Post news Report RSS Changing The Way Survival Games Are Played #4

Siege of Inaolia is seeing steady progress, here's what we've been up to for the past 2 weeks.

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Whats happened since the last two weeks?
We've been hard at work as always creating various assets for the lands surrounding Inaolia as well as assets for 'personalizing' Inaolia itself this includes beer mugs on tables with dice, paying a close attention to detail in the process, our newest member Brandon has taken up the posts of Texture Artist, Modeler and Animator, thanks to his amazing texture work we've been able to speed up asset creation by a lot as many as 3 models a day!

While he and me have working on the models and texturing Lukasz has been at work with adding a collision mesh and populating the level with the assets, Kieran has also been hard at work with Duncan's run animation and hopefully we should be able to place him in the level soon, Paul and Hector have also been hard at work with their concepts and Illustrations, Paul has recently completed the Screecher Daemon Concept while Hector is still working on the Ravager Daemon, Dave has also recently come out with a new composition for us and to put it briefly its Epic!

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Whats the Status on the Level?
Lukasz is hard at work with the level, we are running into a few problems such as how do we create a lush, vast and impressive forest without slowing down performance, The level itself at the moment is not much to look at but its a start, Lukasz should be able to finish the collision detection on the walls, adding the various trees to the level as well as a few extra assets such as windmills along the hills just to immerse players in the world, hopefully by next week we should be able to have a few more screenshots ready.

What about the Story?
I have been working on the script and I feel its shaping up nicely, I intend to wrap up the entire Act 1 by the end of this week and send it to the 'voices' of Duncan, Esaya and Draeldos to record their respective lines.

What do you focus on when writing about the characters and their dialogue? What was your inspiration?
My goal is to create characters that are real and believable, characters that have gone through traumatic events that have had a great impact on their persona, take Duncan for example, he was orphaned at an early age and being adopted by the Order of Crimson Knight has made him grow attached to the order as a whole, believing strongly in what they stand for, obeying without question, what he has basically done was what any young child without a family would have done, he made something or someone his family, created a bond and over time that bond has grown stronger and obviously when someone raises a doubt and questions that bond he will seek answers due to this series of events he was lead to Inaolia.

My Inspiration was characters such as The Batman, the traumatic loss of his parents caused him to develop the constant need to 'avenge' his parents deaths by fighting the crime in Gotham but with every persona there is always the question of who is who, is Batman the mask Bruce Wayne wears or is Bruce Wayne the mask Batman wears, what I'm trying to is try and bring this question to light and highlight it in a single person instead of two persona's, why is Duncan truly trying to uncover the secrets of Inaolia? Does he intend to bury his new 'family's' secrets will he really do anything to keep his new family? Or does he intend to expose the secrets that the order has been hiding after all the order lied to him told him Inaolia was destroyed, his old family abandoned him, this has caused a great feeling of resentment towards being lied to, used or even left.
I hope I was able to highlight what I am aiming for.

Now a Special Message!
Firstly I would like to thank all of the support that our various fans have been giving us, seeing comments on our Images really helps us, Joining our fan page on Facebook, subscribing to us on Youtube following us on Twitter and Watching us on IndieDB really shows us that you care, our game is mainly 'By the Gamers for the Gamers' spread the words about Siege of Inaolia and feel free to send us your feedback at

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