Post news Report RSS CWE Mod Version 1.06

A summary on the new features present in CWE 1.04 and a sneak preview of what is to come in CWE 1.07.

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Good day, the CWE team is pleased to announce the release of v1.06. This marks a significant milestone in the development of the mod and lays a good foundation for it to be expanded further. In 1.06, our goal was to deepen the late-early and middle game experience. To that end, we have added features that build upon the concept of globalisation in addition to cleaning up the code to make the late game much more stable. In addition, we have strengthened and widened the ability for the AI to challenge and surprise the player with the addition of more dynamic event chains and systems to better simulate the modern world. Without further ado, here is a rough overview of what CWE has to offer in better detail.

The Implementation of new pan-nationalist rebels will add a new way to unite superstates and unions.

The Implementation of new pan-nationalist rebels will add a new way to unite superstates and unions

At the heart of this update is fleshing out the conflict between non-state and state actors in the many forms that it takes, be it as terrorism, corporate corruption, or lone wolf hackers. This update will give strength to these groups by allowing them to directly impact the national economic and political scene. Corporations can dictate monopolistic terms to corrupt governments bound by their shackles of illicit bribes and instigate the rise and fall of oil production, regardless of the human costs of doing so. In the war on terror, terrorists can now steal nuclear warheads to blackmail nations and conduct atrocious acts of general barbarism in your nation, with varying impacts, from mobilising the rise of the far right to causing economic chaos, while theocratic sponsors of terror seek to radicalise minorities of their religion living abroad. Even the digital scene is no longer safe, with lone wolf hackers disrupting critical infrastructure with nefarious randsomware that will make you wannacry. However, this is probably the least to worry about, as governments can also engage in digital warfare, with superpowers gaining the ability to use their cyber wizardry to influence your elections. In the cities, the metropolitan elite can also use their cultural and monetary might to sway elections in their favour, resulting in a greater vote weightage for city dwellers.

The UN has been further fleshed out in 1.06

The UN has been further fleshed out in 1.06

The realm of interstate relations have also been further fleshed out with the addition of new systems. The first is the neutrality system, that allows nations to voluntarily renounce their right to war war in exchange for neutral country status. This status grants international protection in times of invasion and infamy reduction in times of disarmament. City states choose to become tax havens with a risk of becoming a den of money laundering while financial powerhouses can choose to acquire special drawing rights from the IMF to boost their credit generation. In the Cold War era, superpower joint projects have also been added to simulate the second detente and the gradual normalisation of relations between the east and west. Losing wars has also become more dangerous with the possibility of the UNSC approving a war crimes trial to punitively punish the loser state. In times of peace, the USSR can also try to create a Manchurian candidate to destroy the USA from within through a civil war. Dynamic United Nations secretaries-general can also thwart aggressors with varying levels of sanctions depending on the nature of the ruling UNSG of the time. Some late game rivalries have also been added with the addition of the arctic trade route and the global internet authority. These provide the opportunity for powerful nations to compete for global hegemony beyond the Cold War era.

New purge mechanics give a another risky but potentially highly rewarding way to preserve power.

New purge mechanics give a another risky but potentially highly rewarding way to preserve power

In the military sphere, aerial bombardment, war damage mechanics, and commerce raiding have been added in addition to a rebalance of military units. Aerial bombardment allows nations to passively destroy their enemies' cities from afar while war damage punishes any current or previously occupied territories to 5 years of negative modifiers. Commerce raiding makes import costs higher and civilian morale lower at the cost of acquiring infamy. A military doctrine system has also been added to allow for greater customisation of a nation's military with three options to choose from: offensive, balanced, defensive. All of this will make warfare much more realistic and challenging with more to play for and more to lose.

Enacting the right banking regulations and using monetary stiumlus packages in conjunction with the right central bank interest rate is vital to recover or prevent from financial meltdowns.

Enacting the right banking regulations and using monetary stimulus packages in conjunction with the right central bank interest rate is vital to recover or prevent from financial meltdowns

