Post news Report RSS Desert battle

The events happened in the desert of Peru, it was something unexpected... we fell into a trap that almost cost us the life... Los acontecimientos se desarrollaron en el desierto del Perú, fue algo inesperado... caimos en una trampa que casi nos costó la vida.....

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To the north of Chile, in the desert of Peru, we meet again with the patriots... as we already knew, we moved away from the bulk of the troop and we stayed in the rear... the patriots were advancing and they looked splendid , but they were far from us....

Al norte de Chile, en el desierto del Perú, volvemos a encontrarnos con los patriotas... como ya sabíamos, nos alejamos del grueso de la tropa y nos quedamos en la retaguardi... los patriotas avanzaban y se veian espléndorosos, pero se alejaban de nosotros...


when we were looking where the enemy was, I saw the patriot cavalry like mad to advance on the infantry .... they were shattering their soldiers .... I went ahead a little to see what happened ...

cuando estabamos mirando donde se ubicaba el enemigo, vi a la caballeria patriota como locos avanzar sobre la infanteria....estaban haciendo añicos sus adelante un poco para ver que pasaba...


when the enemy cavalry surprised us at full speed .... and in a sure move managed to hurt the officer in charge, but those Carabineros de Abascal followed me for a long time .....

cuando derepente la caballeria enemiga nos sorprende a toda carrera....y en un movimiento certero, logre herir al oficial a cargo, pero esos Carabineros de Abascal me siguieron por largo rato.....


the patriot infantry realized that they attacked us and came to our aid, but they were far away to help us....

la infanteria patriota se dio cuenta que nos atacaban y partio en nuestra ayuda, pero estaban muy lejos para socorrernos....


thank goodness I had good men who clung to the with a little awakening, I took my weapons and started to kill .......

menos mal que tenia buenos hombres que con garra soportaron el ataque.....asi que con un poco de desperación, tome mis armas y empecé a matar.......


one by one began to fall .....

uno a uno comenzaron a caer.....


my aim did not fail, because I could not lose any shot .... the life of my men was in danger .....

mi puntería no fallaba, pues no podia perder ningun tiro.... la vida de mis hombres corria peligro.....


those riders fell head first ... when I cut the neck of their horses...they had no chance, once they stood up, they would blow their heads .....

caian de hocico esos jinetes, cuando les cortaba el cuello a sus tenian chance, una vez que se ponian de pie, les volaban la cabeza.....


and with a clean slash I begin to slay some soldiers on foot who had joined the attack

y a sablazo limpio empiezo a degollar a algunos soldados a pie que se habian sumado al ataque


my horse was very hurt, but I still had strength ......

mi caballo estaba muy herido, pero todavia tenia fuerzas......


the battle had been disordered, since the patriots saw me cornered, they were in my aid and everything was transformed into chaos ..... so we got rid of the burden, but the battle continued ...... then I decided to go to the front to support a little ..... the battle seemed never to end, ....

la batalla se habia desordenado, ya que los patriotas al verme acorralado, fueron en mi ayuda y todo se transformo en un caos.....asi que nosotros nos libramos de la carga, pero la batalla continuaba ......asi que decidi ir al frente a apoyar un batalla parecia nunca acabar,....


but in the distance I saw the massacre left by the cavalry patriot who came back at full gallop ......

pero a lo lejos divisé la masacre que dejó la caballería patriota que venia de regreso a todo galope......


all began to persecute the disbanded .....

todos comenzaron a correr tras los desbandados.....


some fired from afar, anything was possible...also fell several, ....

algunos disparaban de lejos por si las moscas...igual cayeron varios,....


and the persecution of the last realist soldiers begins ....
all the patriotic cavalry behind them, to which I joined at full gallop ...... booom a sure shot in the back of the last rider ......... the battle had ended ....

y comienza la persecusion de los ultimos soldados realistas....toda la caballeria patriota tras ellos, a la cual me sumé a toda galope......booom un disparo certero en la espalda del ultimo jinete......... la batalla habia finalizado....


Long live the homeland !!! Long live the homeland! ... the patriots shouted and my horse whinnied with emotion .....

viva la patria, viva la patria.... gritaban los patriotas y mi caballo relinchaba de emocion.....


I finally got off the horse to check if he was dead ..... yes, he was .... God save it.

por ultimo me baje del caballo a verificar si estaba, lo estaba....que Dios lo guarde.

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Mod Independence of Chile for Mount and Blade Warband

Mod Independence of Chile 4.0 (Full version)

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Mauromagno_Patriota Author
Mauromagno_Patriota - - 823 comments

to the page of mod Independence of Chile...Give me a like please ;)

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Mauromagno_Patriota Author
Mauromagno_Patriota - - 823 comments

click on the button and make your donation ... thanks

pinchen el botón y hagan su donacion...gracias

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