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This mod was made with Europa Universalis IV version 1.2 with all DLC included except for the newest one, Craddle of Civilization. It does not require any other mod, it is completely self-reliant and doesn not change game mechanics or anything in its core, so its probably compatible with a number of other mods.

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Version 1.01 was updated to play with 1.24 and all DLC including Craddle. Includes minor fixes.

Version 1.0 of this mod was made with Europa Universalis IV version 1.2 with all DLC included
except for the newest one, Craddle of Civilization. It has not been tested in other versions.

It does not require any other mod, it is completely self-reliant
It does not change game mechanics or anything in the core of the game, so it's probably compatible
with a number of other mods.

The changes include:

Increased development in all west africa and congo regions
New countries
New cultures and culture group
New country flags
Modified and renamed areas and regions
Renamed many provinces, coastal provinces and tradenodes in Africa
1 New trade node and lightly modified adyacent trade routes
New branch of christianity
New type of republic government
Localisation for all of this ONLY in ENGLISH

The number of provinces didnt change.

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