Post news Report RSS Devblog #3 - Armour Customisation in Bushido

We’ve been making steady progress over the past few weeks and think its long overdue for us to share some updates! In this Devblog, we discuss the role that armour will play in Bushido.

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December has been a busy month for the team- people have started new jobs, built kitchens and we've all been consumed with the lead up to Christmas itself. That said, we've still been making steady progress and getting ever closer to being able to show off some core game play.

3D render of Samurai in red armour

In this regards, you’ll have to accept our apologies for not getting a video published sooner. We want to ensure that anything we put out there meets the high standards that our community has grown to expect. As such, we didn't feel that elements of the game play were polished enough to show off just yet… but we’re working on them!

So- what can we show off? Well the focus for the art team has been split between working on the Dojo interior and establishing the pipeline for the creation of armour assets. Kieran has pretty much finished the dojo (in game screenshots coming soon) and Sam’s now finished the first armour set that you can see above. In light of this milestone, we thought we’d share some details on how we think Armour is (currently) going to work in Bushido!

What role does armour play in Bushido?

Armour will not only protect you, but its also an indication of your prowess, skill and honour… There will eventually be 10’s of different armour sets, all built from different materials, styled from different periods of history and showing different levels of wear and tear. Lower tier Samurai will likely only be able to afford bashed up leather armour, whereas the higher tiered players will have access to ornamental armours inlaid with gold and silks.

The exact types of armour available to you will also depend on your honour. The most honorable players will be bedecked in royal colours worn only by the Shoguns chosen few. Dishonorable players will find themselves wearing black or grey and wearing terrifying mempo (masks) to strike fear into their enemies.

How is armour unlocked?

There are two requirements for unlocking any item in Bushido- coins and honour. You buy new weapons or armour using your coins, which you accumulate through getting kills, completing objectives, etc… However, certain armour sets are only available to players with high (or low) honour, meaning you will have to reach a certain ‘honour level’ before you’re able to buy it.

What pieces will be customizable?

You will be able to customize the following items:

  • Robes
  • Helmet
  • Shoulder armour
  • Cuirass
  • Belt
  • Gloves/Arms
  • Tassets
  • Greaves

Note: We’re still experimenting with this feature and may or may not group certain elements. For example, the Gloves and Arms may be bundled together, as will the Tassets and Cuirass.

That's it for this Devblog, but before we go we’d like to thank each and every one of our community for supporting us throughout the year! It means a great deal to us to have such a dedicated fan-base so early in the games development. So on behalf of the rest of the team, I’d like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Team Meteor Pixel.

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Cantalouper - - 91 comments


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Aurel_Tristen - - 121 comments

This sounds fantastic, though I'd like to make one suggestion. This may have already been considered, but while you're singling out who has what honor, please consider including exclusive items for those who have a perfect record either way. It would be very interesting to see players who have never, or always take the path of dishonor.

Keep up the good work!

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sam.ibbitson Author
sam.ibbitson - - 360 comments

That's a nice idea- thanks Aurel_Tristen!!

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

Only issue I have is that it would be near impossible to be only dishonourable but also by doing such a thing may result in some players never experiencing the full game as they will never be able to use certain armour or weapons.
Just my 200 yen though :P

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vol4ok - - 453 comments

Now that's what i wanna see :)

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RoyalWatcher - - 123 comments

I dont know how others feel but I feel relaxed when I see a new update from Bushido !
So from this Devblog I get :
- Armor is just for cosmetis ( Which is how I was expecting it, Thanks ! )
- In-game gold and honor is needed for unlockables
- I hoping that Bushido won't turn into a "5 Dolars for a Helmet" Thing in future(or anytime)
- Its expected to have such a fan base If your work is this awesome !
Thank you guys for having communication with your fans *whispers*.. and Ninja-Monks.

- plus having this much armors to customize, People who likes their own unique characters-such as myself- will love this game for sure

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

Just a question regarding the honor mechanic.
You mentioned that you need to reach a certain honor(or dishonor) level in order to buy certain pieces of equipment, but will you still be able to wear them even if your rank goes well below the requirement or does it just sit in your inventory until you reach the rank required again? On one hand it wouldn't make sense to see dishonorable players run around in fancy ornate samurai gear, but on the other I really want to wear a Kitsune mask or a scary demon mask with a big mustache.

By the way I have been following this page like a hawk and everything looks really great so far, I look forward to see some gameplay footage.

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RoyalWatcher - - 123 comments

I guess, honor(or dishonored) gears will be only available when you have enough amount of honor(or dishonor) at that moment, I dont think that they will let a Dishonorable Samurai to wear Shogun's armor or other high Honor gears

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sam.ibbitson Author
sam.ibbitson - - 360 comments

It's early days and there will be a lot of balancing around this. I think RoyalWatcher has more or less nailed what we're thinking but as we get feedback from the community we may change this mechanic slightly!

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MGreg - - 57 comments

Well guys as RoyalWatcher said you have earned our dedication with your hard work :)
I really like the armor design,color and customizability!But as a guest said the samurai mustached masks are way too epic to be reserved by the dishonorable,so i think there should be different variants and colors for the honorable and dishonorable like with armor or something like that .Also i trust you and know that you probably wont do the thing with a 5$ for a helmet even thogh we purchased the game(like in chivalry).
I have to say that i personally would prefer armor not to be just cosmetic like RoyalWatcher said but rather in depth like certen armor type which is resilient to swings or another to arrows so everyone would use some interesting tactics rather than constantly swing like most in chivalry do.
Anyway good job guys we hope for the best of this awesome game!

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RoyalWatcher - - 123 comments

The Armors could not be only cosmetic ofc but I guess that may cause a lot balance issues in future, Thats the only reason I want them to be only cosmetic.
For example Chivalry had and still has balance issues about weapons, look-downs etc.. Ok lets not bring other game into this awesomeness :3 !

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MGreg - - 57 comments

Thanks for the reply!
I am referring to different games so my points are easier to understand.
I personally use spears and javelins and maybe thats why i haven't found any balancing issue.But to armours things are nice (light but fast armour,heavy but slow resilient to hachs but not to blunt etc).I understand that you may think that it should be upon skill who wins but using a strategy to see what type of hits with your weapon are more efficient and so on is part of skill(button massing never was my thing)
Also they said that there would be a persistent character so you will have many combination to go for to find which suite you.The balancing probably will take some time but as long as some different armour types (ashigaru armour or o-yori etc)are unlocked from the beginning and any extra unlock is a minor improvement or a cosmetic improvement and anything has its advantage and disadvantage things will be fair i think.Anyway i trust they will find the best formula!

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sam.ibbitson Author
sam.ibbitson - - 360 comments

It' going to take us a loooong time to balance things like this :) . Initially we're thinking that armour will be cosmetic only but we're still open to the idea of them carrying some stats! We'll just have to wait and see!!

Note: I can say with some certainty that there will be NO micro-transactions or 'pay-to-win' mechanics :) !

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MGreg - - 57 comments

Thanks for the reply Sam!
I understand the difficulties this balancing posses.
Hope it is possible to be implemented in the future:).Anyway all else seem so awesome that this is a minor thing.
Anyway good luck guys!

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Regol1th - - 264 comments

Damn this game is going to be amazing. I would PAY for something like this. For it to be free gives you guys my ultimate respect.

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MGreg - - 57 comments

Correct me if i am wrong but i thing that it will be paid.
Anyway how will they get their investment money which they need.

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sam.ibbitson Author
sam.ibbitson - - 360 comments

To confirm, Bushido will be released as a commercial title and as such you'll have to pay for it :) ! As much as we'd love to release it for free we've still got to eat!

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