Post news Report RSS Delorious Network - Your Pick!

The following announcement will detail our intention to create another roleplay server on Warband. It will define our plans and the vote for you all to pick your preferred scenario, so we can move forward to develop it.

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Delorious Network Presents...

Delorious Roleplay 3 - Your Pick

Please read each of our three scenarios choices, the full announcement and also the place to vote on our forums at:
Hello all - it has been a while, hasn't it? In the following announcement, I'm going to be detailing our intention to create DNRP3 and the steps we're going to take to work with you, the community, to decipher what direction you want us to take with a certain scenario and in turn, the server. It has been a pretty open secret that we as a staff team have been working on DNRP for the past few months, however it has not gone entirely to plan. Whilst working with Vorde, we had envisioned a scenario encompassing his own module (which includes a plethora of new items, animations, props, textures, recipes & additional features). Though, because of his own IRL commitments, we have had to put that project on hold as the module was not complete, nor stable for us to use for our server (hence the lack of any kind of official communication from us); this took us on a journey to develop a brand-new scenario for Persistent Kingdoms.

DNRP1 had its ups and it had its downs. We believe as a staff team we have collectively recognised the positives from it to follow on with this scenario, but also have learnt from the flaws in our first scenario, be it how we limited the fighting on the server, or the high mentality of grinding to the balance between factions. DNRP2, although popular between many of you, due to the launch clash alongside another server at the time, the scenario ultimately wasn't possible. Ideas have been swirling for a while for DNRP3, and the plan we decided to approach this was by each staff member proposing a scenario concept to the team. We then gathered them together, had meetings to present these concepts, critique them, see the potential and ways to improve them. From here, we voted on the scenarios, and the 3 which came top are here for us to present to you, the community, for a vote. We want you all to decide what scenario you would like to be part of most, and from here we will further develop that scenario in much more detail to the point of it being ready to ship to you all.

In regard to timeline, I want to make it clear this announcement is setting out our intention to make a scenario, not the server being at imminent release in the next couple of weeks. This vote will remain open for seven days, after that we will announce the result and begin further development - we encourage you all to spread the word, so we can get as a varied opinion of the player base as possible. Even though we have the design set for each map, we still need to develop it (which will encompass the majority of our time). In relation to staff, even though we have a fully functioning staff team, we are still actively looking for new members. Be it Lore Writers, Enforcers, Event Managers or Mappers (even though we have a mapper, we are always looking for people to develop our event maps to help enhance our storyline whilst also assisting the main mapper) - I will make it clear though, applying at this stage will imply you have the intent to fully commit to the development of the server. Do not apply if you do not intention to fulfil this. I should also note, our Head Admin Alexandru will not have any notable/permanent character and will focus, alongside myself, with ensuring the staff team is as impartial as possible and rectifying anything that may pop up.

To finish off, before we get to the scenarios themselves, I'd like to mention a couple small additions we've been working on the forums. As you may have noticed, our theme has had some small adjustments, mainly in darkening the colour of the blue. Alongside this, a new forum banner more fitting to the theme of the server has been added, with thanks to Jones (the scenario name will naturally change once the scenario has been decided). We also have a new home page, which'll encompass an important post (be it an announcement or otherwise a more broad introduction to the website, depending on the day). On the home page will include the year/season alongside weather, the server viewers and links to external platforms, such as discord and our steam group. Applications, Requests & Tickets now have application forms, with boxes to make filling in applications much easier for the newer players and otherwise those who want a shortcut in writing their app; this won't limit editing your post after it has been sent, though. Even though applications will remain private, we will be tightening the noose around the concept of incognito - it will still be a bannable offence to leak someone's incognito alias, however we will allow players the right to post their own rumours, for example, allowing a little more freedom with their own choice whether to have their character's identity publicly known. There are many other smaller changes such as bbcode added to quick replies, but you will see the changes as you browse our forums.

And last, but not least, we encourage discussions in our discord server for ideas of each scenario, their dislikes, and desirables and what scenario itself you'd want to see (and why!). We will look at releasing a few development blogs on our progress, however they won't have a set date at all. I hope to see you all there!

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