Post news RSS A quick recap of the last few weeks.

The problems we're encountering and the reason for our inactivity.

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Hello folks,

The current AI files are a mess. We're currently sorting out the AI's bugs and improvements. I hope to have more news on this in a few weeks/a month. We're currently walking against a big wall with the code, which we are trying to fix over the next couple of weeks.

We are currently working on the mod at the best of our ability. We are currently discussing A LOT of things on our next few steps. I hope you all can understand that the holidays are coming and some of us will spend some time with their families and friends.

I, myself, am trying to come up with ways to give you guys faster and more releases. But for that to happen we need a way to do that for you. If you have followed, or are following, us on the forum (Complex Enhanced - Portal), you can see we have some major plans. The only problem is is that what we have in mind will take a few months.

Give me your opinions on getting a beta released. I will suggest this to the team and maybe we can give you a release with 2-5 (added) ships in the mod. I hope with this I have clarified the time we haven't said or reported anything. Just keep in mind that some of us are currently at holidays or going through family issues.


BlazingAngelz - - 437 comments


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Child_Services - - 68 comments

As far as fixing AI, I think you should start with making it so that every hostile AI in the game doesn't immediately go straight for you regardless of how many allies you have and whether or not those allies are closer to them than you are.

I'd like to see a beta, though! :)

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