The intrastate aspect of the mod also received a boost, with new features allowing governments to better fine-tune their economy and political scene. Dynamic secularisation and de-secularisation creates an organic rising and falling of religion throughout the game in response to global factors, and the corresponding pressure on ethnoreligious and minority groups that comes with it. Tension levels now directly impact the ideology of the world's populace too with more tension being a catalyst for the rise of the far right who will want to resort to more extreme measures to keep the peace. Financial crashes are now big events and timing a good quantitative easing in its aftermath is vital to preserve the prosperity of the nation. In nations with huge reserves, a sovereign wealth fund can be utilised to make the stored money more productive for the nation. Other pursuits for the government involve building supercomputers and regulating the banking sector. For dictatorships, more flavour has also been added with the ability to eliminate the opposition, and the factionalism mechanic, which occurs when the dictator dies, creating a dangerous situation that can lead to the downfall of the dictatorship. For communist nations, there is now an updated way to become a socialist democracy which is via the communist plebiscite mechanic: the blocs are overall more fluid, with the rise of revisionist "Market Communism" giving the global capitalist order a chance to destroy the eastern bloc from within - or giving the USSR a chance to commit to extreme detente and reform. Beware bad hombres, extreme vetting is now a reality in the mod, allowing players to reduce immigration into their country. The last major addition to this area is the dynamic leader selection feature which randomly changes the leader attributes of a government depending on the ideological bent of the government.

Leaders are now selected from the ieological pool they belong in.

Leaders are now selected from the ieological pool they belong in

Amongst all of this, there have been many other things that were added. Some of them include improving the Korean and Arab war chains and the implementation of more accurate UN mandates. Decolonisation in Africa and abroad now also involves more than just granting independence: a nation so inclined may encourage minority rule in certain areas, or rely on a divide-and-rule strategy to the dismay of the newly-formed United Nations - either way, African nations will have to find their own approach to deal with ethnic tensions within their borders and endure nationalism from minority groups. The event chains for many nations have been completely rewritten, with a focus on fun and the possibility of historical divergence. The UI has been improved with a focus on usability, flavor has been added in countless minor events, flags, newspapers, and localisation, and, above all, care has been given to ensure that every playthrough differs from the rest.

There are now more opportunities for alternate history

Future conflict: Middle East vs West? Its up to you to decide

It is here where I would like to extend my immense appreciation to ARR8, without whose invaluable contributions 1.06 would not have been possible. Thank you, ARR8!

We would also like to thank the community for their continued support for CWE and their numerous bug reports and suggestions, many of which we ultimately implemented into the mod. A brief reminder: we are a fully open-source project, and we welcome contributions of any kind! In particular, we are always looking for country-specific flavor enhancements: political parties, newspaper (news site) images, population demographics, and similar improvements which may not be readily available online but which people can contribute for their own communities.

There are now many new oppotunities for the superpowers to coexist peacefully with eath other.

There are now many new oppotunities for the superpowers to coexist peacefully with each other

In conclusion, 1.06 was a small step in version number, but a huge leap in pushing the limits of what the Victoria engine can do. So, for 1.07, we aim to focus on fleshing out the end-game of the mod by deepening the climate change mechanics and introduce more future content like the rise of automation. Other minor features that can be added would be fleshing out the techschool and export/import focus mechanics and making ideological alignment more dynamic.

We hope you enjoy version 1.06 of the mod and thank you for following the development of the Cold War Enhancement mod.

Some suggestions on minor starting nations which may have more interesting flavor in this version:

  • Ethiopia
  • IS
  • Israel
  • Netherlands
  • Southern Rhodesia

Github link:

While the Moddb file will give you big changes between versions, you may still feel that you wish to follow the mod more closely so I have made a Github Repository with the mod where you can download the most up to date Dev version of the mod. However as it may be updated frequently, you may have to download the lastest Github version multiple times for small commits like bug fixes etc so I still recommend that you wait for Moddb version releases.

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Voltarien - - 14 comments

Budapest is the only European capital city who doesnt has picture :/
I have a ideal. What if in 1946 Austria has the decision: Reunite the Austria-Hungary Monarchy?The conditions can be: Austria is a part of the USA sphere, Austria has democracy, Austria must be has 150 relation points with Hungary, Hungary has democracy (until 1948-49 xD). Or maybe Germany in the future can be conquered Austria again with Anschluss.

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settintotrieste Author
settintotrieste - - 908 comments

Thanks for the feedback!

I will add a picture for Budapest.

This is an interesting idea but I don't believe that it will be realistic in 1946 as Austria was a republic prior to ww2 and it would be highly unlikely for the US and the USSR to suddenly install a monarchy in Austria in the aftermath of ww2 especially since they were anti imperialist let alone let their satellite state unite with a pro west government in austria. Perhaps a Danubian federation of the Austrian and Hungarian republics would be more feasible with the criteria being Austria or Hungary either being a great power and having good relations or in sphere of the larger power.

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Voltarien - - 14 comments

Yes, after I wrote this ideal, I realized that was a Kingdom and in 1946 Austria was a democracy. So yes the Danubian Federation is more realistic. Or Hungary can be has the decision: Form the V4. (Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Czeh Republic). And I have a remark. When I conquered an another country states the migration is weird. Example:
If I conquered a region, they only emigrate to the "capitals" of the region not to the surrounding cities, so only the "capital city" culture changes within the region.

