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We've added more challenges, more items, and more mechanics. This little android game is getting closer and closer to beta.

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A few months ago we setup to make an android game about the perils of driving while intoxicated. This month we are close to beta, what is left is details and some game play improvements.


The starts you off partying, simbolized by a red mouth catching as much recreational and nutritional items as possible. The recreational stuff will affect your senses and increase your money counter, while the food and coffee will give you a boost that you can use in the driving scene that comes after the party, where you will have to get home safe, avoiding obstacles made more hazardous by the consumption of recreational edibles.




When driving you can hallucinate, see things wobble and even distort. You will also get a distorted image of yourself. The food counter indicates how many times you can either accelerate, or brake, which can be very useful when trying to avoid crashing. Crashing will decrease your money. and when it reaches cero it's game over.



Next month the game will be released for beta testing in the playstore. We'd appreciate it if you can give it a try, That's all for today. Good luck in all your projects!!


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