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Today we are talking about new upcoming features - match result screens and the process of choosing the camera view for player's home.

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Hey football fans!

Last time we talked about development progress and now we are revealing upcoming features to Football Story

End game results

As each match you play will be different you will want to check how well you fared through the match comparing to other players. For this we created a set of screens that open right after the match. Final score, shooting, passing and some other stats will help everyone to see if their team played well together, what was lacking and what things went right.

Match statistics animated

Then you will see individual rewards and a rating of each player. Rating will be calculated depending on players active and efficient role in his teams play. And some players, up to 3, will receive badges for their outstanding performance.

Player performance and rewards screen

And finally you can browse each players individual stats, which mostly will be the basis for calculating the rating of each player. There you will also see the platform that the player was playing on (windows, ios, android, mac etc.) and marking of best stats.

Player statistics pixelart

In future we will support these stats and rewards by adding maybe top players, top matches and etc to showcase best players in different categories.

Also you will be able to see your past stats and stats of matches you participated by viewing albums in your room.

Room, shop, clothes

Step by step we are adding new design elements that will add to offline play. We want to make Football Story the way that it would be played offline or online, depending on your tastes, while still intertwining both aspects. Good example of that is Dark Souls franchise when you play story solo but other players can help you.

And firstly we are adding features like players own space, clothes, shop, buying, ingame currency and market. And later it will grow into a fully fledged story mode with storyline, quests, AI and additions of online play. The game will have a plot, different smaller scale stories to explore on your own or with your friends.

If you have played the game already during closed testing you already noticed that players always have clothes mixed differently. And now we are adding the feature to equip your player as you see fit, buy new clothes and mix between different sets.

So we are implementing players room and shop. Shop will sell clothes and in your room you will put them on. You can see how they will be accessible on this screen:

Sketch city entrances

After contemplating a bit we decided to do the shop like this (sketch):

Rough sketch shop

On the left you will see your player ready to be suited up. On the right - different hangers and dressers where you will choose with your mouse boots or hats or whatever you’d like to purchase.

As you can see on the shop screen camera is zoomed in which means this screen will require from us to draw clothes in a more detailed way (specifically for suit up screens). And you will be able to mix already bought clothes in your room.

And here are several sketches of different camera angles in a room which we were considering.

First one is a standard one, its in the style of current city screen:

Room sketch 1

The problem here is a perspective - player would need to be bigger if he comes down (closer) and smaller if goes up (farther).

Second variant has the same perspective but with camera zoomed in:

Room sketch 2

While its ok we still wanted more.

Third variant was this:

Room sketch 3

We did not like it as some items would seem flat.

So we did fourth variant:

Room sketch 4

It is isometric. Problem with it that we won't be able to use any props from rooms “as is” on other screens like match screen because they will be drawn in another perspective. Meaning we would not be able to take a bed from the room screen and place it on a city screen. It would need to be redrawn.

Yet we still chose this variant as everyone agreed it would look great (even with putting additional work on us) and it would make the visual style more diverse

Lastly here is a sketch of your wardrobe where you will be styling your player to your liking. Wardrobe will be in your room so we are still contemplating about this screen:

Wardrobe rough sketch

Thats it for today. Thank you for bearing with us!

Next time, expect to hear about music style and how we are doing music that playes ceaselessly through the game.

Stay Tuned!

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