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both discriptions for the Anti Clone War Group. the father group to the Alliance To Restore Cannon. nick and i have yet to write a new discription

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Co-Founder/ Supreme Chancellor: RC-0001-NickFounder/ Vice Chancellor: delta 289New Description: Due to problems that have occured, power over the group has shifted and now I, RC-0001-Nick, am working hard to improve this group and make it a role model for all other groups.Original Description: I met Nick a few weeks ago on the Republic At War mod page. He added a comment depicting his disapproval for the Ashoka character in the 2008 Star Wars: The Clone Wars series. Me being a self proclaimed Cannon Nazi (one who is obsessed with correcting canonocity) decided to send him a friend request and after a while, we came up with the idea of creating an entire group in which people who share the same disapproval for the Clone Wars Cartoon and its many canonical contradictions, can post, comment and just overall express faults they find with the show.
Alright, enough about the history of our group, lets get down to business. Here are some well known situations and characters that conflict with existing cannon.
Ashoka: we never see her in any of the movies, nor have we heard any reference to her or even Anikin having an apprentice in general. In order for her to be deemed cannon, she must be killed off befor the season ends.
Phase 1 clones: The 2008 Clone Wars series is supposed to take place at the beginning of the Outer Rim Sieges which were the last 4-5 months of the Clone War. Now Phase 2 Clones were deployed 2-3 months before the Outer Rim Sieges commenced. So yes Cody, Bly, Gree, etc. do exist at this point in time BUT they should have already dawned their Phase 2 Clone armor.
The Death Watch: Yes the Mandalorian Death Watch does exist after the Stark Hyperspace Conflict and during the Clone War however, the only fault I see with them in the show is that their armor is not authentic Death Watch Armor.

mrl515 - - 888 comments

So long old group...

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RC-0001-Nick - - 1,133 comments


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Ozzy667 - - 2,303 comments

As I have pointed out MANY times the Death Watch in this image you say is the true death watch
Is from the book Jango Fett: Open Seasons 1 and is set in 32 BBY. TEN years before the Clone Wars. Of course they switched armor. The clones switched armor after only two years of service. Real world militaries upgrade armor every couple years. There is NO contradiction here. If you have an image of death watch at even the start of the clone wars or during I would give this contradiction some credit but 10 years, NO!

Ahsoka - Yes something has to happen to her before the Battle of Coruscant although I believe their may be other options than death although I agree that would make the most sense by helping push Anakin closer to the dark side.

Phase 1 to 2 clones. Again this is all a matter of time frame. When someone releases an actual timeline for all these events we can argue about what fits. The Commanders according to multiple sources were active Clone Commanders BEFORE the were enrolled in the ARC trooper program so they must have worn Phase 1 armor.

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mrl515 - - 888 comments


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Ozzy667 - - 2,303 comments

LOL whats wrong mrl515! Nothing to say to my brillant arguement :D

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mrl515 - - 888 comments

No, just the fact that you manage to reiterate the same points (valid or not, depends on individual opinion) without ever coming up with new arguments ;)

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Nova_Stihl - - 501 comments

win @ mrl515. ozzy haz bin trollollollolled

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TheN00btuber - - 525 comments

How long had boba and Jango been using their armor? And then the same with the mandolorions from KOTOR

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Ozzy667 - - 2,303 comments

I just think that the armor argument is more of a preference with you guys. If I was the guys at Lucas Arts I personally wouldn have gone with the Death Watch armor seen in the Mando civil war a decade earlier BUT it IS NOT a contradiction to have them in different armor 10 years later.
That is just like seeing the clones in episode 2 and then watching Episode three, which is set three years later, in there Phase 2 armor and yelling that is a contradiction.

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mrl515 - - 888 comments

I never really minded Death Watch, though I think the armor could/should have varied a bit instead of being a re-skinned Jango suit. The least they could do is show some sort of creativity.

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Ozzy667 - - 2,303 comments

Agreed. I even think it would have been cool to just animate the armor as seen in the image from the Mando Civil war. That would be a cool way for Lucas Arts to acknowledge the other sources but armor does change with time.
I personally wish they would do more things to acknowledge previous works. Have Durge make an appearance. Have Fordo make an appearance. Even do a short scene of things that happened in the old show or happened in previous works but I'm not gonna instantly damn Dave and George if it is possible for the new show and old works to coexist and not contradict each other.
The only Real contradiction I am seeing that just can't co exist is Ahsoka in a few little ways and the fact that they had Dooku betray Ventress already and not at the Battle of Boz Pity. And changing Even Piells story. Other than that things seem like they can co exist

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Ozzy667 - - 2,303 comments


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mrl515 - - 888 comments


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Nova_Stihl - - 501 comments

im playing kotor again becuase you said that :P @TheN00btuber

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mrl515 - - 888 comments

By far my favorite SW game of all time. Good choice my friend.

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