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This is just a small news update to answer all the questions about how you can help out in the making of this mod.

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THIS POST is mostly about contribution to the mod, if you do not want to read a wall of text then scroll down to the 3 lines that are in bold about the russian army and you're good to go!

There are various ways you can help contributing to the mod, I will name some of the following here.

Beta Testing

What does it take to become a beta tester for Assault horizon?
First of all beta tester will never ever ever get a release of assault horizon any earlier then the rest of the community, EVER. There will be no closed betas. You will not get any special attention what so ever infact.. It's a dirty job that in the end helps out forming the mod the way the community (thats you guys) wants!

What to do.

1. Download the alpha release when it comes out to the public.

2a. When alpha release is out, play it.

2b. When alpha release is out, a new forum thread will start. Go to Forum > Beta Testing > Then start a new thread. The Forum will be here on Moddb Assault Horzion forums.

3. Name the thread like following [Version number (i.ex : Alpha v0.1 Testing) - Name of beta tester (in this case i use "stormtroppera", he was one of the first to ask the question.) So in short, if i were to beta test the first alpha relase i would write like this :

Alpha v0.1 Testing - OutcastOne

The next version i would write : "Alpha v0.2 Testing - OutcastOne" And so on, dead simple.

4. Write a review about everything you think, what you think is perfect, what to think should change, what you dislike so much you do not want to see it ever again.

If you do not write about a specific unit at all i will drive the conclusion that the unit is made perfectly, without any problems at all.

Changes may involve things like "The Looks of a unit", Function, Speed, Attack Dmg, Range et.c. et.c.
Changes may not involve things that are to hard to code in, like "snap to roads" et.c.

And this is what i will do.

1. Hopefully your thread will be one of many others, i will take my time with all of them, comparing them to see what any diffrences, say that 6 diffrent members think the Abrams M1A2 tank is to overpowered, then i will change that. If one member thinks so, the rest thinks otherwise, i will do no change.

2. Changes will be made to : (1) what i see is logical, (2) to the community desire. Have faith, Why my word is final here is that only i got the bigger picture of the mod, and i might have plans for a unit in a specific way, i will however try to make changes to the community desire as much as possilbe.

3. The more you contribute with reviews and testing the more changes i make to the mod. And if you contribute alot the bigger the chance that you will end up in the final version credits. Cause lets just face it, if you say one thing that i change specificly for you, and all the rest, i will have a credits screen that fills up a whole book, and that dosen't cut it for me.

You will also have a bigger chance to end up in the final version of the credits if you start early on, rather then coming in at the end, yelling out something, get some changes and then demand credits for it.

Credits are earned my friend, for hard work.
That cuts the Beta Testing part.


Mappers can also get prime credit spots. Cause they make the hard work doing maps. And this is what you can do to deserve such a spot.

1. Start creating a map now already (or wait for a later version of assault horizon and use the new civilian structures planed).

2. A way to send in your map will soon be available, Maps that are Assault Horizon Exclusive will have a higger chance of getting a spot in the final version of the credits.

3. I will not take any converted maps from anybody unless you are the rightfull owner of the original map.

4. Maps that are sent in will be available under addons, Maps that the community votes for (in other words maps that are ussally played alot) will end up inte final version of the mod.

5. Maps that i declare as pure awesome will be in the mod package from the start, the owner of these maps will get a private message from me, to clearify that i decided that his map is so pure awesome it automatically wins a spot in the game. Rules for these maps are simple, (1) They work well without bugs, and are purely eyecandy to look at. or (2) they resemble real-life locations and are without bugs.

Maps that are decided to be in the final mods will be added from the day they get submitted. Credits will be given from that day onwards.

Contribute in any other way you can think off.

Yeah, you read it right.. the only rule here is that i still want this as a one man project, i want to test how much i can push myself, see how far i can go and so on.. So i wont join up in a team, ever. I will never ever even consider making up a team, unless a problem accours that might hinder the final release of the game.

Why? oh why? easy enough, in my home country, Sweden, we have a saying that goes something like.. the more chiefs you use, the worse the soup will be.. or something like that, it sounds a bit wierd maybe, but truth be told, if i get a team, and add a member, that member will come with pointers, and those pointers i cant simple ignore, or else that member might drop out on me, even with demands that say, i cant use his models. And as such i get a major setback codewise that i might never get the chance to get out of that mess. If he do stay and i take his pointers, the mod may drift of to something that i never even planed from the beginning, might be better then what i planed, but might even be worse, and i do not want to take that risk.. Thats my main argument.

I will however never ignore what you, the community wants from the mod. ofc i might take pointers from you.. you might come up with a great idea that i never even thought of myself, and that i will make use of, thats the good part about being one with the community.

As i said before i am like you guys, i know'd how to model and texture, but i never figured out how to use the programs for generals, i saw mods come and go, mostly go.. and i want to change that, with assault horizon.

Back to the point, contribute, its nice that people want to help out, if you really want to help out then you could help out by making models of civilian structures maybe, texture them.. Send them over and if they fit in with the mod i might be interested in using the whole pack of yours. Giving you insta credit for it. Sound Effects for weapons are always welcome, if you contribute with a bunch of those, and they are good quality, ofc i'll happily take them, Giving you insta credits for em. Unit voices, this is the hard part becuse most mods lack them, if you think your voice is any good and want to contribute, then do so, if the quality is good enough, i'll take them. Giving you insta credits.

Hopefully you get the point. And when it comes to the credit part you can get your credit with your moddb nick, your own choosen nick, or your real name with your nick in between (first name "Nick" surname). The choice is yours, if you want to be anomyous, thats okay for me. =)

Also fast news about the pics about the new russian units, they will NOT be in the first alpha release, i would not be supprised if they diden't make it till the second release either, but somewhere around v0.3 alpha seems logical.

That is all! Sorry for the wall of text and i understand if you'd go tl;dr! ^^

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SveaRikeSoldier - - 1,631 comments

I would love to create maps for the mod, but I am to busy doing maps for Enhanced.

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Keksz - - 1,799 comments

Sounds like teamwork is not your cup of tea xD
Anyways good luck with that mammoth project :P

Maybe I'll do some maps in my spare time if the content is worth it.

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VectorIV - - 3,196 comments

If you need coding helps then I can do some but not much, I'm already busy (very) you see.

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Shazer22 - - 295 comments

id love to help beta testing, and mod looks and sounds great so far :)

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