Post news Report RSS Dev update : What to expect in next playtest!? VIPs

Showcasing some of our development progress these past months. We’re welcoming back our 1st VIP Ant’ny Barr, his counterpart Nat Kiddin & new client types make their first appearance! Expect more management challenges!

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The beginning of a great adventure!

It has been a long time since we last talked in details about our development progress for Blooming Business: Casino! Fear no more, now is the time to appreciate one of the greatest addition we put in the game: our marvellous, charismatic, beautiful VIPs.

We've added plenty of new content since the beginning of the year! For the bookworms, you can also follow us on Steam and read all about it in our Steam update.

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VIPs comeback and grand arrival

VIPs have a unique set of skills and are way more exigent than all the other client types! Gaining celebrity's favor could bring you fame and fortune, but you might have to grease some palms or give the mob a free pass. Is it even possible to run a casino without getting into organized crime?

VIP come back: Meet Tony (Ant’ny Barr)
Head of the Barr Family

  • The luckiest among you already met Ant’ny a couple of playtests ago. He is back and here to stay. This big bear is the head of the new crime family who just "ousted" (read: murdered) the Rheeves family. Oddly enough he's not a high roller. When he's around he plays very tight, but he loves to be served by his favorites. If you don't have a staff that he approves of... expect trouble... big trouble. Broken items, maybe even a dead staff member or two... clean up in slots!”
  • Special ability: When satisfied, throws chips to other clients in a radius around him!

New: Nat (Nat Kiddin)
Police Officer

  • This ferocious cheetah is no other than one of the most feared police officers in town. Her motto: “shoot first, talk later.” When it comes to law and order, she sees the world in black and white. Her itchy trigger finger gets results, which is why the Sheriff’s department keeps her on the payroll, but there’s always collateral damage, and the department has to do damage control after Hurricane Nat has come through. Expect some unhappy customers if she finds people and things not to her liking.
    When Nat shows up, make sure she's got no reason to suspect anything underhanded is going on, or you'll be cleaning up broken glass and having to give free drinks and free chips to upset customers, if she doesn't shut you down.
  • Special Ability: The Paw of Justice: when satisfied, she can catch cheaters red-handed anywhere on the floor.

VIP Pretty cutscene & UI

  • The player is notified of the arrival of a VIP by notifications in the HUD. Clicking on the notification triggers a short cutscene that shows the arrival of the VIP in their own car. At the end of the cutscene, a UI pop-up is displayed, giving more insight into the VIP background, likes & dislikes.
  • Don't forget, VIPs are very demanding and special, they expect you to greet them! If you ignore them, they will most likely visit another casino... (And you don't want that!).

Blooming Business: Casino is as much a management game as a drama place! We want you to experience personal and unique stories. This is why we are adding special characters - VIPs - to give you the opportunity to experience emerging events.

Playing the game, it will be vital to connect with those VIPs and learn their backstories, needs, goals and desires. Specialize your casino and adapt your management in order to cater to their craziest pet peeves for big rewards !

A little space for teasing

We've added other very important and nice content. Here is a small recap of what you will find in the next playtest !

  • NEW CLIENT TYPES ! This is very important in the management of your casino! ▶ We will dedicate a special article to give you more details about this feature.
  • NEW LEVEL! A new level has been added, available from the level selector. It comes with new challenges, mostly focusing around the new clients: the baseball fan, the rockabillies and the police officers
  • Cheaters (Some clients now have the ability to cheat at your attractions, making you lose money). You can catch them yourselves, but it will be more efficient to hire guards to do so
  • Plant wear (Plants will wither over time, and if you don’t take care of it, it will lower the casino beauty). You can water them yourself, or hire custodians to do so
  • Bar management has been improved.

Stay in touch, we may have an upcoming playtests in a few weeks to get your thoughts on all those beautiful additions!

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Take care!

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