Post news Report RSS Bloodbath software asociation APROVED! Update # 1

Welcome to update number 1 of Half life: animal life, in this update you will see: *updates of the mod *confirmation of concepts and ideas that will be in the mod *major news *etc...

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Well to start, i have to confirm that HL: animal life will be asociated and will be one of the mods developed by bloodbath sofware team, joebama as the leader of bloodbath software company, gave me the permission of adding animal life to the list of mods being developed by the company, but im not sure if some of the others members of bloodbath will be able or want to help me in coding, for now i cant garante that the mod will have special and very unique features, but as i dont have any code, i will use every trick and thing that i can do to amke the mod the best taht i can whitout teh need of coding, i know some irrelevant technics to change caracteristics and things of the weapons, and how to make a new menus and those, but for now, dont expect too much news things in animal life...

Ok, now on the features and confirmations of these, about characters and living things:

*Panda player and 3rd person model, no, this isnt a "furry or antropomorphic animal" the panda will be an animal, whit full animations of a panda like it would be in real life, in fact, if u play as a panda the unique weapon taht u are able to pick up or use its the crowbar, which are ur paws, force and theets, but maybe if someone helps me or i figure how to, pandas wil have other natural abilityes in multiplayer, you also will see some others pandas, that will look like if they are npcs, but they would be in reality, monster_generic entities whit scripted sequences to look like others npcs

*Dog Npcs will use for now the same trick as pandas npcs, being based on the monster_generic entities, maybe there will also be dog player or point of view in the mod...

*others animals will appears in the ambient, such as bees, little insects, frogs, roachs, doves, pigeons, seagulls, rats, hamsters, horses, and maybe others that will be not interacteable, and in fact will use teh same trick of monster_generic entitie, but will have scripted sequences and sounds in hammer...

*at least a human protagonist will be used in the mod, nothing will be revealed about him for now, except by teh concept art of him and in fact, if a scripter and programmer wants to help, tehre will be some possibilityes that him and the panda protagonist will work and colaborate together...

*much others cretures and beta mosnter will make appearances, but only if programmers, scripters and coders, shown up and wants to help...

*default NPCS like zombies, houndeyes, bullsquids, alien grunts, and all those that will appear on the mod, will have kick ass graphics, sounds and animations, so you can expect that alsmot every mosnter and NPC of the default HL will be redesigned to a very source and HD atmostfere, for more see the concepts arts and image gallery...

*maybe others features will come whit the evolution of the mod...

The maps and enviroments:

*much details and props will be present on the maps, along whit good scripted sequences, and good HD textures, there will be from single 10 polygons props from 2000 and even more really detailed objects in the maps!

*3d skyboxes, no more skyboxes whit not much details and only a void... now every skybox or map will have its own 3d detail and will bring more realism to the mod!

-10 confirmed maps for multiplayer, going in locations from deeps and darks abandoned laboratories, to open spaces in the wild and cityes, also indoors fight will be rare, because you will not be confined into the deeps of black mesa and xen, you cna expect a bunch of locations and very big maps!

*many others things that will give more realism and immersion in the mod, bump maps ad single physics or ragdoll are not confimerd yet, but you can expect that i will push goldsource engine into its limits and for now, using only the features of the engine as it its.

About the storyline:

*Well, for now i can confirm that there will be at least 30 chapters in the mod, this will be msot likely temporal and maybe there will be more chapters... one of the short histories that you will live and i cna confirm taht will be in the 1rth release its that you was in black mesa as a security guard, in fact this security guard its a character taht will appear in particle fusion, but i will not talk about that as i dont want to spoil people, this character will meet whit another of the animal protagonist, the panda one, i will not mention names for now, another history that i can confirm, its one that will take place in Venezuela, and we will see much locations in our travels, in fact in all the stories that we will live in the mod...

About weapons:

*As i dont know coding, C++, scripting or others things in half life and goldsource engine, i cant guarantee that there will be new weapons, but i can replace models and anims, and some minors things in the weapons, im not sure at all, but as i said before, if coders and programmers shown up interest and want to help, maybe the mod will have more features and will have more things...

Whit this i end the list of confirmed things in the mod, other thing that i can say, its that next week there will be a huge media release, big part of it concept arts of creatures, animals, locations and some weapons, apart from taht today im uploading some concept arts... thats all for now people!

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