About a month ago, I claimed that I was done with the mod. However, I just happened to get caught with it one night and since then I've been working on the last improvements and fixes. This last update was a tricky one since I somewhere in the process managed to screw the code completely in a way that no mater what I did I just couldn't get it to run. I guess coding 10 different files at the same time in the middle of the night isn't the smartest ting you can do. But I manage to sort it out and I'm pleased with the end result of it.
I've fixed all the (reported) critical bugs, improved gameplay balance and also added a few new units and superpowers. Hope you'll enjoy this version.
Destructive Forces 1.2 released
About a month ago, I claimed that I was done with the mod. However, I just happened to get caught with it one night and since then I've been working on the last improvements and fixes. This last update was a tricky one since I somewhere in the process managed to screw the code completely in a way
Posted by XitArS on
when i play skirmish game in destructive forces 1.2 all the computer player enemy even allied they not use super weapon although it is ready to use. they just build but they wont use. maybe this is a mod problem. destructive forces is good but better good if the enemy using super weapon
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