instanced halt due to IRL ssues.

Also, it's orCs in Fantasy, "k" is for SPEHSS.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
geolex - - 47 comments

OH BOI XD You want to be a grammar nazi. Ok it's "Dwarfs" not "Dwarves". Gotcha !

Anyway, IRL comes first, keep up the good work. You still have some time before Bannerlord comes out (RIP ^^).

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jimtheman - - 17 comments

will there be giants?

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polloio - - 3,977 comments

Nope, due to the extreme size of those creatures and limited capabilities at handling those things (and the complete inadequacy of all the scenes) of the old Warband engine.

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jimtheman - - 17 comments

also what will happen when bannerlord is released will the mod move there or stay in warband?

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Ramazon - - 75 comments

Bannerlord will be completely new engine, higher res textures and detailed meshes. Team would need to re-do everything from the ground up, not to mention they would have to learn to use the new tools first. If even they would undertake such endevaour it would take years till a release.

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polloio - - 3,977 comments

Moving to Bannerlord would mean to kill the project, as we would have to do everything from scratch, as Bannerlord will be completely different in many ways.

Models would be the leats of problems, as that could be solved in a matter of long times, but still get sorted....the biggest thing would be the switch from Python coding to C++: a completely different programming language.

That would mean having to learn it from zero, forcefully cutting features like magic, events, and many other things until we get a hang of the new coding language.

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jimtheman - - 17 comments

Also I think the high elves and wood elves could use some buffs in there skills points like power strike, iron flesh, and power draw because neither of them have anything really elite when it comes to melee and there archers are not as accurate or damaging as you would expect for beings that live for thousands of years. Also I noticed that the glade rider unit in the wood elf army and the ellyrian reaver unit in the high elf army have extremely high power strike and iron flesh but have 0 power draw, horse archery, and archery proficiency but they wield bows and right horses and are meant to be horse archers but there melee skill is higher than that of the dragon princes and wild hunter units which are way further down the skill line. I just thought that I would bring this to your attention because the Dark elves completely steam roll the High elves in battles and my Wood elf archers were getting out shot by goblins which just didnt make sense to me. Im not trying to be ungrateful or anything I just noticed these things and thought I would bring them to your attention to help make the game more balanced.

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Heresin - - 82 comments

Haven't meddled with the wood elves, but I find high elves being far from weak. Every time I had business with them, it became quite problematic, the bastards were constantly conquering neighboring lands, invaded a fort of theirs and the archers butchered my troops like crazy. Haven't looked at the stats thing you are saying, but they are reaally good IMO. They have quite decent armor which is rather light and as such are pretty fleet footed, that dodge is really annoying but oh well, such are pointy eared sissies, some of them even boasting wards.

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jimtheman - - 17 comments

ya their archers are ok so invading one of their forts would suck but compared to Dark elves they get destroyed. Dark elf assassins have 480 proficiency in crossbows where as the best High elf archer has around 300 in archery. And both the High and Wood elves need more power draw.

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Coeco - - 2 comments

I think it's high time that you released another beta for public testing. It's been two years now and ongoing without any new additions or content.

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renecane - - 13 comments

Please make chaos dwarves playable. Chaos dwarves have not gotten any real attention in any shape or form in a long time. GW has pretty much forgotten about them along with everybody else so it would be very nice to be able to play as chaos dwarf in this mod, even if it was a normal dwarf with headthingies and armor that made them look like chaos dwarves. I would be happy even if their troop trees weren't as fleshed out as other armies if they could have limited access to chaos troops and perhaps even hobgoblins.

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Ramazon - - 75 comments

You can play a chaos dwarf already pretty much. I am sure you can equip the chaos dwarf items carried by Mercenary merchant when you choose the dwarf race at the start. You would probably just have to grind the rep from -15 with them (or pay ~3k gold to a lord stationed in a town to make peace)

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pacioacl - - 349 comments

great news indeed, keep up!

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jimtheman - - 17 comments

can someone put a list of the troops that have the special abilities

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tcud87 - - 12 comments

Cannot contain my excitement!

Also can you please fix Mount Vanir. The final war room always bugs as someone spawns outside the zone. You always need to auto sim to take it. Also a dwarf spawns in the wars of their major city.

Both Dark elf and High elf citadel war rooms also crash my game.

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C0mmie - - 10 comments

Oh, thank you for Chaos Dwarves!

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Wendek - - 38 comments

Aren't you afraid that Chaos Dwarfs and Chaos will declare war on each other if they are too close ? Essentially having the exact opposite effect of what was intended. Or are there "rules" in place to avoid them declaring war too easily ? (Similar question for Orcs and Goblins actually, though Orcs generally lose their territories fast enough that such an issue isn't relevant for them)

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Perιdot - - 72 comments

...but what are dwarfs without proper Book of Grudges!?

143 faces, comes with texture, normals map and specular map. Textures resolution is 1024x1024. Offering it for the mod, a-and could also make some other things too, if you like the idea.

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jimtheman - - 17 comments

can someone please tell me howto buy things from markas the wise and cyrus the bright

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roachking32 - - 4 comments

Special vendors win tournaments.. If it's the npcs your referring to... Idk if it is bugged or not

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Vermbraunt - - 7 comments


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roachking32 - - 4 comments

Are you guys working on messing with the camera when playing as a chaos dude (Not Dwarf), their armor kinda gets in the way of the reticle when using ranged... just curious.

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sledziu77 - - 30 comments

This is the greatest news! One of the best mods still alive. Can't wait!

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tcud87 - - 12 comments

Anyone got any updates on release?

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Vermbraunt - - 7 comments

YES!!! I can't wait to get my little hands on this update

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johny800 - - 1 comments

OK, time to return to the best Warband mod. :))
And finally my favourite Chaos Dwarves are playable.
Thank you soooo much.
Can't wait to play it.
Can you give some info about release?

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Brianus - - 1 comments

Looking forwards to this myself, are companions being worked on? In the game I'm playing they seem to have weird lines of text and the text on a lot of the response buttons are a bit odd too. I'd also like to see them be restricted to "friendly" city taverns. It feels weird seeing a Skaven or Orc companion in Altdorf, for example.

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GrannAde - - 13 comments

Fantastic job guys!!!!
Any Mount ideas for dwarves?

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marcepio - - 3 comments

I can't wait for next update. Thank you guys for your amazing work.

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