Post news RSS Crossfire 1.9 Development

It's now 2 months since we released the last news about the Crossfire 1.9 development. Why that? Why didn't we release more info meanwhile? Well, we have decided to spend out time working on the mod instead of writing articles and previous about every new feature that we include. This appeared to use the best method to speed up the development of our mod.

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Crossfire: Dark Ages Version 1.9

It's now 2 months since we released the last news about the Crossfire 1.9 development.
Why that? Why didn't we release more info meanwhile?
Well, we have decided to spend out time working on the mod instead of writing articles and previous about every new feature that we include. This appeared to use the best method to speed up the development of our mod.
After all we assumed that you prefer to play the mod instead of reading about it, right?

Crossfire 1.9 Sol System Crossfire 1.9 preview Crossfire 1.9 Screenshot

We are getting asked very often "When will the new mod version get released?".
I clearly don't want to answer that.
What I am able to tell you is that we made very good progress during the past weeks and are about to finish the work on all gameplay changes aswell as on all graphical improvements this week.
So far we have done several ten thousand changes to the mod which will boost the quality of the game dramatically.
We took into credit the feedback we got from the players over the past months to adjust the gameplay of Crossfire and we once more have improved the graphics of the game.
Many new features will be waiting for you including new ways of playing the game. No matter how you like to play the game, you will be able to that.

Extended Nomad Gate Crossfire 1.9

The biggest part of the work is done. *cough* *cough* (I didn't say that)
Please be patient and support us so we can release the best Crossfire Mod ever.

PrivetBlyat - - 33 comments

Lookin forward to it.
Will the Gunner be available?
Will the story be advanced.
Ill be able to play it.
Good luck, OP.


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goxy - - 2 comments

full Singleplayer campaign, big thanks for that, j m hardly wait to play this one

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