Post news RSS DungeonDoom 8.0XP released

The new version of DungeonDoom has been released. The new version inlcudes a new sword wielding combo rich character class, "The Ninja". This new character can wield several types of swords. Several keystroke combinations can be learned and extended to shoot magic projectiles, slow down time,

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The new version of DungeonDoom has been released.

The new version inlcudes a new sword wielding combo rich character class, "The Ninja". This new character can wield several types of swords. Several keystroke combinations can be learned and extended to shoot magic projectiles, slow down time, inflict group damage, teleporting etc.

The Ninja

New monsters including katana-wielding skeletons, gelatinous cubes and virtual soldiers. Additional unique monster skills have been included.

katana wielding skeletons Gelatinous Cubes

A virtually endless wilderness, including a city, quest destinations and a pyramid, which serves as the entrance to the extended system of dungeons. You will also encounter monsters of varying toughness. Also new is a night-day cycle, which affects the types of monsters encountered in the wilderness.

The Wilderness

And version 8.0XP also includes all the other features found in previous versions, such as character development, dynamic alignment, boss monsters, a total of five distinct character classes including pure and mixed magic users, pure doom3 style soldier, and a collectible card style character.

visit the update DungeonDoom website at for more information, screenshots and download links.

Black_Hand - - 102 comments

guyz pls do something with a gamma of those shots...i had to open up an editor and rise it myself in order to see what the hell is on the screens

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hellborg Author
hellborg - - 24 comments

The level of brightness in Doom3 is certainly a matter of taste. That's why I included user selectable four levels of brightness + optional ambient light for the mod. I personally like the gloomy atmosphere depicted in the screenshots and they look fine on my standard monitor.

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hellborg Author
hellborg - - 24 comments

Alright, I increased the gamma and the screenshots look slightly better on my hardware as well. Thanks for the comments.

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Black_Hand - - 102 comments

ok lets say i had to raise gamma to about 1,20 to even see the new stuff, was quite suprised when i found out that skeleton appear almost out of nowhere, so did the jelly, and a dark orange line turned out to be a guy with katana. btw, i had no problem with gamma in doom, just raised it a bit, to at least contours + traces of color to identify an enemy

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Black_Hand - - 102 comments

2btw...i was talking about those screenshots, not game

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Black_Hand - - 102 comments

well that's it. glad i could help

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