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settintotrieste Author
settintotrieste - - 908 comments

By right they should also migrate to the provincial regions as well but due to the mysteries of the game engine, they don't always do that.

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DackPost - - 3 comments

This mod is fantastic! :D Have you a e-mail for donations?
What are the new features in the 1.07?
I have a suggestion, can you re-place the indicator of Industrial Power in the GDP? in modern times have more sense than that :)

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settintotrieste Author
settintotrieste - - 908 comments

Thanks! However I don't know how to collect donations so I have to let your very kind offer pass.

Unfortunately I cannot due to game engine limitations.

I don't have a single compiled list of all the new features but a rough non exhaustive list of the major features would be this:

-Dynamic UN Secretary General
-Communist plebiscites
-Arctic Trade Route
-Financial meltdowns
-Cyber Warfare
-Biological weapons
-War support for allied nations
-Aeriel bombardment & war damage
-Military Unit rebalancing
-War crimes trial
-Global internet authority
-UN mandates
-Rework of the occupation of Korea
-US USSR joint projects
-Dyanmic African culture acceptance
-Sovereign wealth fund
-independence referendum for puppets
-Dynamic techschool selection
-More realistic national values changes

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tank501 - - 7 comments

Crashes on Loading databases...

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ChickenWingGeek - - 18 comments

Really great update, but just one suggestion: Can you add a starting save right after decolonization, the division of the koreas and germany, and cold war polarization? It would be a lot easier to play some middle-eastern and african nations if you didn't have to start the game as another nation and wait for the events to fire.

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settintotrieste Author
settintotrieste - - 908 comments

Unfortunately I would not wish to do this as it would require a lot of manual moving of cores, tweaking of pops which Is too time consuming.

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Guest - - 699,934 comments

Hi the financial sector (credit money) is very underpowered compared to NWO is that by desgin?

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settintotrieste Author
settintotrieste - - 908 comments

Yes but only at the start of the game as the Bretton woods system suppresses the ability to generate credit. The later parts of the game will have greater credit production.

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ChickenWingGeek - - 18 comments

One other suggestion: Can transport ships be a little faster and can land units not suffer so much attrition at sea later in the game? Doesn't make sense for 5% to die every month in the modern day.

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ChickenWingGeek - - 18 comments

And can the Commonwealth and other mega-nations be able to forcibly coerce nations into joining them?

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settintotrieste Author
settintotrieste - - 908 comments

Yes, via sphereing and puppeting.

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settintotrieste Author
settintotrieste - - 908 comments

I shall consider it as transport ships are by nature not very fast. It took almost a month for the UK task force to travel from the UK to the Falklands so I do not know if the current rate speed should be increased. Perhaps I will give a speed boost to all ships via technology. I will tweak the land attrition rate.

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ChickenWingGeek - - 18 comments

Thanks, and this is probably a dumb question, but it it possible to write an exception to the game's code so that certain "ships", representing aircraft, can go on land? Probably not, but worth an ask.

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settintotrieste Author
settintotrieste - - 908 comments

Aircraft carriers on land?! Unfortunately it's not possible to code that.

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ChickenWingGeek - - 18 comments

Lol, there goes my childhood dreams :/

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ChickenWingGeek - - 18 comments

Is the tweak on GitHub yet?

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settintotrieste Author
settintotrieste - - 908 comments

Not yet.

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ChickenWingGeek - - 18 comments

Sorry to bother you, but I have another question: How does trade block ambition work and how can you change it?

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settintotrieste Author
settintotrieste - - 908 comments

It works by enabling the chain of events to lead to the formation of a superstate. You can withdraw from the ambition by having populists in power.

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sadiregu - - 6 comments

Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, does not get any cores on their lands.

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settintotrieste Author
settintotrieste - - 908 comments

This is intentional to simulate the fragile nature of the federation.

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Guest - - 699,934 comments

Hello i have just come to notice with the Danubian federation formation event is in this mod. However when I did form it I felt it should also be a possibility for you to invite other historical nations that were originally apart of Austria-Hungary into a Union. Also along with that potential to push for a "" greater union"" with the other states around it. Effectively becoming some what of an eastern European union.
Thanks for your work on the mod and look forward to more great content from it.

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Guest - - 699,934 comments

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Guest - - 699,934 comments

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nonamebrand - - 3 comments

It always crashes for some reason :/

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Guest - - 699,934 comments

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