Post news RSS Downloads Galore! (v038 And Video)

Yesterday we released the latest patch for Blitzkrieg 2, v038. This fixes many of the bugs found in the previous version as well as does some other small changes. A small list of the changes is; Ba10 has a bit of a buildtime and price increase, Hummel autotargets, all Artillery can fire over buildings,

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Yesterday we released the latest patch for Blitzkrieg 2, v038. This fixes many of the bugs found in the previous version as well as does some other small changes. A small list of the changes is; Ba10 has a bit of a buildtime and price increase, Hummel autotargets, all Artillery can fire over buildings, Jeep weapon now works properly, Dummy Units are no longer selectable, the Kremlin in mission 3 is destroyable again and there are more changes but I won't bore you with them here. The patch requires v035 or v037 and is only 4mb. What version you upgraded from doesn't matter at all when it comes to online play, since they both upgrade the mod to the same idential version ( v038 ).

We also released a short promotional video of the mod and it is available in both large(30mb) and small(3mb) sizes. To grab the latest patch and check out the video click here to go to the Blitzkrieg 2 website.

DonJuanDH - - 1 comments

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