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Until now I've been abscent from moddb for quite some time and I have decided it's time to continue the development of my mod.

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Until now I've been absent from moddb for approximately seven months. The reason behind my inactivity is a equable combination of school-related commitments and laziness. Also I've been having some trouble getting Source sdk work properly after breaking down in strange occurences some months ago.

Anyway, I have decided it's time to either quit mapping or to take it more seriously. Certainly there would be no point in abandoning this project, as it lies close to my heart, so from now on you can expect a surge in mod-related releases. I won't promise that each and every update is of great quantity though, I don't want to force the development of Quarantine Zone to much.

To prove my latest statement I will shortly submitt some ingame screenshots, capturing the atmosphere I've been trying to create. Also I will add some conceptart.


weasle - - 315 comments


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Pneu Author
Pneu - - 32 comments

yes, you could say that. :)